Somali Pirates execute 4 Americans

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by SuperPirate

Yes they deserve to die for passing out bibles. I hate christians and they way they try and push their religion on everyone.

Some people really don't care for your beliefs, but the bible had nothing to do with it.

Its the fact that they were in the waters in the first place why they were kidnapped.

Pay attention  people. This is the deep down sentiment of a lot of people nowadays and I'm sure here on Niketalk itself they're people who feel this same way.

Amazing. These same people preach AGAINST hate.

They deserve to die for passing out some damn books though?
His opinion. Let's not get carried away (although you'd probably love to play the victim here)

The facts.

edit: and "some damn books" 
 the irony is killing me
LOL @ you trying to justify what he said.
Sure it's an "opinion".

It's also a completely immoral, callous and borderline psychotic opinion.

You can argue that they walked into it, that they're stupid for doing it, and that they should have known better than to try to pull that +++% in that area of the world, but to say they deserved to die? 

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by SuperPirate

Yes they deserve to die for passing out bibles. I hate christians and they way they try and push their religion on everyone.

Some people really don't care for your beliefs, but the bible had nothing to do with it.

Its the fact that they were in the waters in the first place why they were kidnapped.

Pay attention  people. This is the deep down sentiment of a lot of people nowadays and I'm sure here on Niketalk itself they're people who feel this same way.

Amazing. These same people preach AGAINST hate.

They deserve to die for passing out some damn books though?
His opinion. Let's not get carried away (although you'd probably love to play the victim here)

The facts.

edit: and "some damn books" 
 the irony is killing me

Victim? Victim with who. I don't care about what anyone here thinks anyway. So who would I be trying to get sympathy from exactly?

I know its HIS opinion, but I'm making a point at how vicious some of these people on here TRULY are.

I said "some damn books" to show that he said they deserved to die for passing out bibles. A book. They died because of they were in foreign waters, passing out bibles.
I've heard it all before. I grew up hearing how "they hate that we're Christian" and all that jazz. It's easier to keep trucking along believing that you're in the underdog role, that they "just don't understand" and are "intolerant". Outta here with that. You're obviously trying to paint the picture that those that don't agree with the Christian religion somehow have it out for them.
I just thought it funny you said "some damn books" since that's your holy word 

Would any of you guys have felt differently had these evangelists been killed by some indigenous peoples on a far-flung island? The point is these guys were stupid to have been there in the first place regardless of what their intentions of being there were. You don't go into unfriendly and potentially dangerous areas thinking it's going to be all good. I mean, growing up you're told by your parents not to go into the rough neighborhoods because something bad might happen. I don't see how this is any different.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by SuperPirate

Yes they deserve to die for passing out bibles. I hate christians and they way they try and push their religion on everyone.

Some people really don't care for your beliefs, but the bible had nothing to do with it.

Its the fact that they were in the waters in the first place why they were kidnapped.

Pay attention  people. This is the deep down sentiment of a lot of people nowadays and I'm sure here on Niketalk itself they're people who feel this same way.

Amazing. These same people preach AGAINST hate.

They deserve to die for passing out some damn books though?
His opinion. Let's not get carried away (although you'd probably love to play the victim here)

The facts.

edit: and "some damn books" 
 the irony is killing me

Victim? Victim with who. I don't care about what anyone here thinks anyway. So who would I be trying to get sympathy from exactly?

I know its HIS opinion, but I'm making a point at how vicious some of these people on here TRULY are.

I said "some damn books" to show that he said they deserved to die for passing out bibles. A book. They died because of they were in foreign waters, passing out bibles.
I've heard it all before. I grew up hearing how "they hate that we're Christian" and all that jazz. It's easier to keep trucking along believing that you're in the underdog role, that they "just don't understand" and are "intolerant". Outta here with that. You're obviously trying to paint the picture that those that don't agree with the Christian religion somehow have it out for them.
I just thought it funny you said "some damn books" since that's your holy word 

Would any of you guys have felt differently had these evangelists been killed by some indigenous peoples on a far-flung island? The point is these guys were stupid to have been there in the first place regardless of what their intentions of being there were. You don't go into unfriendly and potentially dangerous areas thinking it's going to be all good. I mean, growing up you're told by your parents not to go into the rough neighborhoods because something bad might happen. I don't see how this is any different.
Originally Posted by whiterails

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by SuperPirate

Yes they deserve to die for passing out bibles. I hate christians and they way they try and push their religion on everyone.

