So when was the sneaker game officially ruined? Vol: Galaxy Foamposite's SMH

Niketalkers are too smart to buy anything at super high reseller prices. Professional low ballers on here lulz
Originally Posted by Sneekaz

As a matter of fact Animal Thug even made a suggestion to method man to do something about resellers selling on here. That speaks volumes.
as a matter of fact a known reseller is on the Mod secret forum 

 @ anyone fighting for "sneakerhead" culture, they're just shoes, fall back.
Youth overseas riot for freedom/democracy/against dictators.
Our youth riot over sneakers.
We need to step our riot game up.
after i cop my Columbia's i'm done from the sneaker game, dudes be spending $400 maybe $500 dollars in a 2 month span on J's, why not save that money and buy some Gucci's or LV shoes, hell maybe towards a bill.  
Originally Posted by gregpaa

I'm going to try to comprehend why the 'shoe game' has changed over the past 5+ years. When MJ was in his prime and for those of us old enough to remember those days, people were getting shot and killed for their shoes. When I got old enough to buy my own shoes was right around the time the retros were coming back. So all of us who couldn't afford the shoes we wanted when we were younger, were now older and could appreciate the significance/price/non-monatary value of these shoes that were part of our personal history. We all remembered how the days of people losing their lives over shoes was a dark time in our society. We all respected eachother as equal 'historians' of the 'game'.

Today, these kids that are now able to purchase these shoes are motivated by the wrong reasons. Some after the shoes for resale purposes only and will 'employ' as many people as possible to get their product. Others are wanting a pair no one else has. They want to stand out in the crowd. Unfortunately, it's going to take incidents like we saw in the early to mid 90's for people to realize that Nike is using the 'limited' tag as a status symbol for kids in our society. A kid can't show up with a GR on his feet these days.
well said sir I feel the exact way
The almighty Swoosh is suddenly in an unlikely — if not uncomfortable — position: playing defense.

Nike, the world’s largest sneaker maker, with revenue topping $20 billion last year, is mostly watching from the sidelines as its name has been linked with consumer rioting outside shopping malls in Florida and Maryland over limited access to the $220 basketball shoe Foamposite One Galaxy. The release of the $180 Air Jordan XI shoe before Christmas also caused a riot at a mall in Indianapolis, fights in Seattle and a stabbing in Jersey City.

For Nike, industry dominance comes at a price. While the brand has successfully stayed cool — if not cutting-edge — over nearly 40 years in the highly competitive sneaker business, the way it stays on top may need to evolve in a fast-changing world of social media that has greatly democratized knowledge of and access to its newest and coolest shoes.

In the recent past, folks who crave the newest Nike sneakers would likely hear about it from inside channels, says John Horan, publisher of the newsletter Sporting Goods Intelligence. Under that scenario, maybe 100 or 200 insiders would show up at the mall for the new shoe’s release. But with social media as the new information forum that’s widely available to everyone, says Horan, “instead of 100 people lined up, you have 1,000 — or more.

Here's what image and brand gurus say Nike should do:
•Supply enough shoes. Don't ship product until there is ample supply to meet demand, says brand consultant Jonathan Salem Baskin.
•Sell 'em online. An online or in-store lottery for popular new shoes could eliminate the problem, says Horan. (Wilkins says Nike stores often hand out tickets to people standing in line.) this guy never ordered online?

•Plan better. Nike execs often know well ahead of time — thanks to focus groups, data and trends analysis — which shoes will be hot, says Baskin.
•Put the CEO out front. Nike CEO Mark Parker should be visibly apologizing for what happened and promise to fix it, says brand consultant Al Ries.
•Talk firmly. Nike should issue a much stronger statement that this is not what the brand stands for. "The problem is they tolerate it with a shrug and wink," says Baskin.
•Withdraw it. To prevent more ruckus, Nike should remove the shoe from stores, Baskin says.

I wanna see a bigger paper put nike on blast, shoot I wonder if there would be a congressional hearing. wait it aint that serious
Originally Posted by 160jordansdeep

The release of the $180 Air Jordan XI shoe before Christmas also caused a riot at a mall in Indianapolis, fights in Seattle and a stabbing in Jersey City.
I heard that stabbing was before closing, the night before, they left him in a pile of blood for beats headsets (also sold at footlocker) 
I'm failing to see how there is so much hype for a shoe with stars all over it. Looks like something 1st graders would buy from Payless
Originally Posted by Cfranchise26

after i cop my Columbia's i'm done from the sneaker game, dudes be spending $400 maybe $500 dollars in a 2 month span on J's, why not save that money and buy some Gucci's or LV shoes, hell maybe towards a bill.  

