I don’t get why it’s so hard to just tip. If it’s average, forgettable service. You tip. Period. It’s expected and part of the understanding of you taking space in that restaurant. If you’re having bad service immediately get the manager and get a new server. It’s that simple. Instead of looking for reasons to not tip why are you sitting there and taking subpar service?
I don't think it is HARD, people simply use their RIGHT to decline to do it. That is their choice, it shouldn't really bother anyone else.

You can say, "I tip, PERIOD." But everyone doesn't subscribe to that social norm. They are well within their right to do so.

It is that simple


simple scenario...

strip club is open

NO ONE tips the strippers

they buy drinks at the bar
buy food
pay to get in

who gets paid?

the bartender.
the DJ.
the owner.

who doesnt?

this goes on for days, weeks, months

hmmm, soon no strippers will be there to NOT tip

no more strippers
no more strip club

cmon now, we’re creeping up on McFly status now
Yea this is such a realistic situation. Plenty of people have no issue throwing their dollars at the strippers, doesn't mean people that don't are MORALLY wrong. It is a place of congregation, it isn't REQUIRED to tip them. Again, if someone WANTS to go just to hang out, that is on them. I won't shame them, as you seem to be trying hard to do.
I tip cause I worked in the restaurant business. I tip my barber only if is he my go or the new barber does better than my old guy.

I tip cause it leaves a good impression on you as a person when you come back for service again and most of the time the person who I tipped tends to “hook” me up cause they know I’m not slim with pockets.
Every human being I know tips twenty percent. Even my poorest friends. I don't know what ya'll are on but that is crazy to me.

I also don't get this percentage BS.

Wasn't it 12% at one time?

You get what I choose to give.

9/10 you getting this $5 regardless.
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