So the scumbag is getting out early...

So the scumbag is getting out early...

my dude comin home
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

But do I think he got extra punishment because he was a black millionare athlete,hell yea i do. You would be in denial if you say otherwise.
Michael Vick got punished as harshly as he did because he acted like a complete idiot after he was indicted... You think he would have gotten 23 months had he been upfront about his involvement, fully cooperated with the investigation, and stayed away from drugs KNOWING he had drug tests coming while he was awaiting sentencing? Safe to say those things weighed pretty heavily into how long the judge felt his sentence should have been...

QFT. Mike would have got 6 months at the most but his idiocy did him in.

Can't wait for him to come home

Areyouin has to be one of the worst posters in S&T.
Originally Posted by areyouin729

Originally Posted by Thugnificence

Originally Posted by Deuce King

I personally think ORGANIZED dog fighting should be a legal sport as long as hunting is . By law,Dog fighting is considered animal cruelty but a dude shooting a deer and putting his head on his @!+$%* wall as some sort of trophy is worse IMO
100% Truth. Too bad most of these FRAUDS on here that defend deer hunting but object to dog fighting cant read between the lines.
exactly. people are just blinded by the ridiculous love for dogs. if ORGANIZED deer hunting is legal then ORGANIZED dog fighting shoudl also be legal
1. Hunters (for the most part) aim to kill a deer with one quick shot, they dont grab and AK47 and go to town on the deer
2. The dogs were forced to fight each other
3. Mike Vick electrocuted, bashed heads into the pavement and hung the losing dogs...but there is absolutely nothing wrong with that b/c NT idolizes Vick and he can't do anything wrong

1. So the deer doesnt suffer...I guess thats the point your trying to make...But your forgetting that in dog fighting,the dogs do not always fight till thedeath

2. Trust me,they are not forced to fight.... They are BRED and TRAINED to fight. Use your head here, No one is gonna put money up on their dog that they putcountless hours of training into for that dog to not give it his all in that ring.

3. I dont agree with what he did

Originally Posted by LamarOwnsem

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by areyouin729

so the people defending him...

if you saw a family member slamming a defenseless dogs head into concrete to kill it, you would have no problem with it and just stand by and think nothing of it? You wouldnt think any different of that family member?

Humans>Animals....I could careless.
Humans are animals. And, because you claim humans are better than other animals, it's okay to beat an innocent animal? Since when is it okay for something that is "better" than something else to cruelly treat the other?

I have no respect for people who participate in dog fighting and I have no respect for people who participate in hunting. I want to see both illegal. Regardless of that, one is legal and one is illegal. Because of that, Vick had to serve his time.

If you guys are FOR dog fighting, then why are you saying hunting is a bad thing? Shouldn't BOTH be bad under that logic?

I dont have a problem with either.... I just think if people DONT have a problem with hunting then how could they have a problem with dog fighting?
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

But do I think he got extra punishment because he was a black millionare athlete,hell yea i do. You would be in denial if you say otherwise.
Michael Vick got punished as harshly as he did because he acted like a complete idiot after he was indicted... You think he would have gotten 23 months had he been upfront about his involvement, fully cooperated with the investigation, and stayed away from drugs KNOWING he had drug tests coming while he was awaiting sentencing? Safe to say those things weighed pretty heavily into how long the judge felt his sentence should have been...

QFT. Mike would have got 6 months at the most but his idiocy did him in.

Can't wait for him to come home

Areyouin has to be one of the worst posters in S&T.

awww why b/c I dont think Vick was on his way to being the greatest player of all time like NT glorified him to be, before and after what happened

BOTTOM LINE: Mike Vick got himself the extra time in jail for his ego and arrogance, he wasn't made an example of
^Too many people's morals are based on what's legal and what's illegal rather than what's right and what's wrong.
Dog fighting is one thing and I dont support it but it is what it is and i'm not big on hunting either

it's what he did to the losing dogs that irks me...why the need to do that? that is a sick human being IMO
Originally Posted by LamarOwnsem

^Too many people's morals are based on what's legal and what's illegal rather than what's right and what's wrong.
Thats life bruh...Not everyone lives life the same way...Dog fighting being MORALLY wrong is your opinion so you wouldnt participate in it andthats understandable

I see nothing morally wrong with it...That being said im sure if we go down a list of things that I do you would probably find some morally wrong illegal ornot
1. Hunters (for the most part) aim to kill a deer with one quick shot, they dont grab and AK47 and go to town on the deer
2. The dogs were forced to fight each other
3. Mike Vick electrocuted, bashed heads into the pavement and hung the losing dogs...but there is absolutely nothing wrong with that b/c NT idolizes Vick and he can't do anything wrong

1. The actual purpose of dogfighting is not to purposely kill a dog, it just so happens that after a dogfight if a dog is in bad shape they put it down. Nowthe means in which Vick and others put the dogs down can be debated, and I will give you guys that, but if that's all Vick and Co. wanted to do was torturethe dogs to begin with they wouldn't have been breeding them to fight.

2. Kinda like horseracing huh. Do you know how many horses are injured/put to sleep within a years time due to horseracing, believe it or not it happens. Just like people see the entertainment value in horseracing from the spectators standpoint, there is entertainment value in dogfighting to the watchers.

3. Like I said before, we can debate on the way he and others eventually killed the dogs, but there should be no issue in a sense with dogfighting itself ifyou have no problem with deerhunting, or quailhunting, or duckhunting, etc. etc.
Originally Posted by ERASCISM

I'm a vegan and I ............. support the early release of Mike Vick. Now it's time for his second chance and we should support him in his quest for redemption. The man has lost all his money, his homes, and his freedom. What good is it to still condemn the man at this point? What more does your evil *** you want done? Now is the time for forgiveness. Frankly, unless you are a vegetarian or vegan, you don't have much right to talk. Everytime you buy meat you are supporting the same cruelty that Vick inflicted on those dogs. Most animals raised for human consumption live in the same conditions. Hell, a fighting pitbull has larger confines and eats better. But everytime you buy a double whopper or KFC honey bbq wings, you are saying, "job well done. do it again" to these factory farms who view animals as nothing more than $$$ and force them to live their out their lives in their own filth and mania.

*kicks your soapbox from under you and watches you fumble your sausage mcmuffin*

If Singletary is still the coach, I doubt he'd want Vick. How ill would it be to see him in red & gold? Assuming they're reverting back to the old uniforms next season.
QFT cause I know most of these cats saying crazy things about Vick have used products that come from slaughtered animals but its a problem causethey love their dogs. At least Peta is consistent in their defense of animals unlike some in this thread. I don't really care about dogfighting orhunting but don't see how you can dislike one but not the other. Hiding behind the law is a cop out and almost as bad as when people quote bible versesthat agree with them. As far as Vick he did something illegal so you gotta do the time but he should get another chance just like any one of us would want ifwe happened to get into trouble.
Originally Posted by 36hypno

How is he a scum bag? Some of you dudes need to stop kissing your dogs and wake up. We glorify these animals WAAAY to much. Its really sad.

There is a dude in the league that killed somebody when he was drunk driving. Where are all the protestors for that?

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