Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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sometimes I feel like this "remembering" or this absolute "truth" is programming. At the very least, in the world we live in, programming would greatly affect our understanding or conceptualization of such a truth. In other words, how can I trust what is in me, or what appears to be in me? Its like the revolution or prophecy in the matrix, it was all put there by the matrix for the purposes of guiding or controlling opposition.

I see what you're saying. And to be honest I'm stumped for words to suggest the contrary. For me and what I've saw, and experienced if what I come from is just the programmed opposition then I'm okay with that because it's nothing but pure love and light.

When you remember, everything clicks and it all makes sense so to speak. It's something that truly speaks to your soul and who you are as opposed to who you think you are.

I feel hypocritical saying that, cause I feel like that's what a lot of Christians and religions have built their foundations on.

You can only research so many things, and read so many books before you have to go inside and find the answers. For me when I went inside what the ancients were saying, even Christianity has checked albeit to a perverted degree.
ben roethlisberger ben roethlisberger

The end of the Baghavad Gita it simply says "I remember".

That part right there almost makes me tear up. I feel like a lot of things in this world have happened because of that. Men knowing that most people won't remember, and using it as positioning to create financial gains, religion etc.
Then the benevolent ones who do remember are put in awkward positions cause most people are too lazy to put it in the work to do it themselves. They'd rather have Jesus die for them, the pope herd them etc.

It's difficult for me to have the "I remember" conversation with a lot of people because the answers you give them, are answers we already have. For example, "treat others as thyself" "love is the only thing that MATTERS"
So when that's not sufficient, they wanna know how you got there and how did you remember?
When most people are asking that question, they aren't really trying to remember, they're looking for a way to point out that's impossible for you to remember through that process. Not because of their own doing do they wanna shoot you down, but through programming of disbelief and negativity, it's hard for us to belive that it's really that simple to turn things around and fix it.

I can ramble on, but through knowledge of self I know "remembering" is obtainable for all of us.

Well we live in a completely material society. Spirituality is never brought up and when it is, it's taught as something that's outside of yourself. "The path", books on achieving enlightenment, monks in orange robes practicing 10 hour a day meditations, searching for these things to give you answers won't work. It's objective. It comes from within. Only your self realization can light your spiritual RE-awakening. But like I said, our society only promotes the physical realm. The spiritual realm is propagated as make believe or science fiction. We buy it hook line and sinker because we're physical beings. We take things at face value only if it's physically tangible because we're limited to just 5 senses. However, purify your mind, body and spirit and you'll notice just how tangible the spiritual realm is, because it's inside of you.

Mass media manipulation is the greatest tool being used against us. Shaping our subconscious from the womb to the tomb. Hijacking, if you will, your very own thoughts, opinions, beliefs and lifestyle choices and even convincing you that these are all your own sovereign choices.

Once you reclaim your sovereignty it all becomes very laughable and no longer effects you. The changes are noticeable and it really does make you understand why people refer to it as "waking up"...
The end of the Baghavad Gita it simply says "I remember".

I don't believe there is such thing as obtaining Enlightenment, I think enlightenment is just all the lessons you learn on the path to achieving it. Which ultimately could be just living with absolute complete compassion for humanity,


Its my personal understanding, "illumination" or "enlightenment" is the actual process of obtaining the knowledge of self.

A perfect example of this are traditional Buddhists that literally give up all material possessions, desires, and emotions to detach from the world....

arguably the most RIGHTEOUS cats on the planet, yet if you were to ask the holiest monk of monks he would be the first tell you he is still on a path to enlightenment.

finding the path = finding the light.

the light being the true knowledge of self.
Just curious to hear your opinion, what do you believe these truths really are? How are you implimenting being closer to the earth and being on the path of knowing the truth?

First and foremost, if What I'm saying and what I'm going to say makes me come off as some sort of dictator preaching to people how they should live their lives I apologize. That is not my intent. I simply researched and stumbled upon knowledge that others figured out throughout our human history, backed by my own critical thought process and implemented them into my life and the results have made me feel more alive then I ever have. Surprisingly enough, most of this "esoteric knowledge" is really just common sense. I think that's where the "ohhhh, I remember" revelations come from.