Some people really don't care for your beliefs, but the bible had nothing to do with it.

Its the fact that they were in the waters in the first place why they were kidnapped.

Pay attention  people. This is the deep down sentiment of a lot of people nowadays and I'm sure here on Niketalk itself they're people who feel this same way.

Amazing. These same people preach AGAINST hate.

They deserve to die for passing out some damn books though?
His opinion. Let's not get carried away (although you'd probably love to play the victim here)

The facts.

edit: and "some damn books" 
 the irony is killing me
LOL @ you trying to justify what he said.
Sure it's an "opinion".

It's also a completely immoral, callous and borderline psychotic opinion.

You can argue that they walked into it, that they're stupid for doing it, and that they should have known better than to try to pull that +++% in that area of the world, but to say they deserved to die? 

So? it's still an opinion. Was 2pac a psycho for saying Biggie needs to burn and die on "hit em up" probably but you probably still $%@%%! with hm.
They deserved to die once again. 

Originally Posted by whiterails

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by SuperPirate

Yes they deserve to die for passing out bibles. I hate christians and they way they try and push their religion on everyone.

Some people really don't care for your beliefs, but the bible had nothing to do with it.

Its the fact that they were in the waters in the first place why they were kidnapped.

Pay attention  people. This is the deep down sentiment of a lot of people nowadays and I'm sure here on Niketalk itself they're people who feel this same way.

Amazing. These same people preach AGAINST hate.

They deserve to die for passing out some damn books though?
His opinion. Let's not get carried away (although you'd probably love to play the victim here)

The facts.

edit: and "some damn books" 
 the irony is killing me
LOL @ you trying to justify what he said.
Sure it's an "opinion".

It's also a completely immoral, callous and borderline psychotic opinion.

You can argue that they walked into it, that they're stupid for doing it, and that they should have known better than to try to pull that +++% in that area of the world, but to say they deserved to die? 

So? it's still an opinion. Was 2pac a psycho for saying Biggie needs to burn and die on "hit em up" probably but you probably still $%@%%! with hm.
They deserved to die once again. 


So a black guy gets killed for wandering through an Italian neighborhood and the assailants should get the death penalty.

But some American travelers are murdered and it's their own fault?

As great a resource as NT is, the hypocrisy is overwhelming at times.

So a black guy gets killed for wandering through an Italian neighborhood and the assailants should get the death penalty.

But some American travelers are murdered and it's their own fault?

As great a resource as NT is, the hypocrisy is overwhelming at times.
I grew up a Christian and attended a Christian school for thirteen years of my life. We'd go to chapel and pray for our missionaries around the world. I know how incredibly reckless and arrogant these people are. They put themselves in dangerous situations thinking "god is going to protect them." I remember one story our pastor told us about a missionary who went to evangelize to a cannibal tribe and was killed and eaten. He was made to sound like some kind of hero who put his life on the line for god. With that kind of arrogance and delusion, how else is one suppose to feel when they do end up in a situation like this? Yes, it's sad they were killed but I have zero sympathy for idiots who put themselves in danger.
I grew up a Christian and attended a Christian school for thirteen years of my life. We'd go to chapel and pray for our missionaries around the world. I know how incredibly reckless and arrogant these people are. They put themselves in dangerous situations thinking "god is going to protect them." I remember one story our pastor told us about a missionary who went to evangelize to a cannibal tribe and was killed and eaten. He was made to sound like some kind of hero who put his life on the line for god. With that kind of arrogance and delusion, how else is one suppose to feel when they do end up in a situation like this? Yes, it's sad they were killed but I have zero sympathy for idiots who put themselves in danger.
SuperPirate wrote:
Originally Posted by whiterails

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by SuperPirate

Yes they deserve to die for passing out bibles. I hate christians and they way they try and push their religion on everyone.

