Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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The death of Bruce and Brandon Lee...A conspiracy?

didn't want to post this in the official thread, seeing as you guys are more open to at least entertaining these ideas
^ Cliffs? What is Mr. Gregory saying in short?
Basically a false flag operation with a bunch of loose ends. They were discussing how the usual suicides aka murders are popping up.
Constant misguided info with every day being some type of different clue leading to nothing.

I watched it the wee hours of this morning but I think they were talking about the Diego Garcia piece as well. That could've been an article I was reading simultaneously.

I wasn't even really interested when this thing first popped off, but approx 2-3 days after it happened I had a crazy dream where some commercial airliner was hijacked and diverted to a tropical base. Some time passed to the point people forgot about the plane. They configured it as a WOMD and used it on the US.

I've been scrutinizing the crap out of my dreams lately and was having a hard time making sense of the symbology in it cause there was no personal relation. That following morning I saw CNN and put it together.

Not saying that's gonna happen, but I feel in my heart people are waking up and at any point we can't underestimate what these people will try and do to maintain the ironclad grip of control
This revelations of an elite insider thing is interesting as hell to me. I may read it over again later.
This revelations of an elite insider thing is interesting as hell to me. I may read it over again later.

Indeed. One thing that has stuck with me from that is how when were born we all cry because we realize what were born into. Literally got me shook to not have seeds.

For the people who've read a pale horse:

I can't remember if they made the connection in the book, but Cooper was discussing how we're under martial law and have been since the civil war and Lincoln's assassination. In order to maintain this state, we must be at war hence the war on terror, poverty, drugs etc.

A while back someone posted how justice courts use the golden embroidered flag. This signifies that we're currently under admiralty law. They also mentioned how when we sign up for our Social Security cards, it's to render our compliance to the corporation of the USA with a fictional character. Which is why were addressed as "Mr. John Doe" instead of our legal names. The constitution applies to John Doe, not to a computer generated profile of Mr. John Doe.

SN: I think that this part is really interesting cause it's kinda reflective of our reality. We're so wrapped up in credit, digital money, politicians and false idols that we never stop to accept that these things aren't real and would go away with the pull of a plug. Essentially everything we think we do every day has no effect on the world and exists for ego stimulation.
Taking it to a spiritual level, the 10 commandments come from what's called the principles of Maat. Instead of 10 there was 42 tho. And one major misinterpretation is the bible says "thou will not..." While Maat says "I have not"
2 extremely different philosophies. Maat communicates that we've never sinned or paid for karma because you can't do anything that's real in this dream world besides observe things.
I think it's cool when you can tie in other concepts and see the effects they have on a multi layered level.

Getting back on track tho.
This martial law basically allows for the president to put forth executive orders without the system of checks and balances. It really shows what they think of people for such an obvious and blatant conspiracy to exists and more or less become accepted as the norm.


This book pretty much confirms what I've felt for a while, but John Lear is a CIA/Government agent whose purpose is to spread conspiracies in a direction that albeit may seem intriguing are meticulously prepared to misguide you.

Add Alex jones and David icke to that list as well.
For anyone who ever wonder's what would happen if you mixed psychadelics and martial arts check this out


Kilindi Iyi

Really dope speaker. Lyi is a world renowned martial artist and founder of the Ta-Merrian Institute. Ta-Meri is one of the ancient names for the Nile Valley civilization many of us know as Kemet. He discusses how Psilocybin shrooms are a technology left behind by our forefathers to access the akashic reocrds. Also, how in low doses he used them for fighting because it increased his visual acuity and heightened his senses. 
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april 8 episode was mad wack tho

alien dude was such a milktoast

The interviewee, with those blunt one word "Yes" answers *pause nothing* no elaboration, no explanation, yes. Dude is annoying, Dude needs a slap. |I the callers are so lame. :smh: "everybody has a microscopic chip implanted into their brain in August 2013 except me and my family" "I speak to god" "he calls me his son" "I need help connecting to people *sobs*" "there's a glitch in the matrix"

Seriously it's these fruit cakes who make the sensible mature people searching, conversing and sharing insight, enlightenment, truth and knowledge look like a nut.

When these people speak its like, are you listening to yourself? What the hell is going on in your coconut!? Are you being serious |I :smh: which stereotype then extends over onto the reasonable, intelligent, open minded searchers of the light.

"Huuuuuuuuuuu" :lol:


Never listened to a c2c before and wouldn't again if they are anything like this one.
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The interviewee, the callers so lame.
"everybody has a microscopic chip implanted into their brain in August 2012 except me and my family" "I speak to god" "he calls me his son" "I need help connecting to people *sobs*" "there's a glitch in the matrix"

Seriously it's these fruit cakes who make sensible mature people searching, conversing and sharing insight, enlightenment and truth, knowledge look like a nut, when these people speak its like, are you listening to yourself? What is going on in your coconut!?
which stereotype extends over onto the reasonable intelligent open minded searchers of the light.



