Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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How do you mean?
When Bill Gates, a computer software mogul who has doubled his wealth by $50 billion since he got into global health management, talks about digital vaccine certificates and tracing, has patents on bio chips as a form of ID, funds the global ID2020 initiative for worldwide ID for all people, it all sounds like the dreams of every blockchain project. Decentralized from government laws and control, centralized under the world medical economy which he owns and funds the entire supply chain.
gonna go the other way: the realization that we all have monkey thoughts sometimes would make it okayer.

kinda the same concept as if every government´s secret military spy files somehow leaked online.

¨oh so we were all...oh...¨
So what if the government writes in laws that allows for schools to get "remote access viewing" into each students' brain. If Steve is in the back of the room just thinking about things he wants to do with Jessica, should he be in "trouble?"

I am sure we will get to a point where some places force you to allow the owner of the establishment remote access. (Prisons, Schools)

Man you need to listen to Musk's interview on ROgan. This is right up your alley.
It's already here man.
Anybody think AI has taken a quantum leap in the past 5years and speeding up progress ?

The Human Genome Project (HGP) was one of the great feats of exploration in history. Rather than an outward exploration of the planet or the cosmos, the HGP was an inward voyage of discovery led by an international team of researchers looking to sequence and map all of the genes -- together known as the genome -- of members of our species, Homo sapiens. Beginning on October 1, 1990 and completed in April 2003, the HGP gave us the ability, for the first time, to read nature's complete genetic blueprint for building a human being.
There's artificial intelligence, artificial life and artificial souls. You won't need human beings for anything in the next 30 years or so
Homo Sapien obsolescence. What are we going to school for when we can download what we need to know. What are we working for when ai and robots will work without getting tired like humans.

Westworld, The Matrix, Terminator, Surrogates, Black Mirror. All chapters of the same book.
There's artificial intelligence, artificial life and artificial souls. You won't need human beings for anything in the next 30 years or so

I can dig happy to travel the world and talk **** online while robots wash the dishes.

So what if the government writes in laws that allows for schools to get "remote access viewing" into each students' brain. If Steve is in the back of the room just thinking about things he wants to do with Jessica, should he be in "trouble?"

I am sure we will get to a point where some places force you to allow the owner of the establishment remote access. (Prisons, Schools)

Man you need to listen to Musk's interview on ROgan. This is right up your alley.

now I could see that...trying to catch future school shooters and all. prisoners have no rights, so of course them.

I personally believe sex thoughts would be filtered out of such a system--yay Puritanism for once.

..but let´s assume society decides it wants to catch pedos and implements the unfiltered version from HS on.

okay, so Steve should definitely not get in trouble for thoughts...if speech is protected, thoughts are sacred.
I can dig happy to travel the world and talk **** online while robots wash the dishes.

now I could see that...trying to catch future school shooters and all. prisoners have no rights, so of course them.

I personally believe sex thoughts would be filtered out of such a system--yay Puritanism for once.

..but let´s assume society decides it wants to catch pedos and implements the unfiltered version from HS on.

okay, so Steve should definitely not get in trouble for thoughts...if speech is protected, thoughts are sacred.
We are definitely gonna need an amendment for freedom of thought.
More than 70 test positive for coronavirus after attending "a large gathering"

70% of inmates at California prison found to have coronavirus

Coronavirus: Will over-70s have to stay in lockdown?

New report says coronavirus pandemic could last for two years – and may not subside until 70% of the population has immunity

There goes that number again
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More than 70 test positive for coronavirus after attending "a large gathering"

There goes that number again

I find it questionable that protesters at large gatherings would willingly get test tested. It doesn’t add up. When you THINK about it it actually makes no sense whatsoever. TheQuestion of when and where these people were tested was asked and no clear answer or sufficient details were given.

Heat at 56°C kills the SARS coronavirus at around 10000 units per 15 min

San Antonio COVID-19 death toll stays at 56

Coronavirus: 56 under investigation for trying to flee Hong Kong while under quarantine

Coronavirus in Cook County: Medical examiner confirms 56 more coronavirus deaths

COVID-19 cases in Douglas County increase to 56

Colorado nursing home, senior care center coronavirus deaths hit 431, make up 56% of state’s fatalities

Coronavirus: Leon County sees new death, Liberty prison cases mount with 56 positive inmates

Honestly I believe they jus keep these numbers on reserve or jus throw em out there jus to keep the fear goin.
Obamagate is trending on Twitter right now.
It was. Twitter trying to delete as many #obamagate tweets as they can. They were up to 2.4m last night before I went to bed and now all of a sudden it’s not trending anymore :lol:
As of right now


Obama at #22 with those numbers.
#1 was a youtube star died in a car crash

smart lawyer in fifth U.S. circuit court of appeals . I've already marked it at the point of where she talks about Anthony Weiner's laptop. a bit further into it. it doesn't seem far fetched. her delivery is amazing, better then this sean spicer or Huckabee stumbling over words. consistency and knows her stuff. she mentions the laptop and that cops threw up but maybe that's another reason that a lot of them suicided. maybe not with the whole "Hillary kill count" per say but the notion that you are a police officer whose dedicated your life, signed and pledged an oath to do right and here comes overwhelming evidence of something so terrible and yet they tell you to back off leaving you hopeless. truly sad

sorry if my links aren't from the top of the food chain websites. we all know the head honchos won't dare piss off big brother with such allegations and connections:nerd:
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