So Jay-z is playing into this whole Illuminati thing with that Drake line??

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Gonna be an interesting next couple of years.
Well at least I can say I graduated before "then"
Ok, So I have been "aware" of all this stuff for years now.

What am I supposed to do about it though?
dudes still talking about Illuminati aint getting it. Occult aint a group you join its a philosophy and cause someone might be into it doesnt make him or her evil. Its human history. If you got a cross around your neck your using an occult symbol. If you've ever drawn a circle your using an occult symbol. The Nero or Peace sign is occult so is the popular fish symbol used in Chrisitanity. I mean alot of this stuff is new to most of you so you go
and still dont get it. None of these symbols mean anything to you unless you give it power. Its like a tattoo or a list of goals it means nothing to me but it might mean something to you.

That Advertising stuff is taught in schools. Its all neuromarketing and most of it studies show doesnt work. the most famous method was the magic bullet strategy which has been banned from advetisements but movies still do it and so do music videos for product placement. Ive seen Nuvo use it alot.

Symbols rule the world because its in our DNA. before we could talk we used symbols. And people who study human behavior know this. Thats why almost every logo has a circle or triangle around it or in it somewhere. Some people believe the Lexus and the McDonald's logos have actually prevented war around the world but thats another story.

All Im saying is stop overreacting to new knowledge most of this stuff isn't hidden anymore you just have to care enough to educate yourself and stop waiting for someone to teach you. The way Haze post is to open your eyes but its up to you to go connect the dots.
Originally Posted by Retro23J

Originally Posted by ShoxBb433

Ok, So I have been "aware" of all this stuff for years now.

What am I supposed to do about it though?
[Cam] What's your plan? I got 700 plans. If she asks what's our plan you hang up.Then call back and see if she has her mind right. [/Cam]
Originally Posted by cartune

That Advertising stuff is taught in schools. Its all neuromarketing and most of it studies show doesnt work. the most famous method was the magic bullet strategy which has been banned from advetisements but movies still do it and so do music videos for product placement. Ive seen Nuvo use it alot.

Oh yeah?
Originally Posted by KingRamey

but like do i get like fancy cars or like an "Illuminati tab" so i can get free mcdonalds or something and say "put it on my tab" then wipe one of my eyes and leave the other one open and they'll know what i mean


Originally Posted by blazinjkid

What's the universal symbol for health care?


Its not the "Caduceus" as you have here.

[h1]Rod of Asclepius is the actual symbol[/h1]This:


In addition to representing the planet Mercury, the caduceus is also a long-established historical symbol of commerce.[sup][4][/sup] As one specialized study of symbolism notes, "In modern times the caduceus figures as a symbol of commerce, since Mercury is the god of commerce."[sup][5][/sup]

The caduceus is sometimes used as a symbol of medicine and/or medical practice, especially in North America, due to widespread confusion with the traditional medical symbol, the rod of Asclepius,which has only a single snake and no wings. This erroneous use of thecaduceus became established in the United States in the late 19thcentury as a result of mistakes and misunderstandings which have beenwell-documented.[sup][6][/sup]Today, the initial errors which led to its adoption often go unremarkedor unnoticed. However, numerous specialized professional and academicstudies of its symbolic significance note the initial error and itsperpetuation.[sup][7][/sup]Most attempts to defend its use in a medical context date from the lastquarter of the 19th century through the first quarter of the 20th, andhave been characterized as "based on flimsy and pseudo-historicalresearch".[sup][8][/sup]When the mistaken use in the United States became better-known, anumber of organizations changed from using the caduceus to using the rod of Asclepius, notably the American Medical Association.[sup][9][/sup]As Robert B. Taylor has observed, "Today, there are calls to clarifythe symbol and to move to a uniform use of the Aesculapian staff tosymbolize medicine."[sup][10][/sup] Nevertheless, emulation of the initial error continues to result in frustration for some:
[table][tr][td]“[/td][td]It is hard to trust aprofession that cannot even get its symbols straight. Most physiciansin the United States think that the symbol of their profession issomething called the caduceus. But this is actually not true. […]Historians have discovered that someone in the U.S. Army Medical Corpsmistook the caduceus for the Aesculapionand introduced the Medical Corps' symbol at the beginning of thetwentieth century. Soon thereafter, everyone in the United States wasemulating the mistake."[/td][td][/td][/tr][/table]
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by Retro23J

Originally Posted by ShoxBb433

Ok, So I have been "aware" of all this stuff for years now.

