These are the type of people I call CHEAP but apparently the truth burns these fools deeeeeep.

You guys ever double date with a dude that pulls out a calculator to subtract his exact portion of the bill? How are dudes not embarrassed doing this *** in front of another man? I'm accustomed to split the bill 50/50 regardless of who order what or who's wife ordered more drinks....calculation pennies is sad.....get your networth up.

Same dudes that would probably split a meal with they girl....smh....buying your girl food is just as silly of a social construct as tipping a waiter.

I've had the experience not too long ago. :smh:

On his girls b-day :smh: :x
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Of course it doesn't, but I don't have a choice to pay taxes.

Since tipping is optional I have the choice to spend that money somewhere else. I have to choice to "donate" to something I feel is more important

All this noise over PENNIES b

Ya straight up sad, what point are you fools tryin to prove?..
Most charities are a scam.

I run free workshops for local high schools and give free curriculum development consultations about twice a month because our public school system is underfunded and I believe all kids should have the right to a good education.

Guess what career a ton of people that have already passed through that educational system end up with?
Of course it doesn't, but I don't have a choice to pay taxes.

Since tipping is optional I have the choice to spend that money somewhere else. I have to choice to "donate" to something I feel is more important
All this noise over PENNIES b

Ya straight up sad, what point are you fools tryin to prove?..
Most charities are a scam.

I run free workshops for local high schools and give free curriculum development consultations about twice a month because our public school system is underfunded and I believe all kids should have the right to a good education.

Guess what career a ton of people that have already passed through that educational system end up with?
and that's why I'm working to empower kids to strive for better. 

too many people are stuck in terrible jobs because they didnt get much out of their education 
I would still like a non-tipper to address this.

I'll address it.

A lot of other services that DONT require tips also fall in this category. Why are we putting the burden on people who dont tip, as if everyone who came through tipped then the store would strive. You know cot darn well it wont. Hell, i bet tips are the LEAST of their problems for failing.

Again, there are countries and even places within America where restaurants flourish without the need of tipping.

Tipping is only further purpetuating this stereotype the certain individuals dont tip, and that non-tippers are cheap and their foods need to be tampered with.

Why not eliminate that negative stigma that tipping carries by just eliminating the whole system? It's not gonna somehow just destroy the industry..

>b-b-but servers wont have any motivation to work....

The proper way to do this is to NOT patronize businesses that have tipping as part of their business model to pay their employees.

But if you KNOW the waitress is making 2.13 an hour and still patronize that business you are only hurting the employee not the business and nothing is going to change.
The proper way to do this is to NOT patronize businesses that have tipping as part of their business model to pay their employees.

But if you KNOW the waitress is making 2.13 an hour and still patronize that business you are only hurting the employee not the business and nothing is going to change.

Again, why is this the CUSTOMERS fault? Tipping is OPTIONAL.


A tipped employee engages in an occupation in which he or she customarily and regularly receives more than $30 per month in tips. An employer of a tipped employee is only required to pay $2.13 per hour in direct wages if that amount combined with the tips received at least equals the federal minimum wage. If the employee’s tips combined with the employer’s direct wages of at least $2.13 per hour do not equal the federal minimum hourly wage, the employer must make up the difference. Many states, however, require higher direct wage amounts for tipped employees.
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The proper way to do this is to NOT patronize businesses that have tipping as part of their business model to pay their employees.

But if you KNOW the waitress is making 2.13 an hour and still patronize that business you are only hurting the employee not the business and nothing is going to change.

Again, why is this the CUSTOMERS fault? Tipping is OPTIONAL.


A tipped employee engages in an occupation in which he or she customarily and regularly receives more than $30 per month in tips. An employer of a tipped employee is only required to pay $2.13 per hour in direct wages if that amount combined with the tips received at least equals the federal minimum wage. If the employee’s tips combined with the employer’s direct wages of at least $2.13 per hour do not equal the federal minimum hourly wage, the employer must make up the difference. Many states, however, require higher direct wage amounts for tipped employees.

It's the customer's fault because you are knowingly contributing to a shady business practice.

I guess its not the customer's fault either when you buy products from companies that use child and sweat labor either.
70+ pages on not tipping... In a sneaker forum where we droppin thousands on shoes...

