Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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aside from chemtrails?
Yesterday morning the sky was loaded with chemtrails. Took a pic and thats only half of what was there

i have some great pics of weird stuff

here are a couple that don't necessarily mesh with our historical timeline

Ta Prohm, Cambodia

These people weren't supposed to know that pineapples existed...

don't tell me it's a pine cone either
So does she at least try to answer the questions posed in the book?
Who are we?
Where did we come from?
What is our purpose on Earth?
Are these questions answered if so can some one say what she said. Or just cliff notes the book in what the alien said about earth?[/quote]

So here's the book in a nutshell:

Humans are basically what an alien refers to as immortal spiritual beings aka IS-BE's. The body is just a house for the soul. The alien encountered in Roswell is an IS-BE as well, but from a different galactic civilization. This civilization has been moinitoring earth for almost all of time to ensure we don't destroy the planet. This civilization is so advanced they've managed to implant IS-BE's into "non-biological" bodies and travel through the universe with out the worries that any type of biological body incur. At the beginning of time all IS-BE's are God essentially, and what ever they believe in the spiritual world crosses over into the physical world as matter aka the universe, hence the constant expanding of the universe. Their beliefs and constant expansion of the universe is a merely a product out of boredom. As the IS-BE's get bored they develop games and what not to divert the boredom, these games get so intricate that people forget they're playing a game. IS-BE's begin to fight over control of the game. Tensions arise and earth becomes a prison. It's chosen because the creators of the game can manipulate the IS-BE's by amnesia and diverting space travel due to the limits of the human body. Supposedly as humans age they start to remember former parts of their IS-BE life but then they die and the process starts all over. The alien that crashed explained all of this to a nurse telepathically. She gives them some advances in technology, but says due to the allegiance of her own military she can't reveal all the technology plus earth doesn't have a lot of the natural resources to show her everything. Eventually, the military authorities of the USA are unhappy with the alien denying their requests to help and she leaves the doll-body she was inhabiting and returns to her IS-BE galactic civilization. The nurse closes the book with a few footnotes and what she thought of the situation.

In conclusion, this a very brief summary and is missing a lot of the facts, character synopsis but it was the best I could do from a mobile.

Hopefully that helps, ill try and answer any other specific questions if there are any.
The Giants Of Ancient America: “8′ Tall With Double Rows Of Teeth”

This is a great find, thanx for sharing. The actual pictures in his presentation are shocking. And hes right, all of this suppression has to end at some point I hope. There are so many people apart of this enlightenment movement, its great to see. Just 5 years ago, no one wanted to discuss these things.

Edit: Is it weird that the double rows of teeth made me think of Coneheads?? I swear they tell us stuff in the movies, we just don't know what it means.
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This is a great find, thanx for sharing. The actual pictures in his presentation are shocking. And hes right, all of this suppression has to end at some point I hope. There are so many people apart of this enlightenment movement, its great to see. Just 5 years ago, no one wanted to discuss these things.
Edit: Is it weird that the double rows of teeth made me think of Coneheads?? I swear they tell us stuff in the movies, we just don't know what it means.

people have been discussing these things for years
just as people have been covering stuff up for years

a lot of people think the concept of ufos started with the sci-fi movie craze of the early 1950's - but they are wrong
green rhino123

Any more pics of out of place artifacts?

Here are 3 of my favorites to read about,

Antikythera Mechanism

The Antikythera Mechanism is believed to be an ancient mechanical calculator (also described as a “mechanical computer”) designed to calculate astronomical positions. It was discovered in the Antikythera wreck off the Greek island of Antikythera, between Kythera and Crete, and has been dated to about 150-100 BC. It is especially notable for being a technological artifact with no known predecessor or successor; other machines using technology of such complexity would not appear until the 18th century. While a century of research is finally answering the question of what the mechanism did, we are actually no nearer to answering the question what it was for.

Piri Reis map





The Museum of Natural History in London displays an early Paleolithic skull, dated at 38,000 years old, and excavated in 1921 in modern Zambia. On the left side of the skull is a perfectly round hole nearly a third of an inch in diameter. Curiously, there are no radial split-lines around the hole or other marks that should have been left by a cold weapon, such as an arrow or spear. Opposite the hole, the cranium is shattered, and reconstruction of the fragments show the skull was blown from the inside out, as from a rifle shot. In fact, any slower a projectile would have produced neither the neat hole nor the shattering effect.

