oooh so ur parents buy u everything
got it

Yep they pay for every single thing I have in life. Nice assumption again. Please continue to enjoy your Mcdining experiences without tipping. As a matter of fact Ill PayPal you some money for you and your girl's next trip to Red Robin and don't worry Ill include enough for a tip clown.
Im in school full time, I live on the waterfront in my city and drive a new X5. Nice assumption on your part though.
Man wtf am I doing wrong? Valet driver driving a new x5 and living in a waterfront apartment? Wtf is this ****
I'm entitled because I pay my own way while I'm in school? Im sorry you lack the work ethic and knowhow.

So you can afford the mortgage on a waterfront property, a X5 and full time tuition on a valets salary?

If so my bad, you got me.

I ain't know y'all made it like that.
Yep they pay for every single thing I have in life. Nice assumption again. Please continue to enjoy your Mcdining experiences without tipping. As a matter of fact Ill PayPal you some money for you and your girl's next trip to Red Robin and don't worry Ill include enough for a tip clown.
dont eat at mcdonalds
or red robins
but if u gonna PayPal me money
im not gonna decline it
So you can afford the mortgage on a waterfront property, a X5 and full time tuition on a valets salary?

If so my bad, you got me.

I ain't know y'all made it like that.
I rent (condos here are 900K+), have very little student loans due to scholarships for my grades and the car was because I wanted to. Having a wife who makes as much as I do doesn't hurt our situation either.
I think too many servers take tipping for granted, and so do customers.

My GF always tips 20% minimum regardless, even when she complains about the service. I don’t get it. It promotes poor service. I’ve never completely stiffed a server regardless of how bad they were but I’ve given lousy tips for lousy service and huge tips for exceptional service.

Why does it have to be a certain percentage? Do I tip a delivery person different amounts when I’m still just getting one bag? Does it matter if it’s a $9 Chinese dinner or a $45 steak dinner? Even in restaurants... I can get one drink and one plate that costs $100... or five drinks and five plates that cost $50. Yet I should tip twice as much for the former? Seems weird to me.

Then there is the question of when are tips really appropriate?

My girl goes to this high-end hairdresser and it’s literally ALL day or sometimes two sessions and the cost (to me, at least) is insane. Final tally is always in the $600-1000 range.... and then she tips a couple hundred! She says it’s because she’s so good. I say that’s the premium she charges. If she worked in a Supercuts and it costs $40 I get deserving the huge tip, but it’s like me tipping a car salesman a couple G’s for selling me an r8 at sticker.

Tipping in general is a weird concept. How come we don’t tip firemen after they put out a fire or police when they stop a crime? How about the people that ring up/pack our groceries? Sneaker store employees for getting our size from the back and unlacing so we can try on? My parents never tipped my teachers when I aced a test.

I’ve never worked in a job that I could get tipped but if I did I would be as personable and accommodating as possible. A lot of servers shouldn’t be servers.
Always confused about anyone who says "you should tip," and wonder why they feel that way. Shouldn't everyone have the option to do as they please with their money? Any waiter / waitress who doesn't get minimum wage would be paid the difference by their employer anyway. Can't stand hearing, "but they get paid under minimum wage."

I tip based on service. I've gone without tipping for **** service, and tipped well for great service. I'm not an advocate for tipping, but don't have a problem with what someone does with their money after they paid for their food / service.
If you can't afford to pay your employees then don't own a business.

You broke.

Stay in your lane and stop leaching off customers with ya broke ***.
Facts on facts on FACTS

If I don't hear it, why should it bother me?

Imagine giving someone money just for handing you an overpriced drink.
I be so appalled listening to fools reasoning.
Professionalism and having a bad day are not one in the same. People could have the best day of their life and be unprofessional correlation not cause.
You not tipping every time you go out is somehow attached to your bad day(s) you must be upset a lot.
In that same sentence you must have missed where I said if you're a d*ckhead to your valet then they will hot rod your car around.
Valet? ****** can't park their own cars?

1st world problems.
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Jesus. This is how y'all view people who make less money than you?
Thats exactly how I react to the absurd notion that I should feel some type of way to the idea of ppl who rely on tips talking down on me.

If fools want to get out of pocket, fine. I'll be all the way outta pocket like Brett Favre on 4th and 40.
I rent (condos here are 900K+), have very little student loans due to scholarships for my grades and the car was because I wanted to. Having a wife who makes as much as I do doesn't hurt our situation either.
ur wife a valet too???
If you can't afford to pay your employees then don't own a business.

You broke.

Stay in your lane and stop leaching off customers with ya broke ***.

That’s like every sit down restaurant or diner in the u.s. They can afford to pay waiters more but the system in place doesn’t require them to. If tipping was eliminated then i’d expect all places to up their prices.
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