So I called out my Ex on Facebook and the dude she cheated on me with..UPDATE W/PICS PAGE 7

Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by infamousod

haven't you had enough fail for one year?


think he would learn not to put his business on NT
Originally Posted by infamousod

Originally Posted by BC2310

Yeah, you took an L, If it was me I would've just acted like nothing happened and pursued a girl that you know would get under her skin (friend/rival/acquaintance). All this blogging and what not definitely comes off a little fem, like you're not over her or else you wouldn't need to vent about it.

If thats how you get things off your chest more power to you but from the outside looking in, it definitely looks like you still got feelings for the broad.

You should've just ignored her, from experience girls that still have feelings for you can't stand it and they will throw it at you whenever they have a chance. Next time If you want to hurt ol' girl's feelings just tell her that you "Did it for the Nookie" and be done with it

so instead of being immature, he should've been childish. got it.

I personally would've ignored it as I stated above (is that being childish or are you referrin to the "nookie" comment?). Dudes feelings areobviously hurt and IMO immature/childish are the same thing so if you're gonna go down that road might as well.
Lol, love NT asking for cliff notes/pics...typical. OP, good vent. BUT I wouldn't have made it public. You know your situation better though, so dowhat's best for you. That girl sounded nasty too haha
[h3]So I called out my Ex on Facebook...and the Dude she cheated on me With[/h3]
And that ^, up there, is where you lost...

Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Really wasn't that long, but the fact you even acknowledged her actions let her win the battle, you put yourself out there as a simp and a bitter ex. Good writing though, punctuation was on point, great pauses. You could work on listing strategies though.
i feel the same........... i read cuz u actually wrote the short story..... but sometimes its best to take the L n keep it moving

P.S. next time write it in ur journal n not facebook/niketalk
Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

you def. sound very salty and ol girl is probably laughin at you with the new man...

either way she's gettin what she wants out of life and he's onfacebook...i think she won homie...
Originally Posted by Dynamic X


This is Jessica Hackney from Brookwood High School Class '09. I'm guessing that may be you in that pic. Or Matt Cooper. I hope it's Matt Cooper because he looks like a ******.
I'm assuming this is Jael Jefferson from the same school, Brookwood High '09. A senior on JV?


MY EX went to brookwood
Calls her up and proceeds to put this story on blast.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

you def. sound very salty and ol girl is probably laughin at you with the new man...

either way she's gettin what she wants out of life and he's on facebook...i think she won homie...
NT is so brutal. I love it.
Originally Posted by JKickz1334

Long story short, posted a vent note on Facebook, did a little roasting and figured I would share. Ill bold the part about her.

Rather than pick a fight with the next person I see who creates an altercation with me, I find it more relaxing to vent and write my thoughts down. Most people know me as a pretty laid back individual ; one who rarely yells or shows much emotion for that matter. Maybe that's the reason it seem to come out at once from time to time, like it is now or is about to. I really don't know why, but I think it was due to an accumulation of events that have transpired over the duration of the past six months or so.

Before I begin this vent, let me make note of a few things. One, this is not in any way a cry for attention. This is simply me portraying emotions about events of the past and present, as well as I how I feel towards certain individuals or groups of people that I have bumped heads with. If you get called out in this, while most of you will not, I promise there will be good reason. In fact, all of the people I tag in this note, no worries, none of you are being called out and none of my words are directed at any of you. For those who stumble across it and feel offended, tough luck. Feel free to fire back, for once I am throwing the first punch in my life. I am not out to play devil's advocate, but certain things need to be let off my chest...

First off, I would like to apologize to the gentleman's car I dented today on I-85 after throwing a half-pound metal lug nut at your passenger door. Am I really sorry? No, but that's what you get when you try to pass me on the shoulder on the on ramp in bumper-to-bumper traffic. You piss people off, and your car gets a dent. Next time, maybe your senile *@! will think twice and not get smart and try to bypass all of us not moving. I apologize for delaying your appointment with your urologist for your Viagra too, I'm sure that can wait unfortunately for your wife. Now you have a dented car and a limp %!#%.

Next on the roast list, all you people out there who think you have to prove yourself better than me. I am by no means perfect, and I am not any better than any human being on the face of this Earth. In my eyes and faith, we are all created equal. But, ha, there's always a but...the minute you attempt to call me out, you better brace yourself and get ready for every word to come out of my mouth like a bat out of hell. I will use everything of my knowledge to prove you inferior to me. I am not one to open my mouth initially, but the minute I feel cornered or attacked prepare to be verbally abused. Call it a %!#% move, but it is what it is.