Forensic experts who have examined the skull agree the cranial damage could not have been caused by anything but a high-speed projectile, purposely fired at the prehistoric victim, with intent to kill.

If such a weapon was indeed fired at the man, then one of two conclusions can be made: Either the specimen is not as old as it is claimed to be, and was shot by a European in recent centuries, or the remains are as old as claimed, and the marksman was ancient too. In view of the fact that the Paleolithic skull was excavated from a depth of 60 feet, mostly of lead rock, the second conclusion is more plausible.

But who possessed gunpowder 38,000 years ago? Certainly not Stone Age man himself. Another race must have existed, one far more advanced and civilized, yet contemporary.

The question is, where did that rifle-toting marksman call home?
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coasttocoast a.m.

Tuesday November 27, 2012

First Hour: Author and filmmaker Jay Weidner discusses faked moon landing footage and Stanley Kubrick.

Filling in for George, Rob Simone (email) welcomes author, paranormal investigator, cryptozoologist, and ufologist, David Weatherly, will discuss his 35 years of experience exploring the weird and unexplained, including his fascinating work on the Black Eyed Children phenomenon.
coasttocoast a.m

Wednesday November 28, 2012

Filling in for George, Rob Simone (email) welcomes investigative mythologist William Henry, who'll discuss the political and religious implications of end times prophecies. He suggests that the Ark of the Covenant is one component of a larger supernatural teleportation device that will be deployed at Judgment Day to bring world peace.

First Hour: Mystic healer Sonja Grace talks about past lives & karma, as well as the end of the Mayan calendar.
coasttocoast a.m.

Thursday November 29, 2012

Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe will discuss how global warming and climate change pose a serious threat to national security, the extraordinary near death experience of Dr. Eben Alexander, and an update on the alleged underground 'dark pyramid' in Alaska.

Congressman does a 7 yr bid for bribery and racketeering. Last part of the interview reveals his opinions of the stranglehold Israel has on the USA. All this live on a Fox News interview.
Intelligent Aliens Discovered In Our Solar System ?

Amazingly, according to author Rupert Mathews the answer is yes and there are at least two locations where alien life is still present today. He claims that intelligent aliens reside underneath the surface of both Ganymede and Callisto which are Jupiter’s largest moons.

- Both moons have the same species of aliens living on them

- The aliens generally arrange themselves similar to a hive with one leader being guarded by the rest of the species

- These aliens regularly travel to Earth but they stay hidden underneath the oceans or stay cloaked the majority of the time

Update On Alleged Underground Alaskan “Dark Pyramid.”
i was chillin with some friends on a hot day..outside. and the moon was really big..and red. and as time went on it got bigger. and clearer(because at first it was really fuzzy)

the clearer it got the more it look like jupiter.(had those wavy lies) and i was like oh **** thats not the moon its jupiter. so i tried to take a picture and put in on instagram. but before i could take a picture my friend was like naahhh download this app first. while the app was downloading jupiter went away before i could get a picture. i was IRATE.

i never been as furious as i was in this dream in real life ever..
So Jesse Ventura is the host of that conspiracy theory show. The newest episode talks about a secret underground base in Arkansas. Also some mysterious huge building in Missouri that supposedly to them is an illuminati fortress of some sort. Any body watch the show? They drove down inside this underground base thing and it really looks legit.
i was chillin with some friends on a hot day..outside. and the moon was really big..and red. and as time went on it got bigger. and clearer(because at first it was really fuzzy)

the clearer it got the more it look like jupiter.(had those wavy lies) and i was like oh **** thats not the moon its jupiter. so i tried to take a picture and put in on instagram. but before i could take a picture my friend was like naahhh download this app first. while the app was downloading jupiter went away before i could get a picture. i was IRATE.
i never been as furious as i was in this dream in real life ever..


you aware of jupiter being visible with the full moon past few days?

^I think they are exposing all those underground bases because they realized how silly of an idea it would be to go deeper into the planet if you got volcanoes and earthquakes etc.going on.
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you aware of jupiter being visible with the full moon past few days?
^I think they are exposing all those underground bases because they realized how silly of an idea it would be to go deeper into the planet if you got volcanoes and earthquakes etc.going on.

Interesting thought. And could be a smoke screen for wanting people to go underground when it could be pointless. More the same with shows like doomsday preppers that often advertise people buying and building underground bunkers. I always knew there was a reason why that show existed and I think I found the reason why.

Our full moon with Jupiter and 3 of its 4 Galilean moons in the same view
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