So my dog is getting put to sleep tomorrow...

Nov 15, 2007
I just feel like !$%% right now. I live in NY but go to school in Cali and I haven't seen him in three months. I'm almost 19 now and we have had himsince I have had him since he was 6. It just sucks so much because I'm coming homing tuesday, and he isn't going to be there anymore. For everyone whohas ever had a dog they know how much it can mean to someone. For me this is almost like the death of my childhood, it seems like he was one of the onlyconstant pleasures in my life. While he was just an animal, he really was my friend and I can't imagine him not being in my life. To go without seeing himhurts but I don't want them to try to save him until next week right now because he is in pain. He could go anytime so I would rather make sure he goessurrounded by my family. It just sucks that I'm not going to be apart of it his final seconds. He was as good as a dog I could have asked for. This was sounexpected and I just feel so out of the loop. I have been feeling really depressed this week and this just makes me feel worse. He lived a good life thoughalthough he will go two days short of his 12th birthday.

RIP Mudge, November 1996 - November 2008. You'll be missed.
Sorry to hear, man. At least he won't be in pain anymore. You'll always have the memories at least.
I already know the clock is ticking for my dog

Man I Know the pain of losing a dog thats been apart of your life for so long..
Keep ya head...
To bad u cant see him one more time...
Damn man, I know how bad it sucks to have to put a pet you love down. Sorry for your loss.


- Tical.
Sorry to hear that man, I have a golden retriever and she is about 9, hopefully she'll live another 4 to 5 years, what kind of breed is your dog ??
cant even imagine how you feel man

i dont even want to think about when my current dog might go through that..

i remeber i was in 2nd grade my mom picked me up from school telling me they had to put our previous dog to sleep, i was crying my heart out the entireday

RIP Gina
sorry homie, i myself got a dog and hes like a brother cause my mom treats him like a son. i know how you feel. if my dog ever gets sick id put him down tooeven tho i wouldnt want to but atleast he'll wont go thru anymore pain.

People get very attached to their pets. its always hard to lose one cuz its just like losing a family member
i never owned a dog before but i cried like a lil @%#%* when my guinea pigs/hamsters died
sorry to hear man...thankfully i haven't had to go through that with any of my dogs or cats but I know one day it'll happen
Pet's (especially dogs) really are great friends. Whenever I'm feeling down or lonely I like to just kick it with my dog... I know how it feels tolose a pet though. My first dog was beat to death with a shovel by some crazy person in my hood\and they left him on my front porch to die
. I'll neverforget the feeling I had that night when we found him on the front porch
. I would beat the $%%% out of the dude that did it if I ever found out who it was.

R.I.P. to ya dog... My dog's getting older while I'm at college as well.
sorry to hear that....yeah you've done everything for them, and they just return the favor with friendship. We have a dog that's on its lastleg...she's not eating either, we just have to wait for my sis to come home to make the decision.
I feel you man

We put down our great dane Pegasus after like 8 yrs, then a few days ago my mom had to put down our cat after 12 yrs.. Hope you feel better
I have a 8 month old and I get emotional when I think of the day he is going to leave

sorry for your loss
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