Some people really don't care for your beliefs, but the bible had nothing to do with it.

Its the fact that they were in the waters in the first place why they were kidnapped.

Pay attention  people. This is the deep down sentiment of a lot of people nowadays and I'm sure here on Niketalk itself they're people who feel this same way.

Amazing. These same people preach AGAINST hate.

They deserve to die for passing out some damn books though?
His opinion. Let's not get carried away (although you'd probably love to play the victim here)

The facts.

edit: and "some damn books" 
 the irony is killing me
LOL @ you trying to justify what he said.
Sure it's an "opinion".

It's also a completely immoral, callous and borderline psychotic opinion.

You can argue that they walked into it, that they're stupid for doing it, and that they should have known better than to try to pull that +++% in that area of the world, but to say they deserved to die? 

So? it's still an opinion. Was 2pac a psycho for saying Biggie needs to burn and die on "hit em up" probably but you probably still $%@%%! with hm.
They deserved to die once again. 


SuperPirate wrote:
Originally Posted by whiterails

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by SuperPirate

Yes they deserve to die for passing out bibles. I hate christians and they way they try and push their religion on everyone.

Some people really don't care for your beliefs, but the bible had nothing to do with it.

Its the fact that they were in the waters in the first place why they were kidnapped.

Pay attention  people. This is the deep down sentiment of a lot of people nowadays and I'm sure here on Niketalk itself they're people who feel this same way.

Amazing. These same people preach AGAINST hate.

They deserve to die for passing out some damn books though?
His opinion. Let's not get carried away (although you'd probably love to play the victim here)

The facts.

edit: and "some damn books" 
 the irony is killing me
LOL @ you trying to justify what he said.
Sure it's an "opinion".

It's also a completely immoral, callous and borderline psychotic opinion.

You can argue that they walked into it, that they're stupid for doing it, and that they should have known better than to try to pull that +++% in that area of the world, but to say they deserved to die? 

So? it's still an opinion. Was 2pac a psycho for saying Biggie needs to burn and die on "hit em up" probably but you probably still $%@%%! with hm.
They deserved to die once again. 


Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Some of you guys might have the wrong idea of modern piracy
This isn't your old, walk the plank type piracy. These guys are hijacking ships and taking hostages for RANSOMS. It's in their best interest to keep their captives ALIVE. Obviously something went wrong.

Piracy is not unlike any other illegitimate method of trying to make money when times are tough. If you dig a little deeper, you'll realize that fishing was once a means of making a living in parts of Somalia but, due to overfishing in the surrounding waters by large, foreign fishing vessels, fishing is no longer viable. A lot of these pirates were once fisherman.

What do you do when the only thing you know and your means of making a living are taken from you?
I'm quoting myself.
I'm not condoning it but those people had no business over there. The horn of africa isn't main street. Something DEFINITELY went wrong. 
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Some of you guys might have the wrong idea of modern piracy
This isn't your old, walk the plank type piracy. These guys are hijacking ships and taking hostages for RANSOMS. It's in their best interest to keep their captives ALIVE. Obviously something went wrong.

Piracy is not unlike any other illegitimate method of trying to make money when times are tough. If you dig a little deeper, you'll realize that fishing was once a means of making a living in parts of Somalia but, due to overfishing in the surrounding waters by large, foreign fishing vessels, fishing is no longer viable. A lot of these pirates were once fisherman.

What do you do when the only thing you know and your means of making a living are taken from you?
I'm quoting myself.
I'm not condoning it but those people had no business over there. The horn of africa isn't main street. Something DEFINITELY went wrong. 
Originally Posted by Gumbo Jones

did my informative speech on Somalian pirates a year ago

they pretty much hold hostage people and get the shipping company to dish out a couple hundred thousand,,,,no one really gets harmed.

remember reading they demand absurd amounts of money (8-9 million) and bring it down to 200 300 thou.
Nobody gets hurt?  Moral hazard always ends up hurting someone.  Sure, the shipping companies can probably afford to shell out several hundred thousand to save their crew and cargo, but eventually a situation like this will occur.