Three major things that I implemented in my own life I guess you could say are based on the holy trinity; mind body and soul. If I were to explain how I got from point a to point b I'd have to write a damn book and this is NT so I know some "didn't read memes" would be coming up lol. Not to mention its irrelevant because as a fellow "American", it's almost guaranteed we've had the exact same conditoning.. I mean, look at how you and I are even having this conversation, through the internet on a website dedicated to conditioning that had us worshiping sneakers.

The 3 things, or 4, that I can say I've implemented in my reconnection back to Mother Earth have been Meditation, Yoga and Veganism (the 4th being mind altering plants such as dmt and marijuana). None of these things are new. These are ancient tools left behind by those who knew in order to help guide future generations in this remembering process. And if not, they make me feel better and I can say I've become a much nicer person these days. In a constant state of bliss. Ignorance is bliss too as they say but only to the manipulated mind. I've lived both so I can honestly say at least in my experience these 4 staples led to many other changes in my life and helped me reclaimed my consciousness. It really all just come with awareness and then making the obvious choices. Like I said, ignorance is bliss, but if you know the truth and you aren't making the changes then you are worse than the ignorant, at least they have an excuse.

Again, not saying everyone needs to do yoga and meditate. But I do feel like every human should be vegan. (Please people don't get into poverty and people or having a choice in the matter due to living conditions and financial conditions, that is a different subject on its own).

Could anyone help me out and explain how to embed a video? I'm on my iPad btw.

Not sure if I answered your question, been cramming all morning
ben roethlisberger ben roethlisberger

Again man, exactly how I feel. Like you said earlier, I think the best way to go about sharing things is just be the example you want to see and trying to appeal to people's better side hoping to inspire change that way.

Funny you say that thing about claiming your sovereignty. This may not have been exactly what you're getting at, but lately I've been able to watch scary movies for the first time in my life. A lot of the ones I've been watching have been some of the deepest thought provoking movies I've seen. A few years ago I wouldn't have even tried watching them cause of nightmares etc.
I completely agree about yoga, meditation and veganism being key to knowing the self. I've done/do all three and I notice a drastic difference in everything.

I am glad to have asked the questions I did and read the conversations/responses. I realized that knowing where I came from is not really important. Nothing would change for me in this reality if I had a concrete answer

Those spirit science videos are :smokin
Stole this.

Funny to check out.

Mines was Life of Pi
Just woke up from the weirdest lucid dream I've ever had.

Im in a lecture class I guess with my boys, and come to the front of the class to speak.. But somehow my body is still in my seat knocked out while im looking at myself at the front of the class.

Immediately I snapped and took over. First thing I did was try to do the call myself thing again, for some reason I could think my body was doing a movement and my body in the seat would respond by moving in accordance to what I wanted. It was crazy.

Walk over to my body since it was taking too long and I know my lucids feel like they never last more than five minutes.

Jumping up and floating was literally the first thing I did.. Flew off a bit through a couple walls and then suddenly I get grounded and cant phase through objects anymore. Sit down and open my mind and body to love (trick ive seen people talk about) and boom.. Right into a new dream.

What has me confused is... Has anyone ever gotten so bored they fell asleep in a dream and lucid dreamed (this felt more like AP than lucid dreaming since I left my body and could see it) while inside that dream because they fell asleep in it? Was the weirdest thing.

