So Jay-z is playing into this whole Illuminati thing with that Drake line??

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

It's not a reach when even Angie Martinez asks him on the radio about Secret Society/Illuminati connections - people are talking and rumors are spreading...

...but instead of quieting all doubt and distancing himself from any perceived occult customs or affiliations, this man chooses to sprinkle said references in his music.

Let's just say for the sake of argument that this is Jay's new way of staying relevant and controversial - let's just say for the sake of argument that he has no ties to any nefarious organizations and believes none of the jive he spits in the booth - let's just say he's doing all this only with the underlying purpose to be talked about on the internet and in barbershops...

...either way, it's **@**+' lame.

Hey not to be the guy that gets on some Nas vs Jay +%%* again, but the fact that I've spent the last couple weeks listening to Mr. Jones try his best to wake his people up on the masterpiece of an album we know as ''Distant Relatives'' speaks volumes in comparison to Mr. Carter play around with this ''Paranormal Activity'' bull +%%*...

...rewind to '98/'99 and you see yungin' wasn't lying - ''much success to ya', even if you wish me the opposite. Sooner or later, we'll all see who the prophet is.''

Respect and I agree wholeheartedly with everything you just typed.
Nas and Jay are the Yin and Yang if you ask me. Two sides of the same coin...




A lot of you cats stay missing the obvious. It's all one big game and you keep getting played...

Originally Posted by RedMan

This link in kind of relative to this post.

Interesting Article About The Industry

That it for what it is worth.

I read this yesterday. Look how Mike layed it out for you.

Drake too
Thank Me Later yeah I know what I said
but later doesn’t always come so instead

Don't be waitin' til' Later to thank Haze.

Also, what do you make of this line..
I’m the Black Sheep, but Chris Farley wears the crown
In my personal opinion, it seems that you have to pay the entry fee to get your voice heard. There seems to be an undisclosed price to share your art/product with the world on a mainstream level. I think a lot of these artists are trying to walk a tight rope (word to Janelle Monae's song) between saying what they want and what they are required to say.

With that said, I try to judge people off of their actions and the quality of their work and Nas has dropped a lot of s_ that seems to be genuine and uplifting.
That wasn't a shot at you Haze.

I believe Nas is trying to inform and uplift and like you said, did what he had to do to have his voice heard. That said, he knows more than he lets on. He even addressed it on Distant Relatives. I can't remember the line verbatim, but it was something like...

"A lot of dudes want me to address the illuminati, but my job is to make sure my family is safe, I'm here to hold up the mirror..."

When I said a lot of people stay getting played, I'm referring to the folks on this forum who refuse to open their eyes and have jokes every time a thread like this gets deep. I took a break from this site for a week or so to go OT and came back to the usual giggles in the last thread I posted in. It's like why do I waste my breath in these discussions if cats are just gonna be silly little girls about it?

Whatever though. I got some good info on my trip that unfortunately, I can't share, but it let me know that I'm on the right path and that once you seek knowledge, it tends to meet you all along your path.
I haven't had time to post on NT these days, hell I don't have time for much of anything, but Haze, I'm sure you have a lot going on off of NT, but you really need to write a book. Fact or fiction, if you scribed your thoughts on this current situation, the $#+@ would spread like hot cakes g. I enjoy a lot of what you post, and it's obvious that dudes really value what you have to say.

Originally Posted by I AM KNOWLEDGE

I haven't had time to post on NT these days, hell I don't have time for much of anything, but Haze, I'm sure you have a lot going on off of NT, but you really need to write a book. Fact or fiction, if you scribed your thoughts on this current situation, the $#+@ would spread like hot cakes g. I enjoy a lot of what you post, and it's obvious that dudes really value what you have to say.

 But a lot of times, cats just don't listen or try to seek knowledge for themselves, just going on with life like robots doing what they're told. Truths falling into deaf ears, people being put to sleep, steadily rocking to the beats. It's quite sickening.

All of this thought provoking info is highly appreciated.
Man I think there really might be something behind this.

whether we want to admit it or not, i think it would be ignorant to not at least entertain the idea of all this actually going on.

Love reading about this tho, I always find it very interesting
Originally Posted by I AM KNOWLEDGE

I haven't had time to post on NT these days, hell I don't have time for much of anything, but Haze, I'm sure you have a lot going on off of NT, but you really need to write a book. Fact or fiction, if you scribed your thoughts on this current situation, the $#+@ would spread like hot cakes g. I enjoy a lot of what you post, and it's obvious that dudes really value what you have to say.

at least set up a blog...
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

In my personal opinion, it seems that you have to pay the entry fee to get your voice heard. There seems to be an undisclosed price to share your art/product with the world on a mainstream level. I think a lot of these artists are trying to walk a tight rope (word to Janelle Monae's song) between saying what they want and what they are required to say.

With that said, I try to judge people off of their actions and the quality of their work and Nas has dropped a lot of s_ that seems to be genuine and uplifting.

I agree.

At the end of the day, they're puppets and it seems as if they are  required to compromise themselves in some form, hence, "sold your soul."
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Y'all gotta think critically. Its not about having too much time on your hands or trying to reach to far...its just about seeing things for what they are.

Sometimes we just accept things without giving any thought to why they are there are what they represent.

Remember the Tootsie Pop commercials...


Lil homie went to the owl in hopes that he could answer his question because of Mr. Owl's vast intelligence.

The owl represented something.

If I told you that the owl has always symbolized time and wisdom since ancient times, you would be able to easily accept and come to terms with that but when I tell y'all the back story of a rap line, y'all get up in arms.

Ain't no need to get spooked out over new found info...especially when its really thousands of years old.

Knowledge can take you for a ride on the Wings of Time...



and you too can be a " of the HOUR"

this post made me go *cues .gif of dude turning his head going "OHHH"*
^^ Its "Light Up" off of Drakes album

And if Jay is in the occult, whats the BFD?

Anyway i dont really care about all this Illuminati poop but hypothetically, what would i get if i became a part of it 
but like do i get like fancy cars or like an "Illuminati tab" so i can get free mcdonalds or something and say "put it on my tab" then wipe one of my eyes and leave the other one open and they'll know what i mean

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