So I went to jail for the first time last night...

You didn't get arrested for spitting on a sidewalk. You don't even know why you got kicked out of the club. I'm sure you were a walking target to throw in detox. Maybe you puked on the sidewalk instead.
Originally Posted by OHyeah10

I made a friend in there

i bet you did


"so show me how you spit on the sidewalk"
jail is wack as hell though. i would never want to go in there ever again, that was the most boring time of my life
jail is wack as hell though. i would never want to go in there ever again, that was the most boring time of my life
Wait a second...
No one had on Cement 3's in there did they??? I mean, they probably don't have them on now, but....

Wait a second...
No one had on Cement 3's in there did they??? I mean, they probably don't have them on now, but....

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