Thanks for the view man kinda shares some sentiment to what im thinking. The thing that confuses me is the whole evil aspect of this organization. I mean if their alledged end game is to control us all and for us to be zombies. If they are the oversears of all why provide us with tools of knowledge and even allow room for people to get smarter and live. If that is the goal what the hell is taking so long. I mean if you go back far enough their was a time where human life revolved around hunting for food and procreation. Everything we have now is just a by product of technological and scientifc advancements and achievements. So if they are the oversears wouldnt they have tried to prevent any type of progress throughout history. Yet look at all the things we have today. At one point religions and churches ruled what happened and it would be crazy not to think there wasnt some kind of effery going on by whoever was in power at any given point in time. The existence of super powers and elite forces that rule the world dont shock me, its not a crazy idea or concent to get behind. But when it comes to this exposure and secret revealing and all that other nonsense, its all for nothing. If they all the ones in charge nothing at this point we can do to over throw them. We will never really ever know any kind of acceptable truth. I mean who many new things are discovered that change the course of history and everything we thought we knew. How many truths have been covered up never to be known. I mean at this point just about everything is open to interpretation anyway. People either form or accept their own truths anyway so in the end no one is right or wrong.
I think to understand what you're getting at you really have to have a paradigm shift in the way you think and look at history.
History as we know it is all one big lie told from an elementary western point of view. The so called indigineous people who were hunter gatherers could of simply been spiritually in tune with nature and realized that the pursuit of material and matter was a waste of time. Knowing that they would downplay their significance they built pyramids all around the world so they couldnt denounce the cultures complexity even if they rewrote the history books. For as advanced as we say we are, the average person cant tell you what energy truly is, where we come from, how did you get here or anything like that. So whose to say that these indiginous people hadnt reached that understanding, and had the knowledge erased with colonialism.
For the evil orginizations, i think its just the devil throwing on different costumes. Even the illuminati, they stole that title from the true enlightened ones. Your masons have 33 degress of understanding which is just one degree above freezing. 360 degrees of knowledge is when you truly become illuminated. They have "knowledge" but they lack the wisdom that's supposed to come with that understanding. As far why is the knowledge getting out to the masses? no matter what they do, you cant hold the people back. Using the same metaphor from my earlier post, at some point the trees you cut down to build that mall will uproot the foundation built on top of it. The technology we have today i do believe was built with great intent, but people are bought out and the technology becomes a way for the slave master to control his product.
With all the knowledge coming out they can do two things: Make a mockery of it, or make people simply not care, both of what you see happening. One thing i pose to anyone who suggests conspiracies to me is...okay, but why? Are you telling me this cause you wanna feed the ego and seem like youre someone enlightened. How are you incorparting this knowledge into your every day life?
So what's the intent behind all this evil? there is none, besides pure anarchy and the desire to have control. I dont think we can really grasps our minds behind the depths that they are willing to go through to try and pull off some of the evil stuff that they have. Most people say well all of us have done something bad, which i say not to the extent of genocide. not to the extent of 9/11. killing and raping children. I could be naive, but i believe love exists in all of us and thats are true and only nature. Theres programming to try and draw us away from what we really are. Because we are made of love we can't even fathom to think how some of these people do the things they do, and thats why we blow most conspiracies off because is doesnt check with our personal ethic codes and we give the average person the benefit of the doubt that they share similiar ideas about life that you do.
People are afraid of armegedon and dooms day, but why? because theyve got people convinced that this reality is worth saving. This my opinion but this thing cant be fixed, its gotta be burnt up and started over. So how do you do that? Love is the highest vibration. When things vibrate they give off heat. This happens physically and spiritually. If youre in love with someone you get that "warm" gushy feeling. Light is pure energy and it's hot as "hell.' So when we reallize were beings of light and the world embraces love, we will burn this thing up and bring forth the armegedon everyone is so afraid of.
--Edit: When i say you im speaking in generalities, I dont want you to think I'm trying to offend your train of thought or POV