So Your Girl "Big Precious" Thinks She Is Beautiful Now. LOL. (From TMZ)

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

she doesn't have the right to walk around as if she looks good.
so you're saying any girl that doesn't look good should not have a high sense of self worth or a good amount of self esteem?

and NO, I don't agree with you... deep down, on the surface, or anywhere in the middle.
NO, I am saying SHE doesn't need to walk around as if she is some glamorous, stunning, beautiful, etc.......... creature. Because she is terrible.

You can walk around with self-worth but there is a difference between that and walking around as if she is some sort of diva (as they like to say).

Confidence is one thing.
Borderline cockiness is another. I think she acts cocky to look how she looks. But I believe the media puts her in a position to do that. Keep humoring her calling her beautiful every damn time they see her. That mess has to stop.

This is not the first time I have seen her not knowing her value. back to my original point... what's wrong with the video?... b/c there's nothing in that video where she herself is walking around like a diva.

besides... who are you to determine someone else's value?


Dude from TZ said precious you look beutiful and she said"I know"

Somebody need to slap her back into relatily
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Precious weighs 350 pounds

That's more than Shaq weighs...
fixed to put things in perspective...

@ calling Raven fat
Originally Posted by Liquor Poker

DC sucks at being a human being.

word..dude is goin in a bit hard...pause

still after the picture i posted, there's no way she should've made a beautiful people list. its insulting in a way no?
Originally Posted by superbness

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

she doesn't have the right to walk around as if she looks good.
so you're saying any girl that doesn't look good should not have a high sense of self worth or a good amount of self esteem?

and NO, I don't agree with you... deep down, on the surface, or anywhere in the middle.
NO, I am saying SHE doesn't need to walk around as if she is some glamorous, stunning, beautiful, etc.......... creature. Because she is terrible.

You can walk around with self-worth but there is a difference between that and walking around as if she is some sort of diva (as they like to say).

Confidence is one thing.
Borderline cockiness is another. I think she acts cocky to look how she looks. But I believe the media puts her in a position to do that. Keep humoring her calling her beautiful every damn time they see her. That mess has to stop.

This is not the first time I have seen her not knowing her value. back to my original point... what's wrong with the video?... b/c there's nothing in that video where she herself is walking around like a diva.

besides... who are you to determine someone else's value?


Dude from TZ said precious you look beutiful and she said"I know"

Somebody need to slap her back into relatily

God damn...

But anyway, the paparazzi dude knew what he was doing.

@ this thread being damn near 10 pages because an "ugly, fat black women" agreed to being beautiful.

Originally Posted by KleanKicks

Looking at that pic posted on the last page makes me feel like if her upper arm were to be cut, she'd leak KFC mashed potatoes and gravy.
I bet her blood type is Type O-riginal recipe 
Am i the only one who noticed this comment?
Forget "big chops" who's this woman???
  On a side note, I can't believe that girl was acting pretty cocky and saying "I know."  I don't who voted her for top 100 but smfh.  If she wasn't acting like she looks right, then I mite be able to give her sum dap for having a good personality at least.
Originally Posted by PatentBoy23

Forget "big chops" who's this woman???
  On a side note, I can't believe that girl was acting pretty cocky and saying "I know."  I don't who voted her for top 100 but smfh.  If she wasn't acting like she looks right, then I mite be able to give her sum dap for having a good personality at least.
cheryl cole/tweedy.. mann i'm with will i am.. this check is prefect.. would marry her in a heartbeat
So i was browsing Perezhilton (just like half of you do), and i noticed this coincidentally.
Now im not saying that op or DC are right in all of their comments...but according to this it might be safe to say the reports of her being arrogant are true...

Is Gabourey Sidibe A %@%$$??
Filed under: Icky Icky Poo

This is so, so disappointing.

The Washington Post's Jonthan Capehart is apparently no longer a fan of Gabourey Sidibe after he and a few friends had quite unpleasant encounters with the actress at the White House Correspondent's dinner!

He alleges:

I was thrilled to spot her at a table laughing uproariously with the man sitting to her right. "I know you're having a good time and I'm sorry to interrupt," I began. My next sentence didn't come out because Sidibe shouted over the din, "Yeah, come back in five minutes!" Thinking she was joking, I laughed and pretended to walk away. When I noticed that the look in her eyes meant she was serious, I walked back to her and said, "I just wanted to congratulate you on your nomination. I thought your performance was spectacular. I even wrote a column about it." After wishing her good luck, I rejoined my friends.

