Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Like the swastika?

Great example. Most of these symbols are references to the spirit/creation.

They tell you to live from the heart. The heart has 4 chambers much like a swastika has 4 arms. If you watch an atom implode it does so where it forms 4 distinct area that strongly resemble the swastika.
I had my first DMT experience this past Saturday......and wow...I'm not even sure I can fully describe it to you guys in words...

I def. "broke through" too...I had my wife with me, she knows I've been wanting to do DMT for awhile now and I finally got a hold of some... (she's never tried it but has researched it a lot with me...)

She was there pushing me to take that 3rd big rip...and telling me to lay down and relax and just let it happen...

I was fighting with it because I love this world, my wife, baby girl etc...and I didn't want to leave them...

The feeling I had was I literally left my soul was somewhere else...

I took the first hit and it felt like a mild mushroom/LSD trip...(melting walls, distorted vision...)

I took the 2nd hit right after and this is where it started getting crazy...

I closed my eyes and could see this revolving "Aztec" (best way I can describe it...) type shapes going around and around (Terrance McKenna describes this part as the "Chrysanthemum" part of the a holding area before your soul fully leaves...) Which I think is true because as that was going on I was def. still here on this planet....

But that's when my wife said "Take the 3rd hit!" She really had to push me to do it because you feel so crazy and like I said I literally felt my soul leaving my body somewhat and I didn't want to leave (in fear of never coming back

So I take the 3rd hit and BOOM my soul feels like it totally leaves my wife said it was like I was unconscious for a few minutes but my body was on like "auto-pilot"...

My breathing and heart rate was fine...

This is the point where it gets a little cloudy in my memory, like when you're trying to remember a dream....but I had my wife there with me so she jotted down everything I said when I came back...

I was greeted by this figure, I couldn't see any details (eyes, nose, etc...) but it looked like it had really long hair and the impression I got was that it was a female...

I felt like I was a part of everything, like we are all connected...all of us.

The one thing I CLEARLY remember is this "being" saying "I love you" and I replied "I love you too..."

I know I wasn't saying it to my wife because she said I was totally silent the whole time...

When I came back I was just in awe, I literally felt like bursting into tears (tears of joy not fear)....

It was seriously amazing...unlike anything I've ever experienced before...

Now, my take on it...(and it could be totally not true...) but DMT gives you a little taste of what happens when you die...I have no doubt that our souls live on even after this vessel/body dies...

Anyways, that's my story...if anyone has any questions please feel free to ask...

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PS: peep the 6:22 mark, it had me rolling, joe goes in on the guy to the right, look at his face after he gets exposed, wierdo 
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PS: peep the 6:22 mark, it had me rolling, joe goes in on the guy to the right, look at his face after he gets exposed, wierdo :lol: :lol: :wow:  

while i enjoy the experience, both the show & the story here, this guy telling the story comes off too much like a used-car salesman
wish i could, but i can't fully trust what he told
Originally Posted by hallywoodxo  

People are afraid of armegedon and dooms day, but why? because theyve got people convinced that this reality is worth saving. This my opinion but this thing cant be fixed, its gotta be burnt up and started over. So how do you do that? Love is the highest vibration. When things vibrate they give off heat.  This happens physically and spiritually. If youre in love with someone you get that "warm" gushy feeling. Light is pure energy and it's hot as "hell.' So when we reallize were beings of light and the world embraces love, we will burn this thing up and bring forth the armegedon everyone is so afraid of. 
quite a profound point here. thank you for this.
Nice paragraph up there, Hallywood. Overlooked it as I scanned these past two pages.

It's funny to me, but in what world does war lead to peace?

Dating back to the ancient history we've been clued in on (Rome, Egypt, Greece, etc.) there were always wars—people fighting for dominance—people wanting others to submit to their rule. Now, obviously, a lot of those people went to war for perverse reasons and greed, but in modern days, peace has been used as a veil to rationalize war.

We contribute to civil unrests around the world by aiding them with weapons and such, instead of using our power to try and unite both sides and come to a fair treaty. Now, obviously, the aid that's provided isn't done in the interests of the people, but the resources and power within the land that the aiders would like to acquire.

