So I had sex with a Clingy Fat Chick. VOL HELP ME

This is what my sister does. She looks him in the eye and says "Look at me..... Now look at you..... Look at me again. In what world would that happen?"
Never seen anyone come up with a smart response to that.

She should then get the hint
Not trying to blow up spots, but just a month ago OP was a virgin.

View media item 260101

Now unless Ninjahood spit on him between then and now, dude really has no basis for claiming the chick that potentially took his V-card is being clingy...:lol:

OP, like I said earlier, salvage this unfortunate situation--as you see it--and make something positive out of it.

Think, you could use her to perfect your noob-level stroke game before moving on to greener pastures and worthier game.

Don't miss or mess up this opportunity.



You're not blowing up spots, it's quite obvious what son is tryna Portray. You are not that dude op, not yet anyways.

View media item 260192
Wait! Wait a minute....dude went from Evan in hangover to Leon a month. What a character. She was probably doing you a favor cornball.

I am not a save myself kind of guy. In fact my standards are low. Like I said before, all I ask for is a girl over the age of (well I wont say), 4/10, willing to ****, and not fat.

Your first **** was bad, and you should feel bad.
From your fellow 20sum year old virgin
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I am not a save myself kind of guy. In fact my standards are low. Like I said before, all I ask for is a girl over the age of (well I wont say), 4/10, willing to ****, and not fat.

Your first **** was bad, and you should feel bad.
From your fellow 20sum year old virgin

My first lay was maybe my worst lay. No regrets... she wasn't fat though
I may be off in my analysis of the situation, so please pardon me if I say something wrong, but it appears to me that you only have an issue with her because she's "fat", right?

Would you honestly be put off by her clingy-ness if she was an absolute dime? I reckon the answer is no, so what it boils down to is you being dismissive simply because she's fat. Now everyone is entitled to their preferences, so I aint gonna judge, but have you legitimately considered the benefits of your situation?

You only see a fat chick that is clingy. I see the gift that keeps on giving-- a chick that will do whatever you want if only you give her a bit of attention (not too much, just a little bit).

Your dad is a wise man, listen to him, and not these clowns here on NT. You've already smashed once so what's a few more times in the future, for when the drought season is in full effect--which WILL, UNDOUBTEDLY, HAPPEN. I say you keep her around and keep smashing. The worst that can happen is that she gets tired of you using her for sex (and money, food, cleaning, etc) and eventually leaves of her own volition. At this point, you've been spared the task of being the "bad guy" all the while deriving yambs on yambs on yambs from her. It's a win win for you. And as far as the best thing that can happen, the sky is the limit.

See the positive in your situation before making any regretful decisions...:lol:


This post actually made sense! :wow:
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