I mean this is how I sorta feel. Its been stated over and over that the younger gen kinda took over the shoe game and its for reasons that are not genuine to the culture that it spawned from. I been collecting for many years and I hate seeing what this has all become. Ill use the galaxy foams as example for sake of thread title. Its a cool looking shoe but I simply don't care for the foam line. Shoe cost what? $180? If not, close enough. So I was just curious how much these would go on ebay and the shoes are going for $2000+ which is stupid ridiculous for someone that really wanted the sneaker and just couldn't grab a pair for what ever reason or a college student. Say, a reseller got their  hands on 5 pairs and soled them on ebay for at least that much. They just made $10,000 after only spending $900-$1000. $10k is a down payment on a car or house. A HOUSE!? While so, It cost how much for the shoe to be made? Im just guessing $65....So in the grand scheme of things, If somehow someway a  worker from the manufacture could fathom 5 pairs of these at manufactures prices and re sell, it would only cost them $300-$400. Putting a down payment on a house for only $400 using sneakers? SHOES!? WOOOW thats crazy! Real crazy part is the value of the shoes are not going up cause of appreciation like some 2001 aj concords or some original aj cement 4s no more. Its cause of the hype thats created for them being limited  +  younger gen biting on it  x  resellers standing in line with people that really want the shoe  =  people who been collecting for years missing out on retail prices. Yes this is another salty post.
whats crazy is that the intrinsic value of production for all foamposites is virtually the same. Always found it crazy how a tweak in the color scheme, which does not increase the cost for nike, causes the price to skyrocket.
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

whats crazy is that the intrinsic value of production for all foamposites is virtually the same. Always found it crazy how a tweak in the color scheme, which does not increase the cost for nike, causes the price to skyrocket.

Oh yea I know Nike sees this.Cats out here making more money off of a single sale of sneakers then they are. I know this is probably been stated before but I wonder why Nike hasn't tried to hike the prices up them selves?
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

At first I thought the bids on ebay were fake, but all of them are going for like $1000+


Pure insanity..

Theres someone asking $3000 for a pair in the B/S threads. Another nter offered $1200. OP called it a lowball. Just greedy
Originally Posted by ps2child

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

whats crazy is that the intrinsic value of production for all foamposites is virtually the same. Always found it crazy how a tweak in the color scheme, which does not increase the cost for nike, causes the price to skyrocket.

Oh yea I know Nike sees this.Cats out here making more money off of a single sale of sneakers then they are. I know this is probably been stated before but I wonder why Nike hasn't tried to hike the prices up them selves?
The answer to that is in what i wrote already. Nike's cost of production does not increase b/c of diff colorways. Therefore if they increased the price for the consumer simply due to their limited availability, this would result in a lawsuit for exploiting the consumer. The fact that Nike keeps the price of same model shoes the same across the board, lets them get away from any scrutiny regarding availability and exclusiveness imo. They like to keep their prices at retail all across the board. Whatever happens after is on secondary retailers, resellers and hopeful sneaker heads. Imo this is a legal issue, and nike makes enough money already. They come out with limited releases to boost their image, maintain interest in its brand, and de-saturate the market if that makes sense. I dunno but thats the way i see it. 
Originally Posted by tim teufel

Dude I deal with people that I sell kicks that u buy retail at flightclub prices. U do the math and my math was a Lil off its closer to 50k some of it carried over from the previous year

$50K, $65K, $100K.  This is a Nike forum, how come no one else has said they are doing these type of numbers reselling kicks?  We don't believe you.  I mean to even move that kind of high profile kicks, you probably gotta put in serious work(agree to buy) on less popular kicks or paying somebody a grip for access to just the popular kicks like Concords and Galaxies, driving down your profits.

I'm not one to hate on another man's hustle, it's just that you threw out a number like $50K on this message board, which is full of resellers.
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by ps2child

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

whats crazy is that the intrinsic value of production for all foamposites is virtually the same. Always found it crazy how a tweak in the color scheme, which does not increase the cost for nike, causes the price to skyrocket.