The common man isn't privy to the world of finance and the economical implications of wars—not until recently at least—and the veil of peace helps them get behind the war. Look at the Middle East, most people thought we first entered with intentions to protect Americans and the world—to usher in peace through submission—but in reality, it made a whole bunch of people in the know very wealthy. Defense spending increased, oil prices soared, etc.

War and violence will only lead to peace when there are no more humans living on this planet.

We don't need to be violent. We don't need to fight. As we stand currently, we cannot be destroyed. We have the fire within us to evaporate the igloo we're trapped in. We must stand our guard, stand up for our brothers and sisters, but do so without furthering the karmic cycle that has plagued humanity. We're each a part of each other, and each time we harm one another, we are harming ourselves and burning the bridges we need to build in order to grow.
Great insight Johnny. I think simply put:

You don't become a virgin by having sex
You don't stop drugs with drugs
And you don't get peace through war
Look like some gems have been posted..

NTS: Read everything above.

Will check out and throw in some responses when I get off work.
This world, The People in it are Evil, They wish to dominate, control, kill and want all the money and power and everything else to themselves, there is no sharing, no common courtesy, no morals, no love, just people taking, using and abusing, this is the reality we live in, we are not going to heal these sick minded individuals. life is not fair, its not going to change with words and cuddles, Believe that. 
amazing convo in here lately :smokin

it's really funny and awesome that I have made new friends that are on similar paths lately. I am attracting like minded people. My new barber thinks about similar topics and it's great to chop it up about things we care about, not the normal drama/gossip that goes on in the barbershop. Last week I went through a drawback financially and was thinking I need to get away for the summer. I need to get rid of things and people who do not matter in my life. Two days later, my friend, who I haven't talked to since last summer calls me with an opportunity to get away for the summer. The universe works in mysterious ways

The powers/elite are at a great numerical disadvantage to the people hence the programming, brain washing, poisoning, etc. They need a way to level the battlefield before starting the full out war. Great insight by C.Magneto C.Magneto about this physical reality and is it worth even saving. The matrix will be eventually be reset. I agree that we are love and light and if we are awakened then we have the power. We are here for a reason and I believe that reason is to learn and love. We will pass on our "truths" and help each other grow and realize our true potential.

johnnyredstorm johnnyredstorm touching on a very interesting topic about war. I believe wars are started by the elites and they benefit greatly financially from them. I read the other day that there is still unrest among the people in Iraq. Wars are planned strategically. I believe every move they make is calculated and has a purpose
Great movie, man. Skynet = Google and/or FB

FB spent 60 million to buy a drone company yesterday. They want to have the drone broadcast wifi around the world. Google is doing something similar....
I've got a loose idea of what you're talking about. Supposedly there's been an influx of catastrophic dreams. I remember, it's probably a year ago now, I had this dream that I was with my perfect mate (faceless since I haven't met her yet) and we heard this loud rumbling and whistling and we both fell to the ground as wherever we were was basically nuked. Woke up in just seconds of me covering her and saying I love you.

I feel like dreams are that in between state where our spirits are free to travel along various timelines and scenarios. Sort of like that room in X-Men where they could train against Sentinels and Sabertooth and what not.

I kid you not Ive had at least two dreams where Im at my house or near my house and look up at the sky. One was set in 4th of July and the fireworks suddenly turned into bombs or nukes being set off in the air. Everything went crazy from there. My most recent dream, I looked at the skyline of my city and then a nuke or something similar went off. I was with family, friends, and wife and took shelter in the bathroom, knowing i would die. In the dream I actually felt the energy of the bomb and actually died. Thinking I would go to heaven or something, I realized I was still in the bathroom and everything was in ruins. Then I woke up. They were both vivid and have no idea why Ive been having these dreams lately.
Similar dream, except I was at a construction site when bombs just started raining down everywhere. What sucks was I was literally on the verge of going fully lucid I was already semi-aware but the sheer chaos going on all around me made me jump from my semi-aware dreamstate to full alert and woke myself up

I've noticed whenever I want to go lucid I usually end up waking myself up, or the entire time not even realizing im in a dream until I wake up.
wish Got Holes would contribute more to the thread
dude been slackin' & takin advantage

what? like da alien invasion got you too busy to post?
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