This is a good read on the history of the illuminati it puts a lot of pieces together if you have previous knowledge of the subjects

Everyone involved in the knowledge of self discussion, light and love, lucidity and the Ap, the vibes and dmt topics please take your time to view this video, it's short but full of insight and light being right in tune with a lot of what we have been discussing recently, enjoy :smokin

This second video has a great stream of consciousness. :smokin
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Quote from painter>

"I believe that the universe is miraculous in nature and that nothing happens by chance.
At the lower centre, I have represented the moment of creation or “big bang” with a cosmic egg, above which one can see a caduceus. This intriguing symbol is often linked to creative energies emerging from primordial chaos showing two opposing and outwardly spiraling snakes with a central winged sword acting as an axis of balance. Here are described three basic natural forces: positive, negative and neutral. For more on this please go to [link]
The simplest 3-D form is a tetrahedra (or 4 sided pyramid) and I have used this atomic structure to represent the lowest level of nature when it comes to evolution. Atoms can combine to make simple and complex minerals (here in the form of iron pyrite, emerald, amethyst and water) but there are over 5,000 known minerals on Earth!

A dimensional leap in Earths evolution occurred when minerals suddenly started to self-replicate around 3,800 million years ago. Viruses, bacteria and algae were amongst the first life forms to appear, and I have chosen Spirulina algae to represent this jump in complexity. (Partly because they are spiral in nature!) These algae evolved into seaweed where the first animal can also be seen. This sea slug gave rise to the first fish and around 380 million years ago some of them decided to leave the ocean for dry land. This gave rise to amphibians and later lizards, including the ever-popular dinosaurs. Mammals took over around 50 million years ago one can see an Induhyus followed by a rat, a lemur, a monkey and a chimpanzee.

I have taken the Garden of Eden scene from an oil painting by Hugo van der Goes in which Eve is taking an apple from a tree whilst a perplexed looking Adam stares into space. A strange looking serpent with Eve’s face has four lizard-like legs and a long tail. This, to me, is one of the best representations of this famous scene, as it accurately de-scribes the fact that God curses the serpent (by making it crawl on it’s belly) after Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, so beforehand it must have had legs.

The big problem with using an apple is that no matter how many I eat, my knowledge of good and evil stays constant. I have used 2 species of hallucinogenic mushroom to de-pict this forbidden fruit, a fly agaric and a giant psilocybin mushroom.
The serpent claimed “Ye shall see like Gods” if they ate the fruit…

The mysterious 3rd eye is the pineal gland found at the base of the brain in numerous animals and man and it regulates a hormone called serotonin. This gland acts like a valve and it helps to limit and process the sensory data entering the brain from the outside world.
Psilocybin’s molecular structure is so similar to serotonin that it fools our brain into switching off the pineal gland, because it reacts to a would-be serotonin overdose. This effectively opens the valve to unlimited sensory information. When someone hallucinates they often let in more external sensory data than they can cope with!

Buddha was sat under a Bo fig tree (Ficus religiosis) when he attained enlightenment. Amazingly, figs are very rich in serotonin. Rather than switching off his 3rd eye, he opened it right up, effectively blocking all distracting external sensory data and reaching a level of oneness that has become legendary. Buddha found his own path to Nirvana and can been seen literally taking a short cut directly to the world above.
Jesus whilst out with his disciples one day found a fig tree baring no fruit and cursed it by making its roots wither…I wonder why? Here he can be seen chastising the temple traders and warning us all of the consequences of a materialistic life of greed and ignorance. So we crucified him. Prophets come to warn us about the future, but nowadays orthodox scientists pour scorn on such ideas of prophesy.

We have become very good at using matter in many ways, we have broken ancient universal truth into tiny little pieces of information, our technology has made some of us comfortable beyond reason, whilst mechanisation has taken the sweat out of labour. Stock exchange traders and bankers are hell bent on profit above all things. Our most prized technologies can kill millions at the press of a button. We have ignored the warnings. We are falling into a diabolical trap that would imprison our very souls. However, there is good news! The Devil, Lucifer, Satan, the fallen Angel etc. loses his grip on things and falls into the bottomless pit, taking all the bankers with him. It is the end of the battle of good and evil, which good wins.

Do we actually possess a soul that survives death? Are we re-incarnated in a new body so as to learn from past mistakes before being accepted in the world above? I believe it is so. But I also believe that everything is on the path to understanding right down the ladder of nature to the mineral world.

