So this is how Kids dance in Brazil.... WOW

It's a latin thing though. Been grinding on girls at parties since I was 10. It's pretty much encouraged by the parents. *Kanye shrug?*
Originally Posted by Keif Sweat

Originally Posted by MoonMan818

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Yeah.  I feel that.
But on the other hand.  Those kids are a couple layers of clothing away from going to the same elementary school as their kids.
People just need to lighten up. I haven't gotten a boner from grinding on a chick since i was 14...

if kids are having kids, it's not because of a dance...

I mean it's acceptable for citizens of other countries to get married and participate in sexual activity as young as 13.

Imma say this 
Im hispanic and i know latins/hispanics are very loose in what they see is right wrong and not appropriate...

And thats fine... raise the way you want you raise your kids.. its going to fall on ur shoulders how ever they turn out and u are going to influence them in a big way...

but for me.. that +@!$ isnt cool. If my little girl danced like that .. SON someone is getting hurt.. +@!$ is not whats up or cool...

You cannot shelter kids from everything but there is a time for everything.. and at the age of 5 or 6 you shouldnt be allowing ur kids to %*%#@! rubs their %$*$@ and *+$%% together like that... 

regardless of not knowing what theyre doing... Like son said.. 

Originally Posted by SFC415

^Sexual repression is one thing, and toddlers simulating sex is another. You'd be ok with your kids doing this?

So just because someone else llows their kids smoke at the age of 3 or whatever the age that lil chubby asian kid smokin cigarettes is... Its cool and because we're too conservative ? please... Let people do what they want but thats just my opinion on the matter, no go ahead and cop a pack of Marlboro for your young girl or boy...
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