So I had sex with a Clingy Fat Chick. VOL HELP ME

How much does she weigh. It sounds like you didn't even enjoy yourself and you're gonna keep her around. Usually guys do that because she has some out of this world talent but looks like someone said you were a virgin so eh. You're in college and sounds like this one can eat so you should probably tell her let's stick to eating salad champ. You look like you've had enough to eat already :smile:
lol. At least you can step up your pipe game with this broad. How big is she?

idk how people can talk to their parents about their sex lives. That will never happen between me and my dad. I wasn't allowed to date in HS now all of a sudden he wants me to talk to him about dating someone? :smh:
Not trying to blow up spots, but just a month ago OP was a virgin.

Now unless Ninjahood spit on him between then and now, dude really has no basis for claiming the chick that potentially took his V-card is being clingy...

OP, like I said earlier, salvage this unfortunate situation--as you see it--and make something positive out of it.

Think, you could use her to perfect your noob-level stroke game before moving on to greener pastures and worthier game.

Don't miss or mess up this opportunity.


You prob lost your V-card to her, don't deny it. You murked yourself on this one OP.
Not trying to blow up spots, but just a month ago OP was a virgin.

View media item 260101

Now unless Ninjahood spit on him between then and now, dude really has no basis for claiming the chick that potentially took his V-card is being clingy...:lol:

OP, like I said earlier, salvage this unfortunate situation--as you see it--and make something positive out of it.

Think, you could use her to perfect your noob-level stroke game before moving on to greener pastures and worthier game.

Don't miss or mess up this opportunity.


View media item 260536

You prob lost your V-card to her, don't deny it. You murked yourself on this one OP.

View media item 260537
Not trying to blow up spots, but just a month ago OP was a virgin.

View media item 260101

Now unless Ninjahood spit on him between then and now, dude really has no basis for claiming the chick that potentially took his V-card is being clingy...:lol:

OP, like I said earlier, salvage this unfortunate situation--as you see it--and make something positive out of it.

Think, you could use her to perfect your noob-level stroke game before moving on to greener pastures and worthier game.

Don't miss or mess up this opportunity.



Sorry yall No pics otherwise I would provide. I dont even know this chicks last name otherwise I would facebook her. My finger smells like Curry Goat.
He also said to give her a card with a Rose to be extra nice about it. Said treat the bad ones good and she will tell the good ones your great.

your dad is brilliant yo thats some :x advice. damn i wish i woulda known in my college years.
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