Sons Of Anarchy Season 5 Thread -- Tuesday's @ 10pm on FX -- 12/05/2012 Episode 13 -- “J'ai Obtenu C

Jax gives no dambs anymore 

Cant wait for him to body Clay, might end up offing Gemma while he's at it.
I was thinking of all the crap Jax has running through his mind and how he has to fix hella things...and its one long list!

The Club
Being Pres
Working with Pope and all the other gangs pushing more weight
Brothel Business
Tara and his sons
Mayor of Charming
Frankie Diamonds
The Rat (Juice)

There's probably more that I am forgetting. But it's pretty easy to see why Jax is in full out no damns given mode right now.

I'm also curious to see more of the Mayor of Charming and how that part of the story is going to work. They introduced it early, and have not touched it since.
the body count on this show is just getting ridiculous.
I'm actually not liking this season because of this.
We were averaging 2+ deaths a show up until last night.
It's just all too much. Never any small resolutions to anything. Seems like every week everything just piles on top of everything else.
Just my $0.02.
I still watch it religiously and love the show, just not a fan of this season so far..

I'm actually not liking this season because of this.
We were averaging 2+ deaths a show up until last night.
It's just all too much. Never any small resolutions to anything. Seems like every week everything just piles on top of everything else.
Just my $0.02.
I still watch it religiously and love the show, just not a fan of this season so far..

I've caught up with season 5 in the last couple of days and I actually like it. A lot more action packed than the previous boring seasons. Season 1 was what got me into it, declined in S2, S3 had me sleeping through it then 4 got slightly better. I can't wait to see how this turns out.
I don't know about you guys, but I LOVE THIS SEASON.

It's been entertaining as hell, and thats all i care about. Pure golden entertainment. Lovin Jax right now, cold hearted mind-set.
He has to take care of a lot of things, no room for sympathy right now.

Loving the last few eps
Sucks that there's only 3 episodes left. This season is like 11 episodes instead of the 13/14 norm:smh:
One of the all time best scenes is Jax breaking out Cherry and going to check Unser's office and seeing her moaning in there alone. Then all of a sudden, Hale pops up and she goes "my turn" :lol:
I laugh when I see people talk about how good Katey Sagal looks for her age.

She looks like an old *** man
9:40am @sutterink: this week on SOA, rats revealed,**** blows up, and otto brings creepy to a whole new level. plus there's lot's ot sex.
Episode 9 -- 11/6/2012 -- Andare Pescare...which is Italian for "To Go Fishing"

i think

Clay has to die a real slow death.... But as much of a snake he is he's a great character on this show. I keep thinking the show is gonna fall off w/o him.
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