I valet full time at an expensive hotel and the tips are the best part about the job honestly. My perspective on tipping has always been 20% is standard and 15% if I get bad service. Most would say "I don't tip if I get bad service!" are service workers not allowed to have a bad day or an off day like any other human being? When you have a bad day at work do you still get paid DUH, don't take it personally, Im sure your server probably has more going on in life than you. If you can not afford to tip then you probably can't afford to eat there in the first place. From the valet side of things if you are a d*ckhead to your valet then odds are they are going to drive your most expensive possession (not including your house) like a stunt driver. Plus valets will take care of you if you take care of them, if you don't then have fun waiting 30 minutes for your car and getting little to no assistance with what you need. If you can't afford to tip or you don't like to tip then you're most likely too broke to be hanging out there anyway.

Out of curiosity. How would you feel if your job decided to increase your hourly pay while at the same time not allowing you guys to receive tips?

Asking because I see folks in the service industry griping about the occasional non tipper, but when I tell them I hope they could just get a solid hourly wage so they don’t have to rely on tips. Every response has been something along the lines of “Na we get paid nice of the tips we make”

That part about the valet driving reckless with someone’s car is disturbing, unprofessional and reckless. You’re going to do all that because you feel slighted someone didn’t give you something they aren’t obligated to give you? Wow.

How about be a professional. Have a sense of pride in your work. Don’t take it personal when you get a non tipper, work twice as hard and get your money off the next few guests.

If you’re ok taking tips due to social norms despite knowing you didn’t provide your best service to that guest, you shouldn’t take it personal when other guests don’t tip for whatever reason it may be.
so many establishments now include gratuity with the overall bill

when you find that out do you get up and leave? or refuse to go there?

Also if you hanging out with family/friends and everyone is splitting the bill with the tip do you just refuse?
That’s like every sit down restaurant or diner in the u.s. They can afford to pay waiters more but the system in place doesn’t require them to. If tipping was eliminated then i’d expect all places to up their prices.

Then the "if you can't afford to eat out, don't eat out" argument would make sense.

The "if you don't believe in tips then don't eat out" argument is so STUPID!
Out of curiosity. How would you feel if your job decided to increase your hourly pay while at the same time not allowing you guys to receive tips?

Asking because I see folks in the service industry griping about the occasional non tipper, but when I tell them I hope they could just get a solid hourly wage so they don’t have to rely on tips. Every response has been something along the lines of “Na we get paid nice of the tips we make”

That part about the valet driving reckless with someone’s car is disturbing, unprofessional and reckless. You’re going to do all that because you feel slighted someone didn’t give you something they aren’t obligated to give you? Wow.

How about be a professional. Have a sense of pride in your work. Don’t take it personal when you get a non tipper, work twice as hard and get your money off the next few guests.

If you’re ok taking tips due to social norms despite knowing you didn’t provide your best service to that guest, you shouldn’t take it personal when other guests don’t tip for whatever reason it may be.
Same bull **** these clowns be on with waiters talking about expect them to do something nasty to ya food.

They just be reaffirming the service industry is filled with scumbags.
Before reading nt, I didn’t know there were people who don’t tip or were very anti-tipping. Even my dad tips and he’s the cheapest person I know, usually a buck or two. All the big group dinners i’ve been to, no one’s ever refused to throw in money for the tip.
so many establishments now include gratuity with the overall bill

when you find that out do you get up and leave? or refuse to go there?

Also if you hanging out with family/friends and everyone is splitting the bill with the tip do you just refuse?

I’ll pay it. I’m aware of it prior to eating. If the service is good I’ll still tip the waiter.

The one time I got bad service at a gratuity spot in Vegas I just called visa and disputed the gratuity charge and had it refunded back to my credit card within 3 days.
so many establishments now include gratuity with the overall bill

when you find that out do you get up and leave? or refuse to go there?

Also if you hanging out with family/friends and everyone is splitting the bill with the tip do you just refuse?
Refuse to tip, just pay what you ordered.

As for gratuity, I've said so many times that these places need to just cut out tipping and rqise the price for their food across the board. Miss me with that 5 ppl or more bull ****.
Out of curiosity. How would you feel if your job decided to increase your hourly pay while at the same time not allowing you guys to receive tips?

Asking because I see folks in the service industry griping about the occasional non tipper, but when I tell them I hope they could just get a solid hourly wage so they don’t have to rely on tips. Every response has been something along the lines of “Na we get paid nice of the tips we make”

That part about the valet driving reckless with someone’s car is disturbing, unprofessional and reckless. You’re going to do all that because you feel slighted someone didn’t give you something they aren’t obligated to give you? Wow.

How about be a professional. Have a sense of pride in your work. Don’t take it personal when you get a non tipper, work twice as hard and get your money off the next few guests.

If you’re ok taking tips due to social norms despite knowing you didn’t provide your best service to that guest, you shouldn’t take it personal when other guests don’t tip for whatever reason it may be.

Based on my states minimum wage and the tips my coworkers and I make regularly they'd have to pay us 2.5 times what they do now which I don't see happening. If they did sure that'd be great and Id have zero issue with that but like I said that's a huge increase.

I don't drive cars like a maniac but you'd be surprised to see what some guys will do in these cars.

As far as your work twice as hard for the next person line that sounds nice in theory but that is not how it works.
Same bull **** these clowns be on with waiters talking about expect them to do something nasty to ya food.

They just be reaffirming the service industry is filled with scumbags.

The sense of entitlement and mindset some of them have is crazy. I’ve seen some post pics of the receipts of celebrities who didn’t tip them what they felt was an acceptable tip.

I totally don’t mind tipping good service and that’s my personal take on it. But to think less of someone who doesn’t tip for whatever reason is just self serving to me.
Before reading nt, I didn’t know there were people who don’t tip or were very anti-tipping. Even my dad tips and he’s the cheapest person I know, usually a buck or two. All the big group dinners i’ve been to, no one’s ever refused to throw in money for the tip.

It's not that we don't tip.

I tip.

I'm against the social construct of tipping being mandatory and if we don't tip, our cars get driven reckless and our food is tampered with.

Or, we (as blacks) are predetermined as none tippers so our service is subpar because of that.
Based on my states minimum wage and the tips my coworkers and I make regularly they'd have to pay us 2.5 times what they do now which I don't see happening. If they did sure that'd be great and Id have zero issue with that but like I said that's a huge increase.
Look at you making excuses for boss man :smh:

"I-I-I understand why I don't get paid min wage"

This that indentured servitude mentality. Sounding like a serf right now.
Before reading nt, I didn’t know there were people who don’t tip or were very anti-tipping. Even my dad tips and he’s the cheapest person I know, usually a buck or two. All the big group dinners i’ve been to, no one’s ever refused to throw in money for the tip.
i personally dont know anyone who refuses to tip
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