I've seriously pondered the fact that some of these people might have minor cases of schizophrenia. Mix that in with some occult experimenting and these people could be possessed for all i know.
^def an interesting read. That line about how fish swimming in the ocean can't see birds flying in the sky
This revelations of an elite insider thing is interesting as hell to me. I may read it over again later.
Indeed. One thing that has stuck with me from that is how when were born we all cry because we realize what were born into. Literally got me shook to not have seeds.
Yes to both
those stuck in my head the most as well. The baby's soul is screeching. Insider was one of the best ever I've read to this day. Go back every year or so to reflect as one matures is a must

I remember my brother showing me Coast 2 Coast way back in the late 90's early 00's and remember telling me about one call that seemed it was live on the scene of some big things going on. No idea how to find it but is there anyway to find a list of the best C2C episodes?
Just got back from three days of live music, camping, and of course, mushrooms. These things were so potent and trips were super intense. Wow. Amazing stuff.
For anyone who ever wonder's what would happen if you mixed psychadelics and martial arts check this out


Kilindi Iyi

Really dope speaker. Lyi is a world renowned martial artist and founder of the Ta-Merrian Institute. Ta-Meri is one of the ancient names for the Nile Valley civilization many of us know as Kemet. He discusses how Psilocybin shrooms are a technology left behind by our forefathers to access the akashic reocrds. Also, how in low doses he used them for fighting because it increased his visual acuity and heightened his senses. 

I never thought of having them help me in that way before. they allow me to use them for extended extreme focus when I low dose but I never thought to apply that to a martial art or anything like that, I usually end up online saving Wikipedia pages or stuck in a book for hours.

about to grind some down, make a cup of tea, and search for more of dudes videos/writing. Thank you.

Just got back from three days of live music, camping, and of course, mushrooms. These things were so potent and trips were super intense. Wow. Amazing stuff.

do you know what kind you had? got some p. envy waiting ingestion right now.

glad you enjoyed yourself.
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Just had one of the most profound Spiritual experiences in my life. I've been digging into hallucinations and wondering what their source is. Ultimately i've concluded a hallucination is just as real anything we perceive on a daily basis. Sometimes there are interruptions in our dimensions and thinks happen to leak over. 

So, I haven't slept since Friday morning at approx 0730 central. That puts me at almost 60 hours of no sleep.I did this just as experiment to see if i experienced any hallucinations or anything like that. If anything doesn't make sense I'll come back and revise it tomorrow with a fresh set of eyes. I wanted to get this out while it was fresh on my mind.
Most of the stuff I'm going to discuss is stuff I was already familiar with, but I hadn't experienced or indulged until a point I was intimate with it. The below is my dream interpreted to the best of my ability with the knowledge i currently have.
The way this thing started was basically exhaustion started to set in and i was in a pretty lucid state. I was listening to a documentary on Kemet which could've triggered this whole thing.

The egyptian story of Osiris/Isis/Horus/Set is the most important story known to man. It is why you see references to egyptian culture everywhere, and any store of relevance has borrowed from it. They're all trying to draw on the primordial energy and rehash it.

The story is the symbolic explanation of the original black peoples fall from heaven.

Osiris is the masculine black god,his wife Isis is the original feminine black god, and their son is Horus who is responsible for bringing salvation to the collective family consciousness.

The antagonist is Set. He is Osiris twin brother and where the original concept of a devil came from. The gods viewed him as an equal god, but one with a devilish nature. The concept of a devil didn't exist then. Just people portraying those attributes. Set was also known as the white god because he only ate lettuce that secreted a white creamy substance. Because of this some people have concluded he may have been gay,or just completely in love with himself. See where some of the undertones for the devil are being set?

You can also understand where the concept of Black vs White came from and why it's something that's so prominent in our culture.  

The story goes that Set murdered Osiris and cut his body up and placed the remains in the far corners of the world, deep in the oceans.What this signifies is that the white people of today have cut up the original masculine energy/knowledge and hid them in the depths of our sub consciousness hoping that they're burried deep enough so that we never put together who we really are. This division of Osiris body is also represented in the color of people today. Dominicans thinking they're not black, Puerto Ricans hoping to be light skinned etc. Because of this division, the whole of Osiris and the masculine energy he represents is unable to be recognized. 

Set/The white man decides to kill Osiris for taking on to his lover. From that point forward Set makes sure that nothing of Osiris remains that would trigger our subconcious to bring back his masculine energy. Through out the ages anything you've seen that lines up with this energy or attempts to is removed. Tupac Biggie Malcom MLK Marcus Garvey Cassius and now we have the heavy push of homosexuality acceptance to offset the masculine energy.

