---> Should I sell it??

first double post ever
Cool to know a NT'er owned that. Yea I've checked solepedia out a couple of times. Yea I would just update it with little things here and there, thensell it. It'll be worth more.
Sell 90% and keep 10% off the top in exchange for contributing a small bit work work/consulting.
i would say sell it
if your heart isnt in to it let somebody take it who has the heart..... then go make another shoe page to rival that page
Originally Posted by jimmybeanz says that your site is worth $13,570. if you truly don't want to deal with it anymore, sell the site, but as part of the sale, have the buyer keep you on as a consultant for say, 5 years. you will get money upfront, and still be getting paid for it for a couple years.

yo dawg your site is worth almost as much as niketalk

Site Value Report


The estimated value of is: $15,568

This value is calculated based on several factors shown above, including: Links, Traffic (Alexa), age of the domain, site category, domain keyword popularity,and overall occurrences of the domain name on the web.

You can buy and sell established sites in the dnScoop Marketplace.
Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

I'd say come up with a solid investment for that 5 thousand and then make your move. If you don't have something that you know for a fact you can make money off of for that then keep the site and concentrate on ad revenue and try to find someone who can put in the time and work you haven't been able to for a fraction of the ad revenue.
Originally Posted by iLL W1LLiam

Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

I'd say come up with a solid investment for that 5 thousand and then make your move. If you don't have something that you know for a fact you can make money off of for that then keep the site and concentrate on ad revenue and try to find someone who can put in the time and work you haven't been able to for a fraction of the ad revenue.

And I am not sure how accurate those website value things are
Especially for no $5,000.

You'll be kicking yourself later.
Originally Posted by And I Love It

Originally Posted by iLL W1LLiam

Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

I'd say come up with a solid investment for that 5 thousand and then make your move. If you don't have something that you know for a fact you can make money off of for that then keep the site and concentrate on ad revenue and try to find someone who can put in the time and work you haven't been able to for a fraction of the ad revenue.

And I am not sure how accurate those website value things are
Here are more accurate stats for you. That other site is trash.


Originally Posted by marath0n

Especially for no $5,000.

You'll be kicking yourself later.
Originally Posted by And I Love It

Originally Posted by iLL W1LLiam

Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

I'd say come up with a solid investment for that 5 thousand and then make your move. If you don't have something that you know for a fact you can make money off of for that then keep the site and concentrate on ad revenue and try to find someone who can put in the time and work you haven't been able to for a fraction of the ad revenue.

And I am not sure how accurate those website value things are
Here are more accurate stats for you. That other site is trash.


Man, I used to be in the top 100 000 on that site.
Thanks for the advice.
let's assume that marathon is correct, and dnscoop is trash, and the valuation isn't accurate. fine. even if that's the case, i doubt the site isworth only $5,000. human nature (and economics) says that a person is going to try to buy something for the lowest price that they can get away with. thebidder obviously thinks it's worth a lot more than that (potentially or as is).

your site is obviously valuable, so you have several options available to you:

1. sell for $5,000 and walk away.
2. do your own research (i'm sure there are other sites other than dnscoop that can provide info) on your sites value, and come up with a selling
3. hire a firm that specializes in selling websites (google website broker) to get the best possible price for you.
4. invest more time and/or money into the site. find a way to monetize the site and make it into a moneymaker.
5. sell controlling ownership. keep enough shares so that you will still get paid if the new owner turns it into a moneymaker.
6. hire or give an editor some ownership, so that they can maintain the site, and possible build it into a moneymaker.
*note. in order to give or sell shares, the website would need to be owned in an llc or corp name.
Originally Posted by wj4

It's really up to where you're in, in your life right now. If you're not really into the shoe hobby anymore...I'd sell it and move on. If you think you will have time to work on the site, then keep it.
Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

let's assume that marathon is correct, and dnscoop is trash, and the valuation isn't accurate. fine. even if that's the case, i doubt the site is worth only $5,000. human nature (and economics) says that a person is going to try to buy something for the lowest price that they can get away with. the bidder obviously thinks it's worth a lot more than that (potentially or as is).

your site is obviously valuable, so you have several options available to you:

1. sell for $5,000 and walk away.
2. do your own research (i'm sure there are other sites other than dnscoop that can provide info) on your sites value, and come up with a selling
3. hire a firm that specializes in selling websites (google website broker) to get the best possible price for you.
4. invest more time and/or money into the site. find a way to monetize the site and make it into a moneymaker.
5. sell controlling ownership. keep enough shares so that you will still get paid if the new owner turns it into a moneymaker.
6. hire or give an editor some ownership, so that they can maintain the site, and possible build it into a moneymaker.
*note. in order to give or sell shares, the website would need to be owned in an llc or corp name.

In my opinion both NT and Solepedia are worth more than dnscoop has them for... Especially NT. A forum with 70,000 members worth 15k??
What he has to figureout is how to generate much better revenue streams with the traffic he's getting.
Originally Posted by Rudemiester

NT is giving 10 stacks to charity from ad revenue alone.

NT gets that ad revenue.

Who has that cartoon clip about how the mods spend that ad revenue money?
Keep it. Perhaps, like others have said, find a contributor or maybe a couple. Treat it like a magazine, get that info, have the new stuff streaming in, updatethe look. See if you can have guest articles written by some NTer's. You scratch our back, we'll scratch your back kind of steeze.

Make it so that readers are begging for more.

You'll kick yourself if you sell-out and then watch some other person make huge amounts of coin from it.
Originally Posted by And I Love It

Originally Posted by Shaze804

Originally Posted by And I Love It

Originally Posted by jimmybeanz says that your site is worth $13,570. if you truly don't want to deal with it anymore, sell the site, but as part of the sale, have the buyer keep you on as a consultant for say, 5 years. you will get money upfront, and still be getting paid for it for a couple years.

That is an overwhelming amount

Alright, well lets try something.

I NEED to find an editor. So if you have time and love shoes and have the means to keep the site up to date shoot me a PM with you bid or how much you would charge approximately. We can talk more about it of course. Lets get this site
keep it get legal consultation to find a way to still make money from it...
Can someone school me on this legal consultation? Or where I would find such for this project. I have not heard of such.

sell it. you could always try and update and stuff you know. i think you will make more money from the ads in the long run.
Why not make it into a community based website and allow people (mainly NTer's and sneakerheads) to contribute information? I'm sure there are plentyof knowledgable people on here that can offer pics, info and whatnot about a whole range of shoes over the years.
keep it. If your looking for a partner im interested in offering my services. Ive had success with different site I have launched and can show you differentmonetize options, new ideas to implement in the site, help you get more traffic. I think this site has alot of potential. if your interested let me know, ifnot then i suggest you think if your really gonna work on it cause if not then just take the money
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