Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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The Satanic Government
Flat Earth Realist David Weiss is back and this time he brought a mysterious friend, RV (short for Russian Vids), to explain the secret workings of the Satanic Government, and the way these shadowy people control and dictate society. David and RV explain why they believe the Satanic Government faked some of the biggest tragedies and mass shootings in human history. They share their theories behind 9/11, the JFK assassination, the Boston Marathon, and last Fall’s Las Vegas shootings. RV also cites evidence to prove his theory that WWE’s Vince McMahon is in the know, and how the Satanic Government uses WWE programming to spread their mind-control messages. Plus, David and RV reveal why movies like “Back To The Future” and Roddy Piper’s “They Live” are not the fiction stories they appear to be.

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The Satanic Government
Flat Earth Realist David Weiss is back and this time he brought a mysterious friend, RV (short for Russian Vids), to explain the secret workings of the Satanic Government, and the way these shadowy people control and dictate society. David and RV explain why they believe the Satanic Government faked some of the biggest tragedies and mass shootings in human history. They share their theories behind 9/11, the JFK assassination, the Boston Marathon, and last Fall’s Las Vegas shootings. RV also cites evidence to prove his theory that WWE’s Vince McMahon is in the know, and how the Satanic Government uses WWE programming to spread their mind-control messages. Plus, David and RV reveal why movies like “Back To The Future” and Roddy Piper’s “They Live” are not the fiction stories they appear to be.

Listen to episodes of Talk Is Jericho on
Sry, stopped reading at flat earth

Botty bwoy fi ded.

I don't see how one can continue in the catholic faith when its leadership is rife with pedophilia, sexual misconduct, and systemic immorality. I understand the teaching does not encourage this behavior, but one should question their interpretation of the doctrine and why this is so common place. They have all this sexual energy but take a vow of celibacy/abstinance. Then yet release this energy on the innocent and vulnerable children, and use their power to suppress the truth while ruining lives.

They have created their own faith apart from the scriptures that they promote as their doctrine. Why must they suppress their sexuality when the Bible doesn't say they have to and clearly, they are having a hard time doing so? There are many other conflicting things things with scripture carried out in Catholicism, but I will keep it there to stay within the realm of Knee's video.

If you are a believer, period, I think it's healthy to always reexamine how your belief align with the scriptures.
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Only a matter of time before it is viewed as sexual orientation

This TEDx Talk Attempts to Normalize Pedophilia - The Vigilant Citizen
future reference that there's a difference between TED talk and TEDx talk. TED are people who were scheduled to give a lecture, are professional/doctored or famous in their line of work. TEDx is anybody that can sign up on a list, wait their turn and talk their talk. usually happens at an academic convention while they necessarily don't have to be

but to comment on the subject at hand; one of my best friends older sister is lesbian and one day while hanging out with them she relayed the factoid that in the Gay community there are talks of adding the P for Pedophile into their acronym of LGBTQ. You can imagine everything that entails socially if that were to happen.
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