Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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I've always wondered upon this thread probably one of the best in general section

I always tell myself man I'm a research this illuminati talk look into this UFO thing, but I get side tracked by school and work. I'm starting to think humans are so overwelhemed they are unable to question things do things in a way. Only a select few who go and make the time to do these things. I guess I just have to unplug

yes yes

not only does the daily grind make people too busy, but when people are busy - sometimes they then feel like this type of info is not only unimportant to their lives, but unimportant to the world it general - not worth the time if they had it

so there is a multiplier effect to stay away for some people, for a lot of people - for too many people!

& the status quo is more powerful than those people can fathom

but once your eyes are open - then what??!!
this thread is the best thread in NT general
Was also having a discussion with my girl kinda related to being busy/busy Americans

Do you guys think that the reason we don't revolt like most other countries is because we truly are happy with how the gov is ran or because we just don't have to time to question things and do you guys think this is away of our gov to control us with out knowing?
most people are casual americans. most are lazy, they get home from work, eat dinner and then plop their butt on the couch watching the idiot box until bed time. they are comfortable with their living situations, could be from the poisons in our water. so you don't drink tap water, you still bathe in it. toxins like fluoride and chlorine absorb into your body through your skin. I read somewhere that fluoride makes people complacent!

the economy is not getting better regardless of what the msm tells us. maybe it is getting better for the rich, but not us. when gas and milk is $8 then maybe people will stand up and fight back. until then they accept things as they are told and taught. COMPLACENCY!

I remember one kid, junior and senior year of hs would always talk about aliens in class whenever we had free time. he would say how can you not believe in aliens when you look at all the stars in the sky. needless to say, everyone clowned this kid for being weird and crazy. I was one of them so if I ever cross paths with this guy again I will apologize for being ignorant

So what do we do? How do we educate others without being forceful?
i definitely think that ppl make time for what they want to do.

most dont think that that info of this type is important to their lives and/or to the world in general and not worth it

i dont think we can really do anything... i assume that disclosure about aliens would change so much in the world.
^this bohemian grove always baffled me they talking about bringing dogs in and all but these dudes control the police.
I watched this documentary on Netflix yesterday titled Ethos. It's an hour long. Recommend it since it discussed the perversions of the media and how we've been conditioned somewhat. Woody Harrelson is the host which is a little weird.

nah it does make sense. hes an anarchist/libertarian so him going against something like that is just :smokin
"God banished the original Prodigal Son from heaven because it wanted to teach Lucifer a lesson. God wanted to cleanse Lucifer of his fears. It wanted its most brilliant angel to know, and not believe, that no matter how far it fell from heaven, it would ALWAYS be an angel of light, because when you get your light from God then that light can never be blotted out by any murky experiences or circumstances in life. "

Something positive to end the day on.

Peace love and happiness to all my NT brethren :smile:
found this interesting to say the least

Feb. 26 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. Army is giving away 13,000 armored trucks, worth about $500,000 each. The 20-ton MRAPs, or Mine-Resistant Ambush-Protected trucks, were built specifically to save U.S. soldiers from roadside bombs in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Now the trucks are patrolling U.S. city streets. U.S. law enforcement agencies have received the lion’s share of this high-powered military surplus. (Source: Bloomberg)


i gotta look into the "when you're not home" part cause that sounds crazy if not linked in events to an initial request when home

that is - i do not believe the supreme court gave cops the power to just enter any home w/o a warrant simply because no one is home
the entering when no one is home part must be linked to police being initially denied entry by a present occupant

i read some of the comments people had about this & a lot of people are dumb-***** completely incorrectly interpreting the ruling
just to suit their fancy

awesome post
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