Next, I need to get some heavy baggage out of my life for good, or out of my mind rather. This is mainly for you, Jessica Hackney. Yes, I have been well over you for quite some time now, and for some, you may argue that this snippet proves otherwise, but think as you wish. Call me bitter, call it a little revenge, but it's been a long time coming and I have held my tongue for far too long. Ever after offers of friendship and compromise, you still have felt the need over the past few months to take cheap shots at me or my sisters, as well as have prepubescent boys "threaten" me to no avail. ( I'm still waiting for Jael Jefferson and his whole JV football team to show up at my house by the way, tell him he can bring his stuffed animal too, thanks).

I just want to thank you for a few things too. Thank you so much for fondling Matt Coopers's %!#% at prom after I left the party. You picked a good one there, he went on to attempt to burn down a school trailer and not graduate. That's awesome. Also, for sending naked picture messages to Xander, and telling Mitchell Smith, a male cheerleader, how much you wanted his %%%%. Cheating on me was also well thought out. You could of at least learned from me and not got caught, but oh well. I know when you got caught red handed, it was upsetting. You blamed me for snooping, well I blame you for being a *+%@$. Looking back now, all these things were easily the best thing to ever happen to me. Despite being upset in the past, I have never been happier now that you are out of life. I owe you one. Yes, I do miss you falling asleep at the concert on my birthday, as well as watching an 18 year old still suck her thumb when she sleeps, and I'll never forget the lies that were told to my face. Those were the best.....(This is sarcasm, folks). You had me going there for a minute there, but I'll let the new boy take over all those strenuous duties now. I'm sure he thinks otherwise, because only true, faithful, and all good stems from the words from your mouth, right? I wish you two all the happiness, and have no hard feelings towards Daniel. But, all those times you thought you were being slick when I was out of town or vice-versa, guess who was being slicker? Me. You once asked me who, but you got so upset that I couldn't get my answer in. All you had to do was specify which month of a year and it would of jogged my memory for which girl...oh well. What goes around comes around though guys, I know that first hand...

Alright enough of that.

Life's a $%@@@ sometimes, but adversity builds character and I am a product of that. Those of you close to me, I do want to thank you for guiding me through a rough patch in my life. I do not think I would of made it without some of ya'lls help and supportive words and persistence. For those of you who don't know, I won't share but I do want to thank a few people. Anna Sammons, I do not care how old or young you are, you are more mature on the emotional level than most people I know. Thanks for everything....Catalina for forcing me out of the house and making me stay on campus when all I wanted to do was go home, BG for being a big brother as always and picking me up when my *@! fell hard, Scott Edwards, Connor, Troy, Madison, Trey G, Nate McKeever, Clint, Jordon M,Christie, Sean John, Ryan K, Shawn Ortega. Most of you don't know Shawn O, but I honestly have not even met the kid but he was there for me when I needed to vent and offer advice. Long story short, me hit me up on Niketalk and the rest is history. Thanks bro, I still owe you some AM 95's. Also my parents for putting up with everything for what felt like forever.

Finally, for those who don't know me, get to know me. I am tired of some people assuming things about me due to the clothes I wear or the car I drive. I will continue to be me, as that what makes me unique, weird, whatever you want to call it. I am usually one of the most down to Earth individuals you will encounter and try to remain as humble as possible. If you choose to think I am arrogant, materialistic, snide, or whatever adjective you want to throw in there, so be it.

That is all, I love yall and thanks for reading. Comment as you please.

There you go NT...Let the hate or props begin. I dont care
Originally Posted by VanillaGorillaDX

This is rather cheesy... should've just not said anything and moved on.

In the end, your ex and her new guy won. You lose by writing up this diary entry.

^^ What he said...
yes you took the L by writing this. Although you try to come off as you don't care, you truly do care about her still and you're just bitter. secondly,why would you talk **% bout her cheating only to say you did it too and didnt get caught? you deserve no sympathy, you got what was coming. fall back.
Anyway, should we let her and that JV scrub know about this?

I'm kind of debating about it...
I don't have the guts to doit, but I'm already sure someone has already hit her up.

Maybe you should just apologize for being immature, or not being able to be above her. You're getting ripped apart right now. I would probably edit yourpost and say you're going to apologize.
Gentlemen, and ladies for the few who are in here.

Sorry for the delayed response, had some errands to run today.

Anyway, let me clear a few things up. One, this happened a year ago. Ha, yes a year ago. I had a bad crash off of my Adderall meds the other day and got pissedoff and wrote this up while I was at work. Lame I know, but its how I vent I guess. I am over the girl, been under a few others since her but I will neverforget what this broad did to me after being with her for two years. Maybe I am bitter, but only because she stays talkin +@#+ about me and my family atschool. This was my it feminine, but its better than going around swinging on ppl.

As for who is who, the kid in her profile picture was not the kid Matt or Mitchell that she cheated on me with. Ill clear a few more things up with these pics.
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