and people in this thread are arguing that its a dumb custom that should be changed 
Contact your state senator about tipping waiters and barbers.

Or just move to literally any other country.
He doesn't live in America.

He lives in America's hat.
best country on earth 
Dude is a contrarian in just about every thread he post in, so it's no surprise here. If you think a tip is 'free money' then IDK what to tell ya.
I just don't see how you can LOGICALLY say it is a display of greater morality by tipping a waiter than it is someone else in a different profession simply because of the difference in base pay

I don't tip because its a moral obligation. I tip because I'm not naive to the way this country works.
Most of those services are part of a overall progressive services, u might tip after you're done for your appreciation to their dedication on you.

Da tip might not even be money, some peoplle get close to their trainers or tutors so xmas or bdays come around and u bless em.

Bro must be a Hispanic thing to understand how tipping works.

Maybe Hispanics have a higher moral barometer.
I just want some of you to understand that you tip for selfish reasons.1. Break stereotypes2. Prevent tampering 3. Make yputlrself feel good so you can talk trash to those that don'tI doubt yall actually give a damn about the well being if the waiters that you tip
I just want some of you to understand that you tip for selfish reasons. 1. Break stereotypes 2. Prevent tampering 3. Make yputlrself feel good so you can talk trash to those that don't I doubt yall actually give a damn about the well being if the waiters that you tip

What about anything you just typed fits the definition of selfish?
if people are having a debate and all you can add to support your side of the argument is "thats just the way it is" you really are not providing any value to the topic

I added my two cents pages ago, papi. You have to understand its american custom though. That's it. Literally. Thats it. Don't agree? Don't go to restaurants just to stiff people. Keeping that pocket change won't make a difference in your life. That can't be that tough of a concept.
I just want some of you to understand that you tip for selfish reasons. 1. Break stereotypes 2. Prevent tampering 3. Make yputlrself feel good so you can talk trash to those that don't I doubt yall actually give a damn about the well being if the waiters that you tip

DC gon DC

I just want some of you to understand that you tip for selfish reasons. 1. Break stereotypes 2. Prevent tampering 3. Make yputlrself feel good so you can talk trash to those that don't I doubt yall actually give a damn about the well being if the waiters that you tip

I'm a giver bro. I think about people less fortunate than me. If somebody's livelihood depends on my tip, Ima hold it down.
I'm a man of the people, b.

DC - You really playing the "there's no selfless good deed" card crazy out here.
You are better than this.
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I added my two cents pages ago, papi. You have to understand its american custom though. That's it. Literally. Thats it. Don't agree? Don't go to restaurants just to stiff people. Keeping that pocket change won't make a difference in your life. That can't be that tough of a concept.

Dude living in denial of their cheap ways, that is all I see in this thread, with a hint of 1%er mentality and a splash of Trumpism.
if people are having a debate and all you can add to support your side of the argument is "thats just the way it is" you really are not providing any value to the topic
I added my two cents pages ago, papi. You have to understand its american custom though. That's it. Literally. Thats it. Don't agree? Don't go to restaurants just to stiff people. Keeping that pocket change won't make a difference in your life. That can't be that tough of a concept.
Idk. Can buy a lot of things with that extra pocket money. Like more food.
You either tip for your own ego or for the well being of the worker.

Everyone that tips doesn't do it to look out for the worker.

So to ASSUME, all tipper have a greater moral Compass than all non tippers isn't a safe assumption
You either tip for your own ego or for the well being of the worker.

Everyone that tips doesn't do it to look out for the worker.

So to ASSUME, all tipper have a greater moral Compass than all non tippers isn't a safe assumption

None of that means selfish tho.
If any of those professions paid minimum wage unless people tipped then yes we should.
So it makes a person MORE moral by tipping someone that they know makes less money?

So it comes back to the original point. We are "supposed" to tip those professions because they make less than minimum wage?
if it's more moral to tip someone that makes less money..

am I more moral than you if I start giving all the money that would have gone to tipping to homeless people with 0 income? 

0 < minimum wage right? 
If any of those professions paid minimum wage unless people tipped then yes we should.
So it makes a person MORE moral by tipping someone that they know makes less money?

So it comes back to the original point. We are "supposed" to tip those professions because they make less than minimum wage?

if it's more moral to tip someone that makes less money..

am I more moral than you if I start giving all the money that would have gone to tipping to homeless people with 0 income? 

I added my two cents pages ago, papi. You have to understand its american custom though. That's it. Literally. Thats it. Don't agree? Don't go to restaurants just to stiff people. Keeping that pocket change won't make a difference in your life. That can't be that tough of a concept.

Dude living in denial of their cheap ways, that is all I see in this thread, with a hint of 1%er mentality and a splash of Trumpism.

Same cats that want to raise taxes on the wealthy are the ones that don't want to tip the dudes making less than min wage.
How they don't see the hypocrisy in that is beyond me.
You either tip for your own ego or for the well being of the worker.

Everyone that tips doesn't do it to look out for the worker.

So to ASSUME, all tipper have a greater moral Compass than all non tippers isn't a safe assumption

Definitely not all but this coincides with what I said on these type of decisions trickle in to other aspects of how you live.

Idk. Can buy a lot of things with that extra pocket money. Like more food.

That's being hoodrich. Not the ideal way to live. Live within your means. You got plenty of options. Groceries or mcdonalds.
If any of those professions paid minimum wage unless people tipped then yes we should.
So it makes a person MORE moral by tipping someone that they know makes less money?

So it comes back to the original point. We are "supposed" to tip those professions because they make less than minimum wage?

if it's more moral to tip someone that makes less money..

am I more moral than you if I start giving all the money that would have gone to tipping to homeless people with 0 income? 

0 < minimum wage right? 
You should make enough money to do both.
so if I dont give money to the homeless I have bad morals? 
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