So INCEPTION is One of the BEST Movies I have ever seen... Vol. Christopher "The Man" Nolan

Originally Posted by J2Legend

Originally Posted by recycledpaper

the thing that i want to know is how does jumping off the building in the 4th level/limbo kick them out of that? a kick is supposed to be from the previous level aka the snow fortress level.

i think nolan might have messed up by adding that part to the movie. there really was no need for fischer and ariadne to jump off the building as the collapsing of the snow fortress would act as the kick to wake them up.
Fischer needed an additional kick to send him back to the 3rd level (snow fortress), so Ariadne pushed him off. That kick off the building syncronized with the kick from the defibulator when Ariadne pushed him off, sending him back to the 3rd level. under a sedative, it seems you need more than one kick.This needed to be done because if he killed himself instead or if she shot him, he'd skip all levels and would have woken up for real, thus failing the mission.

Ariadne had no way of coming back from limbo without killing herself so she jumped off the building. In her case, it was suicide, not a kick.


well for starters, ariadne and cobb didn't technically go into limbo. it just so happens that the 4th dream level is the same as limbo because they are both unconstructed dreamspace (ariadne did not anticipate a 4th level so there was no design for it. that's why they were able to meet mal and fischer there) but they went there under control, as opposed to just dying and ending up in limbo, believing everything to be real.

i get the part about fischer, but i don't think ariadne killed herself. if she did, she would have REALLY died and ended up in the same place only this time, she would think limbo's reality.
Originally Posted by recycledpaper

Originally Posted by J2Legend

Originally Posted by recycledpaper

the thing that i want to know is how does jumping off the building in the 4th level/limbo kick them out of that? a kick is supposed to be from the previous level aka the snow fortress level.

i think nolan might have messed up by adding that part to the movie. there really was no need for fischer and ariadne to jump off the building as the collapsing of the snow fortress would act as the kick to wake them up.
Fischer needed an additional kick to send him back to the 3rd level (snow fortress), so Ariadne pushed him off. That kick off the building syncronized with the kick from the defibulator when Ariadne pushed him off, sending him back to the 3rd level. under a sedative, it seems you need more than one kick.This needed to be done because if he killed himself instead or if she shot him, he'd skip all levels and would have woken up for real, thus failing the mission.

Ariadne had no way of coming back from limbo without killing herself so she jumped off the building. In her case, it was suicide, not a kick.


well for starters, ariadne and cobb didn't technically go into limbo. it just so happens that the 4th dream level is the same as limbo because they are both unconstructed dreamspace (ariadne did not anticipate a 4th level so there was no design for it. that's why they were able to meet mal and fischer there) but they went there under control, as opposed to just dying and ending up in limbo, believing everything to be real.

i get the part about fischer, but i don't think ariadne killed herself. if she did, she would have REALLY died and ended up in the same place only this time, she would think limbo's reality.

Ahh right right. 4th level makes sense.
Okay, so now I have no idea why Ariadne jumped off the building. Maybe she required a kick from the fall and a kick from the snow fortress (2 sync'd kicks) to get back?
That part is confusing. But that's the only theory I can come up with in order to get back from the 4th level.
Originally Posted by recycledpaper

Originally Posted by J2Legend

Originally Posted by recycledpaper

the thing that i want to know is how does jumping off the building in the 4th level/limbo kick them out of that? a kick is supposed to be from the previous level aka the snow fortress level.

i think nolan might have messed up by adding that part to the movie. there really was no need for fischer and ariadne to jump off the building as the collapsing of the snow fortress would act as the kick to wake them up.
Fischer needed an additional kick to send him back to the 3rd level (snow fortress), so Ariadne pushed him off. That kick off the building syncronized with the kick from the defibulator when Ariadne pushed him off, sending him back to the 3rd level. under a sedative, it seems you need more than one kick.This needed to be done because if he killed himself instead or if she shot him, he'd skip all levels and would have woken up for real, thus failing the mission.

Ariadne had no way of coming back from limbo without killing herself so she jumped off the building. In her case, it was suicide, not a kick.


well for starters, ariadne and cobb didn't technically go into limbo. it just so happens that the 4th dream level is the same as limbo because they are both unconstructed dreamspace (ariadne did not anticipate a 4th level so there was no design for it. that's why they were able to meet mal and fischer there) but they went there under control, as opposed to just dying and ending up in limbo, believing everything to be real.

i get the part about fischer, but i don't think ariadne killed herself. if she did, she would have REALLY died and ended up in the same place only this time, she would think limbo's reality.

Ahh right right. 4th level makes sense.
Okay, so now I have no idea why Ariadne jumped off the building. Maybe she required a kick from the fall and a kick from the snow fortress (2 sync'd kicks) to get back?
That part is confusing. But that's the only theory I can come up with in order to get back from the 4th level.
Originally Posted by WaveyJonesLocker

One question: When Fischer is killed, how come he appears in Cobbs dream?

Only part of the movie I don't get.

Cobbs "dream" like recycledpaper said, is actually a shared dream space like limbo, except the Cobb and Ariadne have control over themselves and knows it's not real. Fischer is the only one in limbo because he died. Because Ariadne never designed a 4th level, they were sent there instead to rescue Fischer and save him from limbo.

If Ariadne hadn't designed any levels, all the dreamers would be in this space. It seems like, if there is no design for a dream, this is the default space where all dreamers go, limbo or not.
Originally Posted by WaveyJonesLocker

One question: When Fischer is killed, how come he appears in Cobbs dream?

Only part of the movie I don't get.

Cobbs "dream" like recycledpaper said, is actually a shared dream space like limbo, except the Cobb and Ariadne have control over themselves and knows it's not real. Fischer is the only one in limbo because he died. Because Ariadne never designed a 4th level, they were sent there instead to rescue Fischer and save him from limbo.

If Ariadne hadn't designed any levels, all the dreamers would be in this space. It seems like, if there is no design for a dream, this is the default space where all dreamers go, limbo or not.
Originally Posted by WaveyJonesLocker

One question: When Fischer is killed, how come he appears in Cobbs dream?

Only part of the movie I don't get.

i can only answer half of this question.
fischer jr was killed so he went into limbo.  remember, the heavy sedative is the reason why they will go into limbo and not wake up from death.

but how cobb and juno arrived into limbo to save fischer im not sure since they only dream and didnt die in the artic dream.
Originally Posted by WaveyJonesLocker

One question: When Fischer is killed, how come he appears in Cobbs dream?

Only part of the movie I don't get.

i can only answer half of this question.
fischer jr was killed so he went into limbo.  remember, the heavy sedative is the reason why they will go into limbo and not wake up from death.

but how cobb and juno arrived into limbo to save fischer im not sure since they only dream and didnt die in the artic dream.
Originally Posted by zyr12

bkmac wrote:
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

For those still contemplating the ending

Now that's legit
Nice instead of all these theories being thrown around this one actually provides evidence. Didn't even know the kids were played by different actors so I guess it can be concluded that he is in fact in the real world at the end of the movie.
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

For those still contemplating the ending

Now that's legit
Nice instead of all these theories being thrown around this one actually provides evidence. Didn't even know the kids were played by different actors so I guess it can be concluded that he is in fact in the real world at the end of the movie.
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