they take the job because they get paid to do the job

if they dont make enough then get another job, dont ask me to make up the difference 
Maybe they should just NOT work at all and live off our tax dollars instead?...then maybe you won't feel like they taking advantage of you, since is the government shafting you and not the business owner...
i mean they could, depends on how much their cost of living is. if its too high then they kind of have to get a job.
You think serving food is a minimum wage caliber profession?

You think any person in America making minimum wage is winning?

It's win/win brah. They should be grateful they have a job to serve the likes of me.... me me me. Otherwise why would they take the job. Am I right?

they take the job because they get paid to do the job

if they dont make enough then get another job, dont ask me to make up the difference 
And the kids' you tutor parents should make enough money to send their kids to a better school.
i mean they should, but its not the kids fault that their parents dont. so I think it's important to help them out so that in the future they can afford to get their kids better education. 

for waiters, it is 100% on them for having the job they have. 
 @Master Zik  not understanding that playing Blackjack for 20 mins and not really winning anything and THEN leaving is a sucka move. Then he screams about people not having morals for not tipping bad service.

THis dude sleeps with hsi best friend's ex-wife

Co-signs Derek Fisher AND D'Angelo Russell

Dude needs serious help man
i mean they could, depends on how much their cost of living is. if its too high then they kind of have to get a job.

The way the economy is designed, for people willing to do the leg work, they can very well live off government assistance that mostly comes out the middle working class pockets....but hey maybe you feel better supporting these individuals this way than them wanting to earn their living by serving you and your family and dropping a couple of DARE THEY EXPECT "CHARITY" FROM THE LIKES OF YOU!
@ksteezy  What about tipping a tutor or a private music insctructor?

Or how about a personal trainer, martial arts instructor

Shouldn't we be tipping those people as well?
i mean they should, but its not the kids fault that their parents dont. so I think it's important to help them out so that in the future they can afford to get their kids better education. 

for waiters, it is 100% on them for having the job they have. 

100% on them?...oh rly?

Didn't know being a waiter was a sought after career.

Brags about helping the kids for free, shames their parents for having a job that depends on dudes don't even comprehend how ironic and stupid some of you sound.
i mean they could, depends on how much their cost of living is. if its too high then they kind of have to get a job.
The way the economy is designed, for people willing to do the leg work, they can very well live off government assistance that mostly comes out the middle working class pockets....but hey maybe you feel better supporting these individuals this way than them wanting to earn their living by serving you and your family and dropping a couple of DARE THEY EXPECT "CHARITY" FROM THE LIKES OF YOU!
hey if they can do that and live a better life than waiting tables I have no problem with that.

its their life, they can live it however they want to. just dont complain about not having a high standard of living. 
i mean they should, but its not the kids fault that their parents dont. so I think it's important to help them out so that in the future they can afford to get their kids better education. 

for waiters, it is 100% on them for having the job they have. 

100% on them?...oh rly?

Didn't know being a waiter was a sought after career.

Brags about helping the kids for free, shames their parents for having a job that depends on dudes don't even comprehend how ironic and stupid some of you sound.

They know half of em just trolling.

I hope.
If any of those professions paid minimum wage unless people tipped then yes we should.
So it makes a person MORE moral by tipping someone that they know makes less money?

So it comes back to the original point. We are "supposed" to tip those professions because they make less than minimum wage?
they take the job because they get paid to do the job

if they dont make enough then get another job, dont ask me to make up the difference 

Not everyone starts off with an equal footing in life....hate to break that news to you..
Being a server is one of the few honest jobs left in America where you can make a decent living with little education. Why is it so hard to understand that tipping is an American custom? Don't like the service, don't tip well. Enjoyed the place? Tip well. That's how it is. Don't like it? Don't go to restaurants. They seem to be too expensive for most of you anyhow, of you care that much for pocket change. Live within your means. Don't be a douche and justify it by thinking you're a positive contratrian.
 What about tipping a tutor or a private music insctructor?

Or how about a personal trainer, martial arts instructor

Shouldn't we be tipping those people as well?

Most of those services are part of a overall progressive services, u might tip after you're done for your appreciation to their dedication on you.

Da tip might not even be money, some peoplle get close to their trainers or tutors so xmas or bdays come around and u bless em.
i mean they should, but its not the kids fault that their parents dont. so I think it's important to help them out so that in the future they can afford to get their kids better education. 

for waiters, it is 100% on them for having the job they have. 
100% on them?...oh rly?

Didn't know being a waiter was a sought after career.

Brags about helping the kids for free, shames their parents for having a job that depends on dudes don't even comprehend how ironic and stupid some of you sound.
its not a sought after job, not sure why you think that

if someone cant find any job other than being a waiter, it's 100% on them

nothing wrong with being a waiter, there is no shame in that. there is shame in asking people for free money for a job they already get paid to do. 
 What about tipping a tutor or a private music insctructor?

Or how about a personal trainer, martial arts instructor

Shouldn't we be tipping those people as well?

Often times you pay these people very well for their services since they are self employed for the most part, so is up to you but not something anyone will frown upon if you don't, I'm a self employed wedding photographer, sometimes I get a tip, sometimes I don't...I don't lose my *** when I don't get ripped because I'm working for myself and what I charge my brides is set by me and I only have to split it with Uncle Sam....when I do get a tip I'm incentivized to speed up their editing tho....if I don't I don't trip.

You can't compare a self employed trainer, music teacher, etc to a waiter/waitress...ya gotta be smart enough to differentiate between who depends on tips and who doesn't.
I just don't see how you can LOGICALLY say it is a display of greater morality by tipping a waiter than it is someone else in a different profession simply because of the difference in base pay
 What about tipping a tutor or a private music insctructor?

Or how about a personal trainer, martial arts instructor

Shouldn't we be tipping those people as well?

I tipped my music teacher during Xmas. Do the same with UPS cause they deliver packages almost daily from amazon. I see the UPS driver busts his ***. These aren't typical as tipping waiters though. It's custom in America for the 800th time. The others are not. It's an unwritten rule to tip your waiter accordingly in America. Not in on the rule?.. that ain't American.
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Most of those services are part of a overall progressive services, u might tip after you're done for your appreciation to their dedication on you.

Da tip might not even be money, some peoplle get close to their trainers or tutors so xmas or bdays come around and u bless em.

Bro must be a Hispanic thing to understand how tipping works.
I just don't see how you can LOGICALLY say it is a display of greater morality by tipping a waiter than it is someone else in a different profession simply because of the difference in base pay

Because we all know IN AMERICA waitressing is a job that depends on tips, is not the waiter coming to your table with their hand out like some of these fools are makin it out to be.
and people in this thread are arguing that its a dumb custom that should be changed 
Contact your state senator about tipping waiters and barbers.

Or just move to literally any other country.
if people are having a debate and all you can add to support your side of the argument is "thats just the way it is" you really are not providing any value to the topic
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