wow. i just had to pay it to list my shoes. im cleaning out my closet. nt only lets me list 10 at a time. ebay is too expensive.
Just like that without warning
I'd like to know how NTcompares to ISS in terms of bandwidth etc.

the homie steve is in it for the CAKE - thats all good- its just stupid when he tries to disguise it....he raping and pillaging the "culture"
If ppl want to pay let them pay, y yall haiting on another mans hustle?

Nobody is stopping anyone from paying.

I'm hating only because $teve uses that site to sell shoes, magazines and promote all of his ventures and now I'm suppose to help him cover hisfee's?
Was just reading the thread on iss and someone actually said this

LOL...thanks for this the real community is here to stay.
These kids are so brainwashed. They are thanking $teve for taking there money

^ Or you are just too ignorant to see that ISS is a very good way to sell shoes. People have listings with tons of stuff inside, whether it be shoes orclothes. Its easy to sell a collection when you want to get out of the "game". It can be lucrative and above all, its EASY. You just need to know whoto buy from and whatnot. If you are the seller, never ship first. Easy as that.

$5 is a small price to pay for a sneaker enthusiast. For a seller, $5 is nothing when you have thousands worth of shoes to sell. As a buyer, if you can afford$200+ shoes, $5 is clearly nothing to think twice about.

NT buy/sell is horrible. It needs tons of improvement.
Yeah your right iss is a good way to sell shoes.

It's also a good way for $teve to sell magazines, posters and advertisements.

By charging it shows that iss is not for it's members it's for $teve to profit from. Anyone who cant see that is the real ignorant person.
they need to make a search feature that works. charging 5 bucks.

There are 146,104 registered members on that site so let's say half decide to pay to list/buy stuff up or even 50,000 x 5 dollars= $250,000 for Steveyearly. He might even increase the fee if things go well.

As stated before he isn't really doing anyone a favor by running that site, it only promotes his business, which means more revenue for him. You don'tgive out free samples because you are a nice person, it's because you want to promote the product and bring in more business.
Originally Posted by NKEAIR


NT is much bigger than ISS

how much does it cost to run NT if you can give that info out, id like to see how much it costs to run ISS

I believe it is around $5000 a month. It really doesn't effect me though, I have paypal. But I wish they would have given everybody a warning, especiallyconsidering that the site that has a lot of youngsters on it that don't have access to paypal. Or it is gonna take a while for them to pay it which wouldeffect their bumping. 10 Piece Nugget what's your ISS name?
yall say ISS is so safe but every other day somebody is running over here (NT) talking about how they got scammed on ISS
$teve wrote:

Thanks all for the support. And for those hating - it is all good as you have a right to your opinion. If the forum as a whole (at least the people who use the MP) thought this was a truly bad idea and would rather have services cut then I would be down for that. I looked at many options before coming to this conclusion. My basic thought is this - I want ISS to be free for everyone - forever. But I also know the MP generates millions of dollars in revenue for the board members. Yes - millions. And it has been free forever to the you the user. But to be honest - it isn't free to run. Jvini and I have spent an amazing amount of time working on this site so it could grow as it has. We also have an amazing admin / mod staff that spend untold hours helping out all of the users.

Is the money going to the forum to keep it up and running as well as expand some key technical areas? Yes.

Am I personally making money off the $5 charge. No. That shouldn't even matter - but the answer is no.

Are we going to make some big upgrades over the next 6 months. Yes.

Could we just keep the MP free for everyone forever? Yes. But to be honest - I've spent $100,000s on this forum and it is truly refreshing that most people have the attitude - "let's do our part".

Bottom line; I don't think $5 breaks anyone who uses the MP. I just don't. And if you have 400 posts on this site with a feedback of 80 and you are *****ing about it - then please find another place to hang. Obviously you are not truly part of this community - you are just using the site for the MP - and that is not why I created this site. I created this site for people into kicks - for people who want to hang with like minded sneakerheads. There are all kinds of sneaker forums that come in every flavor under the sun. There is a place for you if you don't like this joint.

And to those saying I'm exploiting the shoe game.... I've given more time and money to the shoe game than anyone on this site. I've enabled many people to work in this industry through ISS / SC / as well as being the bridge for people to obtain pretty high level jobs at Nike and other shoe companies. Just because I don't come on here every day stating what I've done for the sneaker world doesn't mean I'm not doing things in the background.

sarteaga = sheep

But their marketplace > NT's B/S

I've been buyin and sellin on ISS for a minute and havent had a problem (frauds/scammers) yet. You just gotta do yourhomework on the buyer and use your judgment wisely. $5 per year aint that bad. It's quick easy money, I've had over 45 transactions since august. Thethreads never expire oppose to NT's 2 week rule. And like someone stated earlier, it takes a long time for the buy/sell mods to approve the threads here atNT.

I personally prefer the OLD NT b/s. Where we'd be able to post instantly and then get sniped down by mods if thingsweren't looking right.
I don't care @+! he does with the money as long as the sites running I'm fine with it. It's easily the easiest marketplace to work with for aseller. $5 is pocket change for the amount I'v made selling on ISS. I have the same shoes listed on both NT & ISS; 8/10 times when i sell a shoe tosome1 off a forum it's coming from ISS. Everyone is saying it's for the love of shoes and not in it for money. I'm willing to bet 9/10 people onthis forum have sold a pair of shoes for more than what you paid for them.
Some of you guys just don't get it. It's not the $5 it's the fact that $teve is making tons of cash by using iss to sell mags, posters, upper deckautographs and all types of other stuff.

With all the money he makes from iss members one would think it's not to much to ask that he let people use the forum for free.

He tried to set up a premium site with bluesole and it did not work so now it's on to this.

I've given more time and money to the shoe game than anyone on this site
Fails to mentions he has also made more money then anyone. And as far as spending time it's his damn job!

I've enabled many people to work in this industry through ISS / SC / as well as being the bridge for people to obtain pretty high level jobs at Nike and other shoe companies
Taking credit for other peoples hard work. Without $C I'm sure retrokid would still be at Nike.
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

Some sellers don't have an asking price, which annoys me. The excessive bumps do also.

NT just needs a feedback system and we're good to go.
I like their bumping system. I think its once every two days. NT should at least allow that. It really is hard to sell when your listing is 10pages back.
Admins can you have an open discussion with us regarding this? Two days isn't bad at all.
Originally Posted by YuraS718

Everyone is saying it's for the love of shoes and not in it for money. I'm willing to bet 9/10 people on this forum have sold a pair of shoes for more than what you paid for them.
of course....but I've spent more money on my collection than I've ever made selling a pair of kicks that I didn't need/want anymore.
I've sold to cull my collection...not to line my pockets...

big difference between the two...
and in fact..I've sold and traded at a semi-loss to people who I knew would appreciate and wear the kicks I was selling...and not just resell em later on.

this hobby has lost some of its soul(emphasis on not being SOLE) to these newjack collectors basing theircollections solely on the exclusivity and resale price of their kicks.
I don't buy a pair of sneakers thinking of the resale value down the road...I buy kicks b/c they look dope.
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