So my friend tells his gf everything I tell him

^^^My guess is that she is probably putting her hand up next to the girl beside her and doing some kind of sorority hand sign. Just a guess. lol
You need not to tell him anything, one of my friends is the same way, I had to stop telling him stuff because he would tell his girl!!!
OP whats wrong with you.

I'd dead him in a heartbeat.

If you really gottas consider not telling him things cause you know you can't trust him...

than you can't trust him and he aint your friend. and thats real talk.
Originally Posted by MikeTysontheKiller

He's not your friend anymore. Cut that %$%*% made dude off ASAP. You'll be much better off without that kind of person in your life.
as you get older, you'll discover some of your "homies" are seriously so whipped they'll tell their girls everything. they like to's sad. telling your boy to chill aint gonna change him. he's *****made in the flesh, either cut him off as a friend or stop letting him know yourbusiness. it'll save you so much headache and drama.
Originally Posted by Ryda421

post the n00dz
this just means they have nothing to talk about except other people. the relationship wont last too much longer. just hold off on telling your boy things youdont want her to know until they break up.
, like does anyone post REAL pics of people they're smashing?

not just hopes and admirations that one day they can smash these people?

what's f'd up is these dudes pick ugly chicks to lie on their d about....

grow up....for real
dead your boy. he's a lame.

if you feel spiteful, you could not talk to him at all, and talk to his girl as if she is him. at least that cuts out the middleman.

or if you want to mess with them, feed your boy some lies that you know his girl will act on, but since you're expecting it, you can counter so it'llbackfire on them. misinformation... spy tactics

She isnt bad. I would just basically turn it around on him. Tell her everything she says about her or says about anything another girl. In fact start telinghis girl embrassing stuff about his past.
damn son them some ugly lookin white chicks. I don't front like I book dimes on the regular, but I honestly wouldnt be mad about getting blocked from thosetwo.
Your doing it for the props

and this will get you busted in no time

step up your game.... gameless
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