So the cops pulled me over.

Originally Posted by FlyNY

You have no right to complain, you had ILLEGAL DRUGS on you
and the way i see it, cops have guns , so i keep my mouth shut and cooperate before i wake up dead laying in the woods with a bullet in my heart

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]If your dead...How do you wake up??
Originally Posted by Kobeeh

Originally Posted by carlosdapaperboy

I still don't understand why dudes continue to let the cops search their car when the cop has no probable cause and they got something illegal in the car
. You do have a right to refuse a search. The Constitution protects your civil rights so you don't end up a victim of an illegal search and seizure.
my friend never consented to a search. They simply opened the door and cuffed us. And to reiterate my question Can the cops legally take photos of me and enter me into their "File" as a gang member just off their opinion?
sure, i doubt there's anything illegal about taking a picture of someone. you said in the OP that your friend said yes to a search,you're confusing man...

but now you switched the dialogue
Originally Posted by JordanDon23

Originally Posted by FlyNY

You have no right to complain, you had ILLEGAL DRUGS on you
and the way i see it, cops have guns , so i keep my mouth shut and cooperate before i wake up dead laying in the woods with a bullet in my heart

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]If your dead...How do you wake up??
because you go to sleep alive
Originally Posted by Kobeeh

Originally Posted by carlosdapaperboy

I still don't understand why dudes continue to let the cops search their car when the cop has no probable cause and they got something illegal in the car
. You do have a right to refuse a search. The Constitution protects your civil rights so you don't end up a victim of an illegal search and seizure.
my friend never consented to a search. They simply opened the door and cuffed us. And to reiterate my question Can the cops legally take photos of me and enter me into their "File" as a gang member just off their opinion?

Sounds like an illegal search and seizure to me. And as for your question, I don't believe they'd do that since they have no proof of you being a gangmember. In fact, they probably are focusing solely on your friend instead of you since he was the driver and it was his car in which the drugs and theparaphernalia were found.
Originally Posted by Kobeeh

Originally Posted by carlosdapaperboy

I still don't understand why dudes continue to let the cops search their car when the cop has no probable cause and they got something illegal in the car
. You do have a right to refuse a search. The Constitution protects your civil rights so you don't end up a victim of an illegal search and seizure.
my friend never consented to a search. They simply opened the door and cuffed us. And to reiterate my question Can the cops legally take photos of me and enter me into their "File" as a gang member just off their opinion?
i dont think so... thats why they call it "PAT DOWN"
call and ask a lawyer they will tell you...
never let a cop take your picture unless its for booking purposes which involves you already being arrest. go to school(learn your rights) you didn't haveto open your mouth period to the cops...

cops-may i see your id
you-hands id (its law)
cops- ask question
you- don't have to say nothing.... PERIOD
Originally Posted by rsdplaya

Originally Posted by Kobeeh

Originally Posted by carlosdapaperboy

I still don't understand why dudes continue to let the cops search their car when the cop has no probable cause and they got something illegal in the car
. You do have a right to refuse a search. The Constitution protects your civil rights so you don't end up a victim of an illegal search and seizure.
my friend never consented to a search. They simply opened the door and cuffed us. And to reiterate my question Can the cops legally take photos of me and enter me into their "File" as a gang member just off their opinion?
sure, i doubt there's anything illegal about taking a picture of someone. you said in the OP that your friend said yes to a search, you're confusing man...

but now you switched the dialogue
i never wrote that my friend said yes to a search. i only edited the title, maybe you need some reading glasses.
Originally Posted by Kobeeh

Scenario: my friend gets pulled over and I am in the passenger seat

cop: you know why i pulled you over?

driver: no. why?

cop: you turned off your lights.

driver: no i didn't

cop: yes you did. Do you have any drugs or weapons in the car?

driver. no

cop: have you ever been arrested for anything?

driver: yes.

cop: what were you arrested for?

driver: for having a gun

cop *Proceeds to open the door and pull out cuffs*: are you sure you don't have a gun in the car

driver: just a grinder and a bong

cop: Imma search the car because i have a feeling imma find a gun in here

cop says to me , "my partner is going to handcuff you and if you try anything imma cap your %*#"

me: "okay" with hands up

at this point they pat us down, handcuffed us and made us sit on the curb.

after asking us several times if we we're from a gang

the cops starts searching the car and found a grinder and dime of weed. (which all belong to my friend)

the cops write my friend up for no proof of insurance (they never asked for it)

and possession of marijuana

the cop told me to lift of my shirt for any possible gang-related tattoos, i have none

my question is can they legally take photos of me just because they suspect i am from a gang?

i did not violate any laws, i was just a passenger and i have no criminal record.

If I were that cop, that right there is more than enough for me to search the car...Cause chances are, where theres a grinder and a bong, theres weed.

Then again, I don't go broadcasting what I have in my car when I got pulled over...I carry my dirty bowl in my car so its whatever...Then again, I'mwhite and I know how cops are.
Yea, that was dumb illegal on the cops end and dumb on ya friends end. If a cop ask me to search my car, I'm not lettin em. I don't do anything illegaland I have my CCW so my burner's legit. If you have stuff in ur car that's illegal, LOCK IT UP. W/o a proper search warrant the police aren'tallowed to open locked trunks or glove compartments. They really didn't have probable cause either so with that said, cops = FAIL
It's all about association. The cops did nothing wrong. Your friend had weed so they write him up. If you don't want this to happen, you simplydon't hang out with people who have weed
i remember getting pulled over for no reason a few years back.. that cop was a grimey rotten liars. Telling me he stopped me for so and so and ive been in thatintersection daily for 23 years of my life.. i gurantee i know what I was doing, yet he makes up some crap and does as he pleases.
Yes - by association/suspicion, you can be photographed. If you spend time with people who carry drugs on them, and who have prior arrests for carrying a gun,there is a little bit of guilt by association. You are a suspicious character in their eyes. It's not as if you don't exist because you aren't thedriver.
I remember a cop pulling to the curb trying to talk to me and some of my boys. We all ran off with a quickness.
Originally Posted by rsdplaya

piece of @@$% officer. he had no right to search the car...but when you said "yes, search my car" they can do whatever they please.
if you would have said no, they wouldn't have searched, and they wouldn't have found anything.
Man those boys will laugh in your face and search your %@@% anyway.. His lights being "off" is probable cause... I don't know whereyou're located but where I'm at they do what the *%!@ they want..

When they ask to search I say "go ahead" with no hesitation.. I have nothing to hide.. actually at times I do but its stashed nicely..
I got pulled over tonight. Field sobriety test and I even volunteered the breathalyzer. I passed both with flying colors. Then I ran a red left turn arrow twominutes later in celebration.
Originally Posted by FlyNY

You have no right to complain, you had ILLEGAL DRUGS on you
and the way i see it, cops have guns , so i keep my mouth shut and cooperate before [color= rgb(0, 255, 0)]i wake up dead[/color] laying in the woods with a bullet in my heart
in the hood they do "interviews" and ask your street name, where your from and take pictures...
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