Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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I remember one kid, junior and senior year of hs would always talk about aliens in class whenever we had free time. he would say how can you not believe in aliens when you look at all the stars in the sky. needless to say, everyone clowned this kid for being weird and crazy. I was one of them so if I ever cross paths with this guy again I will apologize for being ignorant

So what do we do? How do we educate others without being forceful?
I am sure part of you found it easy to laugh at him since everyone else did the same.
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don't mind me for backtracking here, but back to the masonry talk... do you masons discuss finance or the world economy at these gatherings? like could a mason be privy to possible impending disasters and therefore take precautionary measures? i.e. selling a business to take the cash before isn hits the fan?
I'm no mason, but right now i'm thinking that a older mason who is well rounded knows how to connect the dots with news he may hear or read with his universal knowledge obtained. It all depends on your level of logical / reasoning skills combined with your moral ethics of good and evil. This will determine the action you take and the apple from which tree you will bite. 

With that said, I have just had the insight while that the famous  Napoleon Hill's think and Grow Rich, is really a masonic book in disguise and can easily be perverted by the reader, who thinks it's about mad $ and global domination.
don't mind me for backtracking here, but back to the masonry talk... do you masons discuss finance or the world economy at these gatherings? like could a mason be privy to possible impending disasters and therefore take precautionary measures? i.e. selling a business to take the cash before isn hits the fan?

I'm not a mason. but I can assure you the answer to this is 100% yes. There's lots of information out there on this.
The decisions of world economy war and "politics" are conceived at bohemian grove the bilderberg meetings trilateral commission council on foreign relations the United Nations etc. groups like this is where that happens and within those groups are many masons who belong to the order of death amongst others oto whatever. In blue lodge or porch masonry they would deny this because they're either not privy to these things or are oblivious to them. But like I said most of those groups are intertwined and filled with Masonic members so to answer your question yes.
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I live about an hour away from bohemian grove. I've thought about trekking/sprinting through just to see what Alex Jones says he saw. The stone owl, the sacrifice, etc...but they'd probably never let me live to tell about it.
Omg im dying over here

Anybody hear that phone call on coast 2 coast right now? Black race vs the aliens :lol:


Omg lol

This ***** finished the call without laughing once :lol:
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so a guy could hear through the grapevine that in such and such a time period this may be likely to occur. i guess the most telling way would be where this guy moves the proceeds from selling his biz :nerd:
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Heard Ghandi was a racist but did not know all of do we know this is true? Quite disgusting
so a guy could hear through the grapevine that in such and such a time period this may be likely to occur. i guess the most telling way would be where this guy moves the proceeds from selling his biz :nerd:

There would be no way to avoid any major financial collapse unless you knew somebody but as far as terror incidents every last 1 of them is carried out for a specific reason such as columbine high school sandy hook boston marathon 911 etc all of these events are planned well ahead of time and take place during the season of sacrifice or whalpurgisnacht. War itself is a massive blood sacrifice as well as a huge cash cow for them.
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well if you move your paper into gold and silver i think you could hedge yourself decently from fiscal calamity. but overall, the next collapse will change the way the world lives so yeah...
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