Isis sets out to put her husband back together and breathe life in him. Again you see this playing out in our social construct and how most successful man said they couldnt have done it with out their wife. 

Once she brings him back to life, Osiris impregnates her with Horus. The son of Horus will be the saviour of the world and bring balance back to the original family. This is where the concept of a jesus comes from. 

Isis and Osiris decide that he will pass into the after life and he will build a kingdom for his family where only those with the seed of light he has left behind can enter. Horus aka the morning star will be the bringer of this light. All things that ever were exists in this light. Now it becomes evident why self knowledge is so critical. Without an understanding of who we really are we get caught in the vicious reincarnation cycle until we discover the light within to guide us out.

Once Isis becomes pregnant she keeps her self hidden and clandestine so that Set can't kill her or her soon to be child. This is just symbology for the black women in America. Easily she is the least desired and constantly passed over. By doing this at a spiritual level she is able to cultivate the christ consciousness with in her womb aka mind that will bring about the savior. 

This is where things got trippy for me. Set and Osiris are walking around a clock. Instead of numbers, their are zodiacs used for reference points.Within these Zodiac points Osiris looks to the heavens and places things of what we would call historical value. Set can't see that Osiris is pulling from the heavens as his inspiration because he is busy watching his feet trying to keep up with him. As Set steps into Osiris footprints, he sucks the energy out of something that was once positive and tries to pass it off as his own.

This is reflected in everything about our culture/symbology. Blacks come up with the music style and they even go as far back as Egypt to rob the symbols in hopes to pass them off as their own and get some of the energy from it. (See all the egyptian symbols on the dollar)

Osiris is constantly pulling stuff from the heavens and using the zodiacs as references for the people so that they can align themselves with that energy and find their way. Osiris notices that Set will follow him every where he goes and has to do something to end this cycle.

Introduce the concept of the world being over in 2012. What it really indicated was the end of the ages. Osiris reached midnight hour of astrological time. There was no more zodiacs for the people to follow and align themselves with that energy. Also, Set has nothing to follow anymore and thus is reduced to throwing a fit in hopes of receiving attention. Because it's dark nothing can be seen. What Set didn't realize that as Osiris was pulling ideas from the Heavens he was also building a kingdom for his family amongst the heavens. Osiris and Iris rise to the heavens as they wait for their child to join them.

Horus stumbles through the darkness. He makes all his moves based on ignorance. He even attempts to follow Set's voice until he realizes that the two are equally lost. Finally, he reaches a point where he sits down and gives up. Upon closing his eyes in grief,he sees a light inside himself. The more he focuses on the light it grows bigger and bigger to the point that it completely illuminates the clock that his father Osiris had once walked himself. All of his father's creations are there leading the way just as they had been when he originally built them.

This depicts the story of the black social construct. For hundreds of years we've stumbled about in ignorance. Blindly we've followed white people in attempt to find some salvation, but they really have no clue. In attempt to keep us dumb, they try to erase all of our history and pass it off as their own in hopes that we will worship them and they can gain the affection and respect that our ancestors had. It's not until we follow the light inside of us that we see everything that our ancestors left for us. The pyramids, the stars,music, art, culture, civilization etc. Stuff that was put there on purpose and have timeless effects that way no matter how much dirt they throw on it the light is ever lasting.

The light i speak of is our consciousness. It's the only thing that will redeem us. No jesus, no horus, no hercules, no krishna ....just you.

Our ancestors had the foresight to pass down stories that would always hold some type of relevance, the primordial one being of isis/ra/osiris/set. Any rational mind can make the connections between all those that follow. And if you disagree with that I hope you can see how the story resonates with society today more then ever.

One last thing. Every thing we do has a spiritual connection. We initiate physical rituals in hopes to bring spiritual about manifestations. This is why art/music is so important to stimulate the growth of the light inside of us. 

Lots of entertainers indirectly make references to go backwards or upward, indicating they wanna go up and back to the spiritual realm from which we've fallen. 


Look at that differently now? 

I hope that made sense. I try to make it cohesive as possible and incoroporate my prior knowledge. peace
Also, can anyone recommend a book heavy with cited sources to discredit the legitimacy of christianity on a historical basis and how they stole the story. I got a cousin who is a jehovah witness i've been arguing with vehemently whose agreed to read the book to expand his knowledge, and what he thinks will solidify his belief. 

I'm not trying to bash him or anything, just want him to wake up from the disease known as vicarious atonement that's trickled into almost aspect of our life
Thanks for sharing hallywood repped :smokin jw's I personally have found them to be very close minded and are not interested in listening to no information, to learn and digest or to cross examine, research for themselves to then discern and decide as truth or lies once the facts are laid out.

