Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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we all want to know where we came from, etc.

i can't see anything negative about holding that intrinsic desire

not to be confused with subjugation
To answer your question about the metaphors ben:

"He it is Who has sent down to thee the Book: in it are verses basic or fundamental (of established meaning); they are the foundation of the Book: others are allegorical. But those in whose hearts is perversity follow the part thereof that is allegorical seeking discord and searching for its hidden meanings but no one knows its hidden meanings except Allah and those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: "We believe in the Book; the whole of it is from our Lord"; and none will grasp the Message except men of understanding."
Definitely time to evolve and abolish those old books.

Human beings don't need the stories and allegorical language the religious books provide. We're past that. It doesn't work. People don't know how to handle that information because it's not sensible.

We need something tangible. Something simple. Something logical and not hidden under secret messages and metaphors. Be up front.
Maybe, but I disagree with getting rid of the old books. That sounds too bleeding heart liberal/gestapo for me.
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To answer your question about the metaphors ben:

"He it is Who has sent down to thee the Book: in it are verses basic or fundamental (of established meaning); they are the foundation of the Book: others are allegorical. But those in whose hearts is perversity follow the part thereof that is allegorical seeking discord and searching for its hidden meanings but no one knows its hidden meanings except Allah and those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: "We believe in the Book; the whole of it is from our Lord"; and none will grasp the Message except men of understanding."

:smokin "the lips of wisdom are closed except to the ears of the understanding"
-the kabylion
Maybe, but I disagree with getting rid of the old books. That sounds too bleeding heart liberal/gestapo for me.

Why not? It's not like any of these books are based on facts. Literally made up in order to control the population and move away from the logic I was referring to earlier. Google "the council of nicea".

My point is, humans need a New "bible".
Just a random question, which maybe having a backing of lack of education on religions and old ideals and words ect. I dont know if at all the alot of religions or any historic group or whoever layed down frameworks or a word for people to follow have any specific timelimes or start dates but, there have been events and newly discovered things whether its caves yet to have been seen by modern man, or remains of ancient civilizations. Even things like the dude who discovered that the erosion on the sphinx may have come from water and that if that were the case it changes the entire history of that whole area and opens up possibilities of civilizations that could have existed way before its believed people have existed. And just so many other things of pyramids and things lost and consummed by nature and the jungle. So many lost stories or even possible natural disasters could have wiped out many civilizations and lost history never to be discovered again. Then you have the modern version where it happens amongst peers or on a macro scale of lies or twisted stories to favor a view or agenda of a group or a person, or further feed their ego. It would be crazy to thing that none of those things were happening way before when alot of these franeworks with pretty much laid the functioning foundation and everything we live by. I think that it is a insanely scary proposition for people to accept that maybe there is no higher meaning or point or signifigance or that we are just here by chance. Hell the fact that it could be possible that this is all a simulation, that would be the toughest pill to swallow. Hell aliens or the anunnaki which people should check out and look into. Im not one to say get rid of all the books or that they dont matter, but when you have so many things that no matter the intention result in things being not so good for the overall world something is up. I mean why cant it be simple dont harm others and love, i said it before its alot easier said then done but whats preventing that from happening. We could have friendly competition, and help one another and have people excel over others. Its a pretty simple foundation and pretty easy to understand at its core. Just love learn and live. Theres just way to many positive and beautiful things that exist to keep the train of forbidding of that growth to continue and blossom, whats really holding it back.
don't know if you've ever read the bible, but there is a lot of historical chronology aside from the metaphors that historians today still reference

when it goes into the whole procession of kings and their victories, some of it reads like an encyclopedia rather than a prayer book

this in itself is not a complete vindication but there are redeeming qualities apart from what you seem to dislike
Literally made up in order to control the population and move away from the logic I was referring to earlier. Google "the council of nicea".

My point is, humans need a New "bible".

i don't need to google anything as i'm already aware of that council

but i definitely agree that the bible and other religious books have been tailored to meet the function of control
don't know if you've ever read the bible, but there is a lot of historical chronology aside from the metaphors that historians today still reference

when it goes into the whole procession of kings and their victories, some of it reads like an encyclopedia rather than a prayer book

this in itself is not a complete vindication but there are redeeming qualities apart from what you seem to dislike

The historical references in the bible were already accounts of what happened and was already previously written. It's not like without the bible you lose all of the true history it has inside, that information is still out there.

The metaphor of god and heaven and all of that jazz is all I'm referring to.
Well not only that @green rhino123

but IMO the bible is manual as a light body. For the time it was written it, it was written so well that even the dirt they threw on it couldn't stop the shine.

