So Jay-z is playing into this whole Illuminati thing with that Drake line??


I doubt any members of the Illuminati are going to discuss their benefit plan on a message board
Originally Posted by KingRamey

^^ Its "Light Up" off of Drakes album

And if Jay is in the occult, whats the BFD?

Anyway i dont really care about all this Illuminati poop but hypothetically, what would i get if i became a part of it 


no offense but I think you have to be useful to their agenda
Im not really tryna dig THAT deep into the verse. It seems obvious what he's saying.

Jay really murdered this sh@#. But don't front on drizzy's verse either.
So Drake sposed to be illuminati now too?..
I already made the correlation that Drake is the new Jay & Cole is the new Nas...
but deezam, ironic
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Wonder how these higher powers feel about Jay-Z shedding light and bringing attention to them

In the past, when changes were imposed on populations, they would take to the streets, protest and even riot. The main reason for this clash was due to the fact that the change was clearly announced by the rulers and understood by the population. It was sudden and its effects could clearly be analyzed and evaluated. Today, when the elite needs a part of its agenda to be accepted by the public, it is done through desensitization. The agenda, which might go against the public best interests,  is slowly, gradually and repetitively introduced to the world through movies (by involving it within the plot), music videos (who make it cool and sexy) or the news (who present it as a solution to today’s problems). After several years of exposing the masses to a particular agenda, the elite openly presents the concept the world and, due to mental programming, it is greeted with general indifference and is passively accepted. This technique originates from psychotherapy.
“The techniques of psychotherapy, widely practiced and accepted as a means of curing psychological disorders, are also methods of controlling people. They can be used systematically to influence attitudes and behavior. Systematic desensitization is a method used to dissolve anxiety so the the patient (public) is no longer troubled by a specific fear, a fear of violence for example. [...] People adapt to frightening situations if they are exposed to them enough
Originally Posted by Shaze804

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Wonder how these higher powers feel about Jay-Z shedding light and bringing attention to them

In the past, when changes were imposed on populations, they would take to the streets, protest and even riot. The main reason for this clash was due to the fact that the change was clearly announced by the rulers and understood by the population. It was sudden and its effects could clearly be analyzed and evaluated. Today, when the elite needs a part of its agenda to be accepted by the public, it is done through desensitization. The agenda, which might go against the public best interests,  is slowly, gradually and repetitively introduced to the world through movies (by involving it within the plot), music videos (who make it cool and sexy) or the news (who present it as a solution to today’s problems). After several years of exposing the masses to a particular agenda, the elite openly presents the concept the world and, due to mental programming, it is greeted with general indifference and is passively accepted. This technique originates from psychotherapy.
“The techniques of psychotherapy, widely practiced and accepted as a means of curing psychological disorders, are also methods of controlling people. They can be used systematically to influence attitudes and behavior. Systematic desensitization is a method used to dissolve anxiety so the the patient (public) is no longer troubled by a specific fear, a fear of violence for example. [...] People adapt to frightening situations if they are exposed to them enough
Wait, lemme break down a verse for ya'll.

Welcome to Hollywood don’t let this town ruin you

Hello. Welcome to my city. Big city, lots of people, this city can either make or brake your career. Don't let Hollywood ruin it.

And if you pillow talking with the women that are screwing you

Watch what you say to the women you meet in this city.

Just know that she gon tell another _ when she through with you

If you decide to go past second base with one of these said females, they will probably run they're mouths to they're friends when she is done having sexual intercourse with you.

Conspiracy?!?!?! Hidden Message?!?!?!



"%+*%!!$ round with my Dogs is far-fetched..."
Sirius, known colloquially as the "Dog Star", is the brightest star in the night sky.
"The summer's ours, the winter too..."
Sirius does not move retrograde across the sky like other stars, aphenomenon widely known as the precession of the equinox. This givesSirius the unusual characteristic of appearing to stay stable relativeto the equinox and solstices, and for the same reason, the helicalrising (or zenith) of Sirius does not slip through the calendar (at theprecession rate of about one day per 71.6 years), as other stars do.This remarkable stability within the solar year may be one reason thatthe Egyptians used it as a basis for their calendar whereas no otherstar would have sufficed.



"I'm a ma'#%%%$@' missed target, but a Target nonetheless..."




In the words of Zack de la Rocha:

It's comin' back around again...


"Days are shorter, nights are colder. Feelin like life is over...These snakes strike like a cobra. The World's hot my sun got knocked, evidently it's elementary...they want us all gone eventually."

S_ is crazy.

Gonna be an interesting next couple of years.
[h1]Manipulation Techniques[/h1]
“Publicity is the deliberate attempt to manage the public’s perception of a subject. The subjects of publicity include people (for example, politicians and performing artists), goods and services, organizations of all kinds, and works of art or entertainment.
Originally Posted by Shaze804

[h1]Manipulation Techniques[/h1]
“Publicity is the deliberate attempt to manage the public’s perception of a subject. The subjects of publicity include people (for example, politicians and performing artists), goods and services, organizations of all kinds, and works of art or entertainment.
^ WOW.
I was looking at the Skittles and AXE *$*! like "what the hell am I supposed to be seeing here?"
Thanks for the contribution Shaze.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

"Days are shorter, nights are colder. Feelin like life is over...These snakes strike like a cobra. The World's hot my sun got knocked, evidently it's elementary...they want us all gone eventually."
I was going to make a thread last week about that EXACT line. I had never really paid attention to the son/sun wordplay...but good lord. Those lines literally speak volumes.

The Brotherhood of the Snake: The oldest/most ancient "secret society"



The snake itself, especially when pictured as an ouroboros,  has been symbolic of eternity (amongst other things) for thousands of years.



What's the universal symbol for health care?


It's all just have to pay attention and piece things together.

And how ironic, from the same Nasir song:
Open they eyes to the lies history's told foul. But I'm as wise as the old owl
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