So my dog is getting put to sleep tomorrow...

I truly feel for you homeboy. Dogs give their owners unconditional love, they never judge you, and are always happy to see you. Isn't their any way youcould postpone it till Friday, and fly down tomorrow? I don't know, I'm sure you've already tried to figure things out, and this is the bestsolution. Hold your head man, at least he lived a good life and will be at peace.
One of the things I fear most is not being able to see my Deja any more. I love that dog. RIP Mudge.
K8be is one of the lamest dudes on NT. 8000+ worthless posts, and he just added another one. I feel for you OP.
.. Worse feeling in the world
had my dog for 17 years...had to put him down..quite frankly one of the saddest days of my life...the deaths of my grandparents truely were the two saddestdays of my life..

I know what you are going through..its tough, and you feel at fault...i send my condolences

SMH at dudes poking fun at the situation. A dog is like a member of the family, and after about an hour since I read his thread, I'm still messed up. Ifdude is a sneakerhead, he would probably give up his whole collection for his dog to live another year. Please show show respect y'all.
I'm sorry. My childhood dog died of natural causes.... but i think i understand how you feel.
rip mudge..i know how it feels but at least your family made the decision to put him dog was shot..for a time i wished the worst on the bastards whodid it ..but I still cry when I think about my Rocky..had him since I was 7 and lived until i was 16...Im 22 now and have a rottie who I miss like crazy sinceI left him back home...
Sad to hear, man. It's good that y'all are letting the dog go down in peace instead of making it suffer though.

I know one of my dogs is probably gonna have to get put down while I'm away at college, too. She's 16, been in the family since I was 3. She's beenon the edge for the last like 18 months. One day she'll be slow to move around, then the next she'll be all hyper and perfectly fine. It's hard tojudge how much longer she'll be able to live without being in constant pain, but I just hope I'm able to be there when she has to be put down...
I know how you feel.
Mine was put to sleep a year ago, we got to spend 15 years together though. It was a very hard time for me as well, cuz back then I was going through a lot.About tree months later we got a new dog and right now we are looking into adopting a second one. Life is so much better when you got a dog that you know isgoing to love you no matter what.
My wife and I are going back and forth on whether or not to put down our 14 year old golden retriever. It's hard to see him struggle to get up and lay downsomedays. My wife rescued him from a shelter while I was serving over in Korea in '96. He was her companion while I was gone. She is going to be completelycrushed when the time finally comes. I feel for you man.
Trust me,Your gonna feel it....But not as much as if you had to take him to get put down yourself. I had to put my first dog to sleep last January and that!@## made me shed a tear..I had him since I was 13... That was my man and I felt like I let him down.

R.I.P. to my boy and yours
Sorry bud.

I watched my dog die 2 summers ago in my house, it was one of the worst few minutes of my life.
I guess by now the deed is done. Sorry about your loss. These situations may hurt emotionally. But imagine the loss of a parent. I think about it all the time.IDK why or what's wrong with me. But I couldn't imagine living without mom and pop.
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