Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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1. If making deals with the devil was a reality the world we know it would be completely different...everyone would be making deals, the conext of working for what you want or earning would be completely flipped. The natural constructs of man and society would crumble lol like u can just sell your “soul” to the devil and he will give you anything??? Anything? Like if these deals are real, what are the schematics or limitations? Bro it would be a line to Antarctica
what makes u think he wants to make deals with everyone
and is selective in who he makes a deal with for a reason
2. I don't think anyone here suggested "wishing something out of thin air" was a possibility.
i mean lets be real
everything is made up of atoms and molecules
what if some folks are able to manipulate atoms and such
to where it can appear as if they wished something out of thin air
i mean making something invisible just requires bending light
which is "scientifically" possible

just giving another point of view to look at
not saying i agree one way or the other
I wonder how many nba players are having 5 vs 5 runs in home gyms (private gyms/runs) and saying NOBODY post this on any type of social media?
Like, just NBA players? Or NBA players and their homeys?

The former is definitely not happening because teams are under lock down, with player movement being tracked. I'm not sure they're even allowed to leave their cities. So, it's not like they're flying all over the place for secret 5x5s.

As for the latter, it's possible, I guess. But, again, the league is keeping tabs on everyone. Every time a player makes a bowel movement, the league probably knows about it.

You think they are chipped?
i mean lets be real
everything is made up of atoms and molecules
what if some folks are able to manipulate atoms and such
to where it can appear as if they wished something out of thin air
i mean making something invisible just requires bending light
which is "scientifically" possible
You ain’t telling me nothing I don’t already know

we can go back on fourth on the devil granting wishes but id rather not, appreciate the volley tho

But yeah david blane off the chain, bout to watch his new joint tonight :nthat:
How do u summon a demon?

depends who you’re asking. if you’d like western methods read Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage.

I mentioned Lesser Key of Solomon here a while back, that book and Greater Key of Solomon the King are both manuals.

western evocation has some differences from other cultures so it really depends
You guys asked...

Satan NOW do your worst

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YOU Guys asked how to summon a demon I hope you have a good night sleeping now.... BTW they never caught the ZODIAC KILLER
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Dave Mustaine is my fav guitarist of all time and without derailing so much into a metal music topic (as much as I would love that) he has performed and is convinced that the devil exists. my favourite song by him is 1 of 2 songs he doesn't play anymore because it has straight up hex instructions. he's a born again christian so that's that.
Re-Reading Hidden Hand with someone and came across a few link while Googling some things.

1. The Seven Densities of Consciousness:

2. FAQQ – Frequently Asked Questions on Quora About Spirituality, Metaphysics, Reincarnation, and Related Topics :

Thank you for posting the links. I read Hidden Hand years ago, about probably almost ten years now and I must say the first link about the seven densities holds "truth" to me. Although, the way the article is written goes from stages to stages (densities); I can't help but think that all of the stages (densities) happen all at the same time. It is just so that our level of consciousness from lower to higher densities fades a bit but still there if you look within.

How funny it is when I was reading a book about 5 years ago and it mentioned that either from psychedelic drugs (LSD) or deep meditation you can "experience" what is like to be a single atom. Also, from other psychedelic ritual of shamanism you can "experience" what is like to be an animals of some kind. One can believe that these rituals or meditation practices are "gateway" into those other realms/densities.

I haven't thought of these things for a couple of years, just too busy "being." Maybe perhaps I need to go back a density to relearn/unlearn some stuff within this life time to move forward.
The link is on his bio? How do I get to that? Not familiar enough with IG to find this ****** bio....someone grab the link for me.....

I was banned from replying in the Corona thread & had my post deleted for Posting legitimate scientific studies & articles directly from news websites :lol: :lol: .

Microcosm of America you can say, Run with whatever our "media" says & block anything that goes against that narrative. Meanwhile people are in there in a giant circle jerk of doomsday scenarios. This is what i posted in the thread, i would like to know how i was banned from the thread

neither one of us are scientist, however there are a lot of articles & studies from scientist that are very skeptical of it happening like that due to very peculiar things in the makeup of the virus. Based off what i read While bats were carriers of the original SARS, they couldn't transmit it directly to humans, it would have to pass through another host (in that case Asian palm civet) which were eaten & then spread to humans.

Important excerpt from this article
"But crucial genes — for a protein that allows the virus to latch onto and infect cells — were different in the human and known bat versions of the virus,"

then comes this

Excerpt from here......
"Ralph Baric, an infectious-disease researcher at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, last week (November 9) published a study on his team’s efforts to engineer a virus with the surface protein of the SHC014 coronavirus, found in horseshoe bats in China, and the backbone of one that causes human-like severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in mice. The hybrid virus could infect human airway cells and caused disease in mice, according to the team’s results, which were published in Nature Medicine. "

These EXACT kind of experiments were being done by Chinese scientist too,

Now add in that Wuhan is the site of the Wuhan Institute of Virology , which has been described as "cleared to work with the world’s most dangerous pathogens. " We know that China was actively working on producing a protein that would bridge Corona with SARS for "Testing" & "Study" purposes.

Oh & there's also the fact that the head of China's CDC was a guest at the Bil Gates Foundation Event 201 which was in October. While there the event focused on (this is directly from the events website)

Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms.

I mean there's coincidences in life but this a WHOLE LOT OF **** that just magically correlates :lol:

They did you a favor by banning you.
Thread is moving Super fast too.
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