Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Anyone watch Hangar 1? The UFO show on H2, was watching a episode today, where they mentioned how Iran might have reversed engineered a UFO and a tractor beam, supposedly how they captured the US drone in 2011. I was thinking maybe that what happened to Air Malayasia?
Check this forum out.
Great reads for like minded individuals like us.
So many enlightened racist on that sight.

They can talk about beings of light, and all the peace they want, but they still make no secret about how they feel about black people.
That whole site is filled full of racist paranoid nut jobs in my honest opinion.

I think GLP does a disservice to the community, as the things they post not only never happens, but its usually extreme situations that just isn't remotely true a strong majority of the time.

They just take current events and spin the truth for confirmation bias amongst other members of the forum.

I feel like most people start to believe in conspiracies so much every time they read a new one they're inclined to fully believe it. It's like a culture now.
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GLP has some misinformation on there. While they provide the potential for wonderful insight, it doesn't seem what it should be.

That's why I like this thread. Just a secluded bunch of people that works together without bickering and welcomes the outsiders upon their arrivals.

Thanks GHIMS. If there's major market turmoil or something of a currency collapse occurring, I wanna be on the right side of that trade.
This whole Malaysian plane incident has my watching a lot of plane crash documentaries lately

One that I'm completely blown away by is the TWA flight 800 crash

I was only 5 when this happened so I barely remember this happening.

Looking at the official story that was put out and then looking at the 200+ eyewitness accounts have me like :wow: :smh:

I recommended checking out this documentary. Its on Netflix btw
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I was 10 years old when TWA Flight 800 happened, it was a pretty big freaking story across the country. There was so much speculation as to what really happened that day but from what I recall there were tabloid papers from National Enquirer to Weekly World News showing a missile in the sky. Of course, as a kid I was told not to believe them because those are the same trash tabloids that spew random crap to try and stir pots. But that trailer is definitely piquing my interest, thanks!
So I go to sign up for Warren Buffett's billion dollar march madness challenge and Yahoo wants me to enter my phone number for sms verification...guess that's the catch. Pass.

:rofl: i dont know why i find this funny ...they always tryna pull a fast one. like how much info do you want? facebook and google both want phone numbers/ they already have so much insight into our lives...what more could they want

"all our sensing systems are sending 10mil info bits to our brain every sec, but only 40 of these get into our cortex where consciousness is formed." - Ingo Swann

Definitely worth a listen.
Speaking of Sex Magik, I always hear stories about Moon Childs. Supposedly a demon impregnating human beings. You know when J**** Dude and Beyonce had their child folks were screaming their child was a Moon Child. Is that even possible?
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