Oh yea I know Nike sees this.Cats out here making more money off of a single sale of sneakers then they are. I know this is probably been stated before but I wonder why Nike hasn't tried to hike the prices up them selves?
The answer to that is in what i wrote already. Nike's cost of production does not increase b/c of diff colorways. Therefore if they increased the price for the consumer simply due to their limited availability, this would result in a lawsuit for exploiting the consumer. The fact that Nike keeps the price of same model shoes the same across the board, lets them get away from any scrutiny regarding availability and exclusiveness imo. They like to keep their prices at retail all across the board. Whatever happens after is on secondary retailers, resellers and hopeful sneaker heads. Imo this is a legal issue, and nike makes enough money already. They come out with limited releases to boost their image, maintain interest in its brand, and de-saturate the market if that makes sense. I dunno but thats the way i see it. 

this rarely true, the colors can & do actually affect the price of production and the difference can be very dramatic between different colorways (this can be factored into the initial MSRP or the expensive makeups might be excluded to out due to the numbers produced)...could be materials, the cost of dyeing materials, processes involved. for example these galaxy foams are not a solid color, so there likely was an additional charge to 'print' the galaxy pattern onto the foamposite material. and if you believe that these were actually produced in limited qualities, there can be an increased cast associated with that too...

not really sure what you mean about "lawsuits for exploiting the consumer" & "scrutiny regarding availability and exclusiveness," care to clarify? if there is a consistent 'thread' running thru this thread it is the sense of entitlement people seem to have about who deserves what under what conditions, it is really interesting...
Originally Posted by ps2child

Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

At first I thought the bids on ebay were fake, but all of them are going for like $1000+


Pure insanity..

Theres someone asking $3000 for a pair in the B/S threads. Another nter offered $1200. OP called it a lowball. Just greedy
Saw this, I did.. 
Done with Jordan totally for this very reason. Longed quantities and bad quality. I will stick with lower cost nikes...koston1s vans classic era etc.
Originally Posted by ps2child

Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

At first I thought the bids on ebay were fake, but all of them are going for like $1000+


Pure insanity..

Theres someone asking $3000 for a pair in the B/S threads. Another nter offered $1200. OP called it a lowball. Just greedy

I hope he never sells them.  People are such clowns.  $1200 for a pair of sneakers is a low-ball offer???  $1200 for ANY pair of shoes in the HISTORY OF LIFE is about 3X what they are worth.
Originally Posted by tokes99

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

ps2child wrote:
this rarely true, the colors can & do actually affect the price of production and the difference can be very dramatic between different colorways (this can be factored into the initial MSRP or the expensive makeups might be excluded to out due to the numbers produced)...could be materials, the cost of dyeing materials, processes involved. for example these galaxy foams are not a solid color, so there likely was an additional charge to 'print' the galaxy pattern onto the foamposite material. and if you believe that these were actually produced in limited qualities, there can be an increased cast associated with that too...

not really sure what you mean about "lawsuits for exploiting the consumer" & "scrutiny regarding availability and exclusiveness," care to clarify? if there is a consistent 'thread' running thru this thread it is the sense of entitlement people seem to have about who deserves what under what conditions, it is really interesting...

they do affect the price certainly, but the change is rather negligible in the grand scheme things. However, heres a perfect example - the nike dunk sb line because they have a large variety of fabrics and materials involved in their products everything from carhart to hemp to patent leather to just about every other material imaginable....yet the reatail price of a low top nike sb sneaker from nike's side is always the same (79$ i believe). Correct me if im wrong, but i have never seen the same nike sneaker model at different prices just because of a difference in colorway. So the claim that a  few more colors went into the painting of the galaxy print warrants a significant surcharge is something that a reseller would tell some naive buyer. So nike's part in creating this hype is only a small part of this fiasco (although they've devized a pretty good strategy for galvanizing hybeasts), the rest is on reseller's, bloggers, sneakerheads hell even NT. Call it a symbiosis if you will in which only the kid who actually wants to wear the kicks loses. At the end of the day, nike's main purpose in doing this is to maintain their brand image. You don't have to buy these foams, but the nike name will be ingrained in your mind as a "cool" sneaker brand with exclusive releases even if you only cop gr's.

The second part - Im not a law expert but i would imagine that nike would catch some heat for deliberately creating scarcity on the market and then charging extra for their products. So b/c they put a cap all their prices, they can get away with "limiting" the amount of product they put out. 
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by tim teufel

Dude I deal with people that I sell kicks that u buy retail at flightclub prices. U do the math and my math was a Lil off its closer to 50k some of it carried over from the previous year

$50K, $65K, $100K.  This is a Nike forum, how come no one else has said they are doing these type of numbers reselling kicks?  We don't believe you.  I mean to even move that kind of high profile kicks, you probably gotta put in serious work(agree to buy) on less popular kicks or paying somebody a grip for access to just the popular kicks like Concords and Galaxies, driving down your profits.

I'm not one to hate on another man's hustle, it's just that you threw out a number like $50K on this message board, which is full of resellers.

Not worried if u believe me or not kid. I don't resell on this board.
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