I find them More of a preach the "truth" which is their opinion and every thing else is closed eyes and shut ears, individuals who can't be showed or told nothing, with a Ignorant attitude, extremely irritating and a waste of your time in my experience but your cousin could be different, at least he said he'd give it a chance, with a preconditioned judgement and set outcome, before even giving it a look, typical behaviour. Talk but can't listen. Listen to me, but list to you? Oh no. No. No. I already know everything I need to know. Go away.
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allstardope allstardope
No prob man. For some reason I'm not as sleepy as I anticipated. Been taking mini naps here and there every since, I imagine the crash is gonna be pretty epic.

And boy was I wrong about my cousin. He pretty much subscribed to every stereotype you described. One thing he said he wanted was facts, with authentic sources. I figured best way to do this would be use his own propaganda against him so he couldn't dispel the it's validity.

Here's what I sent him :
Deut. 18:22, "If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the LORD does not take place or come true, that is a message the LORD has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him." If someone makes a false prophecy and they have claimed to be a prophet of God, then they are false prophets and are not to be listened to.

IDENTIFYING THE "PROPHET"--"So does Jehovah have a prophet to help them, to warn them of dangers and to declare things to come? These questions can be answered in the affirmative. Who is this prophet? . . . This "prophet" was not one man, but was a body of men and women. It was the small group of footstep followers of Jesus Christ, known at that time as International Bible Students. Today they are known as Jehovah's Christian Witnesses . . . (Watchtower, Apr. 1, 1972, p. 197). (See Deut. 18:21)

1918 "Therefore we may confidently expect that 1925 will mark the return of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the faithful prophets of old, particularly those named by the Apostle in Hebrews 11, to the condition of human perfection," (Millions Now Living Will Never Die, p. 89).

1925 "It is to be expected that Satan will try to inject into the minds of the consecrated, the thought that 1925 should see an end to the work," (Watchtower, Sept., 1925, p. 262).
1926 "Some anticipated that the work would end in 1925, but the Lord did not state so. The difficulty was that the friends inflated their imaginations beyond reason; and that when their imaginations burst asunder, they were inclined to throw away everything," (Watchtower, p. 232).

He texted me after and asked to never discuss religion with him again. I'm used to dealing with these people and know that most of them can't be woken up until they're ready to. I guess on the basis of relation, and him practically being my best friend I could away his mind. His life has been limited due to financial constraints, so I'm used to the embrace of showing him something new to expand his mind.

Guess I completely underestimated the power of the powers to be...
allstardope allstardope
No prob man. For some reason I'm not as sleepy as I anticipated. Been taking mini naps here and there every since, I imagine the crash is gonna be pretty epic.

And boy was I wrong about my cousin. He pretty much subscribed to every stereotype you described. One thing he said he wanted was facts, with authentic sources. I figured best way to do this would be use his own propaganda against him so he couldn't dispel the it's validity.

Here's what I sent him :
Deut. 18:22, "If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the LORD does not take place or come true, that is a message the LORD has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him." If someone makes a false prophecy and they have claimed to be a prophet of God, then they are false prophets and are not to be listened to.

IDENTIFYING THE "PROPHET"--"So does Jehovah have a prophet to help them, to warn them of dangers and to declare things to come? These questions can be answered in the affirmative. Who is this prophet? . . . This "prophet" was not one man, but was a body of men and women. It was the small group of footstep followers of Jesus Christ, known at that time as International Bible Students. Today they are known as Jehovah's Christian Witnesses . . . (Watchtower, Apr. 1, 1972, p. 197). (See Deut. 18:21)

1918 "Therefore we may confidently expect that 1925 will mark the return of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the faithful prophets of old, particularly those named by the Apostle in Hebrews 11, to the condition of human perfection," (Millions Now Living Will Never Die, p. 89).

1925 "It is to be expected that Satan will try to inject into the minds of the consecrated, the thought that 1925 should see an end to the work," (Watchtower, Sept., 1925, p. 262).
1926 "Some anticipated that the work would end in 1925, but the Lord did not state so. The difficulty was that the friends inflated their imaginations beyond reason; and that when their imaginations burst asunder, they were inclined to throw away everything," (Watchtower, p. 232).

He texted me after and asked to never discuss religion with him again. I'm used to dealing with these people and know that most of them can't be woken up until they're ready to. I guess on the basis of relation, and him practically being my best friend I could away his mind. His life has been limited due to financial constraints, so I'm used to the embrace of showing him something new to expand his mind.

Guess I completely underestimated the power of the powers to be...

Repped :lol: can't awaken these zombies. For people who preach truth they can't listen to it right. Loved your dream, will elaborate later, too tired now, bet I'm not as tired as you |I rest easy brother, message you tomorrow :smokin
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