God sleeps in the rock,
God dreams in the plant,
God moves in the animal,
God awakens in man.

Empty space = No level of perception. = a 0-D point
Minerals = Ist level of perception. = a 1-D line
Plants = 2nd level of perception. = a 2-D plane
Animals = 3rd level of perception. = a 3-D cube
Man = 4th level of perception. = a 4-D hypercube or tesseract
Angels = 5th level of perception. = a 5-D plane or multiverse
Arc-angels = 6th level of perception. = a 6-D cube
God = 7th level of perception. = a 7-D hypercube

In the diagram we can see that dimensional leaps in geometry follow a simple extrapolation. An infinite number of points make a line, an infinite number of lines makes a flat surface, and an infinite number of flat surfaces make a 3-D object (a cube in this example). Each passing moment projects all 3-D objects in our universe through the 4th dimension. “Now”, is just an unlimited number of moments in the so-called present. We can always say it is now. When you are looking at a 3-D object, it is in fact an infinite number of 3-D objects streaming through time! Only if we froze time could we say that it is a genuine 3-D object. The hypercube in the diagram shows the movement of a cube in two positions, linked at each corner. Again, please go to my website for more details on this.

The world above, heaven, paradise, nirvana is a dimensional leap above man’s perceptive capacity and is the realm of angels. This is the 5th dimension. I believe that if a human has learned enough to become angelic in nature, their soul stays in the world above after death. I also believe that angels are made of light and therefore do not have a dense physical body.

Albert Einstein stated that if he rode on a beam of light, the concept of time and space would no longer be meaningful. Time would stop and all moments in time would be perceivable simultaneously. Here one can see an angel literally looking at the entire past of the planet earth’s evolution as an object! (and so can we!) But we can also see that there are numerous other “Earths in parallel” around her. This is called multiverse theory which suggests that there is not just one planet Earth, but an infinite number of parallel Earths in which different versions of you and me are free (but not obliged) to make alternative choices. We are not conscious of these other versions of “me” and they are not conscious of ours, but maybe they are linked subconsciously, both transmitting and receiving information through the 5th dimension.. The angel, however, can see through time and move between different realities and experience an infinite number of pasts, presents and futures. Amongst the many different versions of planet Earth there must surely exist one where all the best decisions were (and are still being) made, a paradise-on-Earth no less. Here one can see the lion lying down with the lamb, a symbol of reconciliation. Maybe angels are here to help us make the right choices and can come to people who follow their faith, intuition or dreams.

The cube within a cube is a tesseract: a slice through a 4 dimensional cube. Imagine the small cube simultaneously occupying every possible position within the large cube. If you can imagine this you have four-dimensional perception!

The next series of spheres are entire universes in parallel with each other. An infinite number of universes in which the physical laws governing forces (such as nuclear attraction) vary accordingly. For example, the nuclear forces in our uni-verse are just the right strength so that carbon atoms can form chains so that life can develop. If these forces were just a tiny bit stronger or weaker, life, as we know it, would not have developed here. Maybe other universes are more hostile and life is a very rare occurrence. Maybe arc-angels or Seraphim correlate to this very high level of existence/perception, some kind of “celestial quality control technicians” but I admit I have really no idea how and what an arc-angel perceives!

The last part of the spiral is the 7th dimension and the realm of God. An infinite number of multiverses dividing like cells in an embryo. An ultimate omnipresence as everything that is contained in all of these multiverses is a part of God’s consciousness.
The snake biting its own tail, an ouroboros, is a symbol of cyclic re-birth, like the phoenix. All the information contained in the 7th dimension is held here like a nest for the next cosmic egg.

The entire spiraling image also represents a superstring. To give an idea of it’s size... The sun is to an electron, as an electron is to a superstring! The greatest of all things can be found in the smallest and visa versa. This is the idea of fractals, no matter how close or far away one looks, the structure stays the same. In this way we can feel the inter-connectedness of all things. This is called noetic science. Please go to [link] for more details on this world-changing phenomenon."

Source link can be found above^ :smokin
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