Back at the table, I sheepishly related the incident to my colleague Jo-Ann Armao. "Oh! She's horrible," Armao said in her wonderfully blunt way. She told me that she saw Sidibe at the pre-cocktails and told her that she'd seen "Precious" three times (an amazing emotional feat that only adds to my awe of Armao) and that she thought Sidibe's performance was "incandescent." What was Sidibe's response? "I guess I should say, 'Thank you.'"

At the MSNBC after party, the partner of a "Countdown with Keith Olbermann" producer said to me, "Look! There's Gabby Sidibe. I'm going to ask her to take a picture with me." I warned him, "She's mean." To which he said, "I don't care. I just want a picture." I didn't see what went down, but the dejected fan came back and said incredulously, "She said no."

We sincerely hope that you weren't feeling yourself that night, bb, because one successful movie isn't going excuse your being a ridiculous diva!

Get your act together, or you may not be in the public's good graces for much longer!!
Looks like shorty really does have an ego

EDIT: looks like the link wont work because the B word is in the URL and NT is censoring it.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

The worst part about DCAllAmerican's (let's be honest, a guy who shown nothing but contempt for anything not archetypically 'manly') view is that he thinks that there are people that are actually entitled to certain levels of a-holeness. Somehow the way someone looks not only enables them but actually grants them to act as if their looks are what makes them better than others. So if someone the likes of Scarlett Johansson were to call DCAllAmerican out for being the miserable +%+@ that he is, he would be more accepting of his overall twatness as opposed to someone like Kirstie Alley calling him out for the same twatness. This gets interesting when you consider that I have gathered (as I'm sure anyone else on here with half an intellect) that DCAllAmerican has very little to add to anything....Not anything of any intellect or weight anyway. He seems to be the foreskin that is thrown away not the foreskin that is pulled back during circumcision. So by his own standards, and mainly because his views seem to render him utterly useless in my opinion, he needs to be an absolutely beautiful person on the outside to be worth anything. So, if DCAllAmerican isn't the perfect looking person, he really must be the useless waste of flesh that he exudes. That's by your standards, DCAA, not mine.


I am going to keep asking for his pic and going to look for one myself....anyone with this scum bags picture please post it in here so we can look at what a sorry excuse for a human being this guy really is.

If you are such a man, post your pic.
Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

Ehhh shut the hell up.
too much truth? its ok
@Roc Boy Jada, you are in DENIAL if you really think she doesn't look that bad. Denial.

she doesnt BUT shes black and DARK

no way she gettin love on here

bunch a brainwashed sheep on here i tell ya

the white man/media won

what are you talkin about...NT made PLENTY fun of jessica simpson when she packed those pounds.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

The worst part about DCAllAmerican's (let's be honest, a guy who shown nothing but contempt for anything not archetypically 'manly') view is that he thinks that there are people that are actually entitled to certain levels of a-holeness. Somehow the way someone looks not only enables them but actually grants them to act as if their looks are what makes them better than others. So if someone the likes of Scarlett Johansson were to call DCAllAmerican out for being the miserable +%+@ that he is, he would be more accepting of his overall twatness as opposed to someone like Kirstie Alley calling him out for the same twatness. This gets interesting when you consider that I have gathered (as I'm sure anyone else on here with half an intellect) that DCAllAmerican has very little to add to anything....Not anything of any intellect or weight anyway. He seems to be the foreskin that is thrown away not the foreskin that is pulled back during circumcision. So by his own standards, and mainly because his views seem to render him utterly useless in my opinion, he needs to be an absolutely beautiful person on the outside to be worth anything. So, if DCAllAmerican isn't the perfect looking person, he really must be the useless waste of flesh that he exudes. That's by your standards, DCAA, not mine.

(kay slay) DAMN ! (kay slay)

i bet DC looks like 1 of these dudes ( is that Bret Favre in the middle ? )

about precious i agree she is awful but at the same time it doesn't bother me at all that she portrays herself with having this false confidence at the end of the day it's just a defense mechanism. I know fat people that buy stuff to feel better about themselves she just says things out of her mouth that makes her feel good, she knows what she is. I know for a fact you have serious insecurity issues the way you bash woman on this message board especially the "ugly" women. If u felt good about yourself you would have no reason to sit here and try to dissect everything this chick says man she got you over here searching for videos of her on youtube and checking for new pics of her after award shows by you being so thirsty  to tear her down she won.  You do know you came out of a woman right ? unless your a alien or some $^%# if not your just pathetic.
so no one got this bums picture?

and why is he MIA all of a sudden... post your picture...
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