So.... Rihanna and Shakira made a music video

Shakira can dance her *** off but looks wise? She's pretty average. I've seen better looking chicks on Telemundo giving out the weather forecast. I'd take rihanna over her anyday
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That's why I'm struggling to figure how you can adamantly pick one over the other. They both are practically the same, just a different race. Neither has a gorgeous/stunning face, and neither have some stacked body. "the biggest curve on [rihanna] is her forehead". *googles shakira* so where are hers :lol: :lol: ? Dudes arguing over the doppelgänger of the other as if there's some drastic difference between them. Remember that Beyonce and Lady Gaga "Video Phone" video? There's your example of someone being totally outshines by the other. You can figure out who :lol:
Shakiras sex game has to be on point, along with Rihanna's.

Fool how you know? You haven't seen neither one of them on tape. They could be wack as crap in the sheets for all you know.
Idk bro Rihanna had grown men fighting over her for he yambs , can't just be hype
CB and Drake out there bludgeoning each other with expensive bottles of the finest champagne for them yambs

must be fire

Tony Parker almost lost his eye in the Great Yamb Debacle of 2012
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"The Great Yamb Debacle"

They both would get the bizness...
Should absolutely be no debate on this, lol
the singing was awful i had to mute these *******. :nerd: rihana shouldnt have tried to dance like shakira though and the black dress ****** her up. would destroy shakira any day.
Am I the only one that doesn't really get off on celebrities like that? I'd rather see some homemade $300 budget video with some fine girls from round the way.

I mean, it's cool and all, but there's too much to look at. Cant focus on the girls.
Rihanna's "sex appeal" is so corny and forced. Dudes will fall for anything these days
Some of you guys see sex appeal in Rihanna yet can't find any in Shakira? Look no further than the way she swings her hips :evil:. Would def not mind either but just something about Latina's that does it for me :wow:

Wyclef know's what's up

View media item 780529
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its not even close. idk why this is even a debate 
honestly, rihanna uses camera shots to hide flaws. shes not thick, dont really have moves like that, huge forhead. her eyes are gorgeous and she has a ill skin tone. plus everybody knows shes a bad girl so the sex is prolly crazy. but PHYSICALLY...shes nothing impressive.

shakira is KNOWN for the way she works those hips man. KNOWN for it. she prolly got that make u tap out in under 4 minutes secret move only a handful of guys on earth have experienced. shakira isnt thick either, but shes got that flare man. she got that spice. that flavor.

rihanna looks awkward to me most of the time. gangly is the only word that comes to mind when she tries to be sexy in her videos. but u know what? i need guys like you. i need guys like you to take the uglier homegirl (rihanna) so i can snatch the winner (shakira) you make a GREAT wingman

yea bruh u can have rihanna
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Y'all serious? Rihanna >> Shakira? Must be the post Super Bowl hangover

Shakira >> Rihanna and any argument otherwise is pointless
Ahhh the ol' "let me find the worst picture of someone to try and prove my point trick" Nice one Tek.

Let me try

Yea bruh you can have shakira

And like PLV said no matter how much she can gyrate her hips she'll never come close to the sex appeal rihanna has
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