Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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coasttocoast a.m.

Sunday November 18, 2012

Charles Halt, former USAF base commander, will share his eyewitness account of the 1980 Rendlesham Forest sightings, and his personal investigation of the alleged UFO landing site. He'll be joined by ufologist Robert Hastings, who'll discuss his research into this phenomenal incident. Hosted by George Knapp.
Supposedly the slight movement you are seeing is not clouds moving in front of the moon but behind it. A hologram moon :nerd:

From my knowledge, the moon is a hollowed out artificial construct deliberately placed there. Supposedly there is no recollection of this moon many years ago. Ijs
^ I have heard and read that on the other side of the moon, there are buildings and other ancient structures.

NASA photoshops alot of pictures of the moon too.
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^ I have heard and read that on the other side of the moon, there are buildings and other ancient structures.
NASA photoshops alot of pictures of the moon too.

Yeah supposedly there are certain members of the government who teleport there from time to time and have subterranean bases on the moon and I have also heard of pyramids on the moon just as they are on earth as markers/landmarks for a certain ET faction.

As far as the photoshopping, I have heard the same and they will never show the pyramids and other things on the moon.
coasttocoast a.m

Monday November 19, 2012

Metaphysician and spiritual psychologist, Doreen Virtue, will discuss the truth about Mermaids and their connection to the star Sirius, as well as her work with the Archangel Michael and the mysteries of the Indigo children.

for those of you who have read the hopi prophecy, how do you feel about the part that basically talks about zombies coming into existence?
i read up to the part where it got repetitive with the part where this faction came and fought with this faction, then this faction came and fought with this faction, etc. i lost interest after that and never read through it again.
wasnt something supposed to happen this month? and then the world would end in december? according to mayan believers?
The world won't end right away if anything does happen. Dec 21 would just be the beginning...

i thought it was supposed to start in november and the world was supposed to cease to exist on december 21? or did they change that?

something about the planets aligning?
Why do dudes still think Mayan's predicted doomsday? The calender never meant the end of the world.

Just fearmongering.

i thought it was supposed to start in november and the world was supposed to cease to exist on december 21? or did they change that?
something about the planets aligning?

The planets do that every year.
coasttocoast a.m.

Wednesday November 21, 2012

In the first half, JFK assassination researcher, Michael Cohen, reveals the role of Madame Nhu and the US' involvement in Vietnam in the plot to assassinate JFK, and why the Warren Commission classified all articles on Madame Nhu as secret. Then, researcher Jim DiEugenio will discuss his decades of work uncovering new information about who was behind the assassination of JFK, including the role of Allen Dulles in the cover-up.
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