I just hope none of ya wearing jewelry while ya stiffin these employees :smh: :lol:
70+ pages on not tipping... In a sneaker forum where we droppin thousands on shoes...

I just hope none of ya wearing jewelry while ya stiffin these employees
You of all people are pro-tipping?!?!

Man you never cease to amaze me.
It's the customer's fault because you are knowingly contributing to a shady business practice.

I guess its not the customer's fault either when you buy products from companies that use child and sweat labor either.

Again, If we don't tip, they get paid minimum wage, win win.

child / sweat labor is a whole nother issue.
70+ pages on not tipping... In a sneaker forum where we droppin thousands on shoes...

I just hope none of ya wearing jewelry while ya stiffin these employees :smh: :lol:

Cats is wearing $200 sweatpants and giving money to strippers, but talking about they not trying to waste money on tips.

Cats talkin about "they should've got a better job" but voting for Hillary cause she'll keep social services lit.

Cats talkin bout they don't tip because they are not going to let these greedy employers get away with this type of corporate abuse, but they are directly supporting said abuse by dining there in the first place.

Contradictions are plenty in here.
It's the customer's fault because you are knowingly contributing to a shady business practice.

I guess its not the customer's fault either when you buy products from companies that use child and sweat labor either.

Again, If we don't tip, they get paid minimum wage, win win.

child / sweat labor is a whole nother issue.

You think serving food is a minimum wage caliber profession?

You think any person in America making minimum wage is winning?
70+ pages on not tipping... In a sneaker forum where we droppin thousands on shoes...

I just hope none of ya wearing jewelry while ya stiffin these employees :smh: :lol:

Cats is wearing $200 sweatpants and giving money to strippers, but talking about they not trying to waste money on tips.

Cats talkin about "they should've got a better job" but voting for Hillary cause she'll keep social services lit.

Cats talkin bout they don't tip because they are not going to let these greedy employers get away with this type of corporate abuse, but they are directly supporting said abuse by dining there in the first place.

Contradictions are plenty in here.

Its disgusting.

An extra 10 bucks thats stuck in your wallet gonna hurt ya night? Damn playboy :lol:...

I mean ya GOTS to be trolling.. Ya telling me if you sittin with a thick broad eatin a late dinner before u pound her brakes off..
Da bill comes and u ONLY leaving da exact amount? Nah i cant see it...especially if da server was a broad? She gonna find a way to let da honey u wit

that you a straight broke/cheapboy either w/ a stare,telepathically, **** a carrier pigeon...ur date and soon everyone in that restaurant world know u a piece of [emoji]128169[/emoji]
It's the customer's fault because you are knowingly contributing to a shady business practice.

I guess its not the customer's fault either when you buy products from companies that use child and sweat labor either.
Again, If we don't tip, they get paid minimum wage, win win.

child / sweat labor is a whole nother issue.

You think serving food is a minimum wage caliber profession?

You think any person in America making minimum wage is winning?
Making a solid base income instead of relying on the charity of strangers to pay your bills is definitely a win.
You think serving food is a minimum wage caliber profession?

You think any person in America making minimum wage is winning?

It's win/win brah. They should be grateful they have a job to serve the likes of me.... me me me. Otherwise why would they take the job. Am I right?

(Sarcasm over)
You think serving food is a minimum wage caliber profession?

You think any person in America making minimum wage is winning?
It's win/win brah. They should be grateful they have a job to serve the likes of me.... me me me. Otherwise why would they take the job. Am I right?
they take the job because they get paid to do the job

if they dont make enough then get another job, dont ask me to make up the difference 
they take the job because they get paid to do the job

if they dont make enough then get another job, dont ask me to make up the difference 

Maybe they should just NOT work at all and live off our tax dollars instead?...then maybe you won't feel like they taking advantage of you, since is the government shafting you and not the business owner...
You think serving food is a minimum wage caliber profession?

You think any person in America making minimum wage is winning?

It's win/win brah. They should be grateful they have a job to serve the likes of me.... me me me. Otherwise why would they take the job. Am I right?

they take the job because they get paid to do the job

if they dont make enough then get another job, dont ask me to make up the difference 

And the kids' you tutor parents should make enough money to send their kids to a better school.
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Up in arms for being shamed about not tipping, proceeds to shame hard working individuals that can't find better jobs and work as waiters.
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