So My iPod Blew Up!!!!!!

Originally Posted by NewZ05

cause its like 130 yrs old

1st gen nano's ftw. Smh for putting it on top of your laptop dude. That gets hot. No wonder the old nano caught fire.
[h1]UK Girl's iPod Touch Explodes: Did Apple Offer HushMoney?[/h1]
By Danny Allen, 2:12 AM on Mon Aug 3 2009, 955 views (Edit, to draft, Top, Slurp)
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Hot on the heels of KIRO 7's investigation into fiery iPods, The Timesreports that the father of a girl who's iPod exploded was offered a full refund, but only if they signed a confidentiality agreement. He refused.

According to the report, the Liverpool man feared that he or his daughter could be sued if they were to ever talk about the incident, eveninadvertently.

It all began last month when the man heard a "hissing noise" and thought he "could see vapor" after dropping his 11 year olddaughter's iPod Touch. He threwit out the back door of his house and "within 30 seconds there was a pop, a big puff of smoke and it went 10ft in the air." [The Times]

from gizmodo
Originally Posted by PinoFromTheBay

Originally Posted by N O R E A G A


i guess you guys dont remember the 1st NTer whose ipod exploded too.
i thought someone was gravediggin when i saw the title
same here
Originally Posted by Halftime718

burn your house down to get more money.
I could imagine OP doing that and changing the title "...Update: burned down house, failed to read warranty saying Apple doesn't coverthat."
Originally Posted by MOEree5e

did you have it plugged up to your computer during a storm or something?!?

was it directly connected to your modem?!?

because if it was.....then that means your house isnt properly grounded....

Originally Posted by N O R E A G A


i guess you guys dont remember the 1st NTer whose ipod exploded too.
I do...i saw the topic like isnt this an old $## thread...i tell ya...smh at the OP...L
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