What am I supposed to do about it though?
[Cam] What's your plan? I got 700 plans. If she asks what's our plan you hang up.Then call back and see if she has her mind right. [/Cam]
I know ive been hard on Haze in the Drake Jews thread but I want to be one of many to say thank you for sharing your knowledge

Unlike the other Drake thread I dont think there is any question that Jay believes all this stuff and makes it a point to intentionally put it in his music

The big thing is, like anything else, this is someones belief. But just because Jay-Z or anyone else believes and preaches something doesnt make it true or make you have to believe it

Im sure most people are Christians on here but just because you guys beleive one thing doesnt mean you cant learn or understand what Jewish people believe.

Then once you take the time to understand it then you can make a decesion as to whether or not you want to believe it.

Just because someone says its doesnt mean its true or not true. Its pretty clear Jay believes this stuff and Haze seems to understand it better than most and all he is doing is breaking it down for others to better undersand too.

You guys need to fall back on the hate there is nothing wrong with learning. Dont agree with it fine, but that doesnt make you right or anyone else wrong, its not facts here; its ideas

thanks again Haze this stuff is very interesting finding what he is saying and then what he is REALLY saying
Originally Posted by blazinjkid

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

"Days are shorter, nights are colder. Feelin like life is over...These snakes strike like a cobra. The World's hot my sun got knocked, evidently it's elementary...they want us all gone eventually."

What's the universal symbol for health care?


It's all just have to pay attention and piece things together.

And how ironic, from the same Nasir song:
Open they eyes to the lies history's told foul. But I'm as wise as the old owl

No diss, but when I saw this the other night, I thought of this thread.

Funny Tommy Davidson was in this scene though
I think of that scene every time one of these threads come up but I didnt want to seem like a hater so I never posted it
Originally Posted by TheHype

Originally Posted by blazinjkid

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

"Days are shorter, nights are colder. Feelin like life is over...These snakes strike like a cobra. The World's hot my sun got knocked, evidently it's elementary...they want us all gone eventually."

What's the universal symbol for health care?


It's all just have to pay attention and piece things together.

And how ironic, from the same Nasir song:
Open they eyes to the lies history's told foul. But I'm as wise as the old owl

No diss, but when I saw this the other night, I thought of this thread.

Funny Tommy Davidson was in this scene though

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

" Getting busy, cause [color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]I'M A STAR[/color] no spangled banner..."



Draco is among the earliest of the constellations to have been defined; in one of the oldest known astronomical records, the ancient Egyptians identified it as Tawaret, the goddess of the northern sky in their pantheon of deities. Considered ever-vigilant because the constellation never set

Make it all [color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]LIGHT UP[/color]....[color= rgb(255, 153, 0)]Even when the Sun goes down[/color] imma make it all [color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]LIGHT UP[/color].

I be trying to told y'all cats.

mind = blown
no thread de-rail but haze have you read on the sumerian civilization or any of zacharia sitchin's work on them?
i always find it funny how dudes act awestruck when someone tells them something they didnt kno as if the info is under lock and key...some of yall need to learn to open up a "real" book and read...also remember...believe half of what you see...none of what you place to get info is from the source...
This a bit of a tangent but it's real:

The biggest conspiracies are committed right in front of your eyes everyday.

You're playing right into "their" hands.

"They" want you to put time and energy investigating largely baseless claims and keep focus off the real issues affecting real the NOW.

There's a global conspiracy of free masons who rule the world and control every detail? Cool - I guess you're absolved of all responsibility. Quit trying to improve your situation because it's all futile in the end. Womp womp.

Not everyone takes it to that extreme - but can't you really see what's going on with all these wild conspiracies, particularly the ones that float around urban communities?
^ True.  I'm a firm believer of living my own life.  Everyone has to answer for their own beliefs in the end.  It's so sad how culture dictates so many people's lives... From the clothes you wear, to what you eat.  If everyone would just be themselves, people lacing their lyrics with innuendo wouldn't be an issue..  but truth be told, all of these people are paying for their deeds.. even as we speak.  Can you name any big time celebrity who is truly happy??  I can't, if that's what is takes.. selling your soul, committing to a deviant lifestyle, be surrounded by fakeness and people who are looking to payoff at my slightest mistake, losing my true loved ones... They can have it.  I'd rather be broke forever.. Real talk
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