I used to go hard against the bible, but now that I've come to read it right it's one of the most beautiful literary pieces i've ever read. again that's personal preference tho and i understand that the corrupt side of it has been pushed so hard it's difficult for other's to give it a chance
Its a funny thing when modern progress is being stopped or prevented its usually because of old rich dudes that see that whatever is coming has the potential to cut the flow of money thats coming to their pockets so they lobby or have utter bs laws to stop it. Then the old overlords illuminati and all that nonsense get blamed for all the ills. Then being scared of getting rid of old traditions for alot of people brings a fear, its kind of the same logic just different variables. Like which is it. Do we want progress or not. And so many examples of that in many aspects of life. Same logic but depending on the variables that are used to reach the equation a problem arises. We humans are silly man. Just to put things in perspective a funny meme with the kermit the frog thing happening now was one that said, the dude goes around calling girls **** but yet his brothers and sisters all have different fathers. Slightly cruel but a example that shows how its not really the logic but the variables. So many metaphors in life that all spread a nice message yet people fight because they want their variables to be the one to be the answer to the equation.
The historical references in the bible were already accounts of what happened and was already previously written. It's not like without the bible you lose all of the true history it has inside, that information is still out there.

i believe you are wrong about that, i think the bible has been used as a primary source for historical data & as a secondary source to corroborate

don't know why you can't just admit you were too general with what you said
even if it's used to control - that doesn't mean every data point is worthless, hope you can see that perspcetive

also - many generations in the past revised history or got rid of history because they thought they'd reached a point of enlightenment or the exact opposite
and many of those made mistakes in doing so
Gonna go ahead and discredit the actual story of jesus and muhammad with one verse in the bible.

Galatians 4

21 Tell me, you who want to be under the law, are you not aware of what the law says? 22 For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by the slave woman and the other by the free woman.23 His son by the slave woman was born according to the flesh, but his son by the free woman was born as the result of a divine promise.

24 These things are being taken figuratively: The women represent two covenants. One covenant is from Mount Sinai and bears children who are to be slaves: This is Hagar.  25 Now Hagar stands for Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to the present city of Jerusalem, because she is in slavery with her children.  26 But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother.  

get into the science of the bible. the rosicrucians knew what they were doing when they wrote the bible.
Do the bible or any of the books that the major religions follow say whats going to happen once everyone in the world is following or a part of that particular religion, do they even leave room for that possibility. I ask because if not wouldnt it being the word not hope that maybe it would help unite everyone. What is stopping that from happening and from ever having happend before. And also why even introduce negativity if they are supposed be nothing more then to spread something positive and us learn. Why even allow for things to get bad.
Haha I never said I wasn't wrong or you were wrong. I didn't even realize we were debating.

You're correct, I was speaking in generalities. I understand what you're saying my brother.

Apologies for being too general. Let me explain myself.

The bible, Krishna, Buddha, the Kuran were all generally saying the same thing. Be nice, treat your body well, treat others well and treat the planet well. They were guidelines on how to operate this mentally, spiritually, physically complex vehicle we call the human body. We are born with both the yin and the yang and these books, in my opinion, were just written to help people get a handle on the yin and the yang of being a human being.

My point is, it's outdated. Those books were written in specific time periods using language and events that appealed to the people of that time.

We need an updated version without the magic, the metaphors, the man in the sky keeping count. I'm just saying maybe a different approach will work.
Do the bible or any of the books that the major religions follow say whats going to happen once everyone in the world is following or a part of that particular religion, do they even leave room for that possibility. I ask because if not wouldnt it being the word not hope that maybe it would help unite everyone. What is stopping that from happening and from ever having happend before. And also why even introduce negativity if they are supposed be nothing more then to spread something positive and us learn. Why even allow for things to get bad.
That's a loaded question. I think the best way to answer it is simply by saying that if you've saved yourself then you have saved the entire universe. What we consider reality is nothing but a holographic representation of what is happening inside all of us. The only difference is as beings of light we all have the freewill to put the light (consciousness) on the darkness within us. Within that darkness is infinite possibility.
It would be dope if a handful (or more) of us could get together and do a google hangout or something. Tackle different subjects and what not. Always down to hear different perspectives and stimulate my mind.

Everyone has something to teach you. Everyone.
Haha I never said I wasn't wrong or you were wrong. I didn't even realize we were debating.

You're correct, I was speaking in generalities. I understand what you're saying my brother.

Apologies for being too general. Let me explain myself.

The bible, Krishna, Buddha, the Kuran were all generally saying the same thing. Be nice, treat your body well, treat others well and treat the planet well. They were guidelines on how to operate this mentally, spiritually, physically complex vehicle we call the human body. We are born with both the yin and the yang and these books, in my opinion, were just written to help people get a handle on the yin and the yang of being a human being.

My point is, it's outdated. Those books were written in specific time periods using language and events that appealed to the people of that time.

We need an updated version without the magic, the metaphors, the man in the sky keeping count. I'm just saying maybe a different approach will work.
i agree. However if you came out and told the average person you are god, and god is you they prolly wouldn't take you seriously. 
Hahaha agreed. That's why I'm saying something that could be relatable to everyone in this day and age. Something tangible. Leave all the hocus pocus out of it.
i don't understand completely

who writes it? who distributes it? who will listen? why listen? does it's place even have to be met?
how could a new book escape the same fate?

lots a questions
just letting you know someone has questions
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