If you can simply extort money from someone then there is no incentive to create real value to you and your family through legitimate businesses.  If the people would revolt and overthrow their government, Somalia would be a great tourist destination with resorts right along the Red Sea similar to what Dubai has done in the Persian Gulf and Mexico has done in the Gulf of Mexico.
Originally Posted by Gumbo Jones

did my informative speech on Somalian pirates a year ago

they pretty much hold hostage people and get the shipping company to dish out a couple hundred thousand,,,,no one really gets harmed.

remember reading they demand absurd amounts of money (8-9 million) and bring it down to 200 300 thou.
Nobody gets hurt?  Moral hazard always ends up hurting someone.  Sure, the shipping companies can probably afford to shell out several hundred thousand to save their crew and cargo, but eventually a situation like this will occur.

If you can simply extort money from someone then there is no incentive to create real value to you and your family through legitimate businesses.  If the people would revolt and overthrow their government, Somalia would be a great tourist destination with resorts right along the Red Sea similar to what Dubai has done in the Persian Gulf and Mexico has done in the Gulf of Mexico.
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Some of you guys might have the wrong idea of modern piracy
This isn't your old, walk the plank type piracy. These guys are hijacking ships and taking hostages for RANSOMS. It's in their best interest to keep their captives ALIVE. Obviously something went wrong.

Piracy is not unlike any other illegitimate method of trying to make money when times are tough. If you dig a little deeper, you'll realize that fishing was once a means of making a living in parts of Somalia but, due to overfishing in the surrounding waters by large, foreign fishing vessels, fishing is no longer viable. A lot of these pirates were once fisherman.
What do you do when the only thing you know and your means of making a living are taken from you?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Applaud this man.[/color]
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Some of you guys might have the wrong idea of modern piracy
This isn't your old, walk the plank type piracy. These guys are hijacking ships and taking hostages for RANSOMS. It's in their best interest to keep their captives ALIVE. Obviously something went wrong.

Piracy is not unlike any other illegitimate method of trying to make money when times are tough. If you dig a little deeper, you'll realize that fishing was once a means of making a living in parts of Somalia but, due to overfishing in the surrounding waters by large, foreign fishing vessels, fishing is no longer viable. A lot of these pirates were once fisherman.
What do you do when the only thing you know and your means of making a living are taken from you?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Applaud this man.[/color]
This is literally the reason the USMC exists. Their hymn goes "From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli"

Send in the Marines, shoot anyone with a weapon on sight, sieze anything valuable that pirates could use to pay for rebuilding, and burn the pirates villages & boats to the ground. Problem solved.
This is literally the reason the USMC exists. Their hymn goes "From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli"

Send in the Marines, shoot anyone with a weapon on sight, sieze anything valuable that pirates could use to pay for rebuilding, and burn the pirates villages & boats to the ground. Problem solved.
Originally Posted by AR Guy

This is literally the reason the USMC exists. Their hymn goes "From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli"

Send in the Marines, shoot anyone with a weapon on sight, sieze anything valuable that pirates could use to pay for rebuilding, and burn the pirates villages & boats to the ground. Problem solved.


Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by AR Guy

This is literally the reason the USMC exists. Their hymn goes "From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli"

Send in the Marines, shoot anyone with a weapon on sight, sieze anything valuable that pirates could use to pay for rebuilding, and burn the pirates villages & boats to the ground. Problem solved.


Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by AR Guy

This is literally the reason the USMC exists. Their hymn goes "From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli"

Send in the Marines, shoot anyone with a weapon on sight, sieze anything valuable that pirates could use to pay for rebuilding, and burn the pirates villages & boats to the ground. Problem solved.

Originally Posted by AR Guy

This is literally the reason the USMC exists. Their hymn goes "From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli"

Send in the Marines, shoot anyone with a weapon on sight, sieze anything valuable that pirates could use to pay for rebuilding, and burn the pirates villages & boats to the ground. Problem solved.

The pirate in the video said it best. When people are hungry they'll find a way to eat.
The pirate in the video said it best. When people are hungry they'll find a way to eat.
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