Source: Patriots taped Rams before the Super Bowl

UGA did the same thing before they played VT last year in the Orange Bowl.

Tape all you want, it doesnt mean you can outplay the other team, the players still have to execute.
This is disgusting. Not one sport these days are clean.

IMO, every sport should start all over again. Start from scratch. Have new rule sets put in, and written punishments for actions that are foul. There reallyisnt anything that anybody will do now since this happened damn year 7 years ago. Only real thing anybody (including the commish) can do is have a written outstatement, saying what the consequences are for such actions.
Originally Posted by VARISOXFAN

UGA did the same thing before they played VT last year in the Orange Bowl.

Tape all you want, it doesnt mean you can outplay the other team, the players still have to execute.

Bro don't act like KNOWING what plays the other team is gunna run doesn't help you at all.

I see all of the regular Haters have chimed in
Wonder if we'll ever find out the whole truth...

but if it is true then it's kind of like Bonds and his homerun record.
Originally Posted by AM 1 FIEND

I see all of the regular Haters have chimed in

not yet.. The patriots are a bunch of cheaters and I hope they get blown out..
Originally Posted by srvballer

Wonder if we'll ever find out the whole truth...

but if it is true then it's kind of like Bonds and his homerun record.

probably not.... the guy that claims he has evidence will need to prove that he was told to make the tape. if the tapes don;t show any signs of ownership bythe patriots or he has no rcording of say belichick giving the order to make the recordings, he probably doesn;t have much to work with. he's asking amajor network to pay his legal fees should he come out with his story but a network such as ESPN will have to know for sure that he has enuff evidence beforethey would agree to support him.

now if say something similar happens like what happened in baseball, like say not only the pats but other teams are also accused for taping and it turns outto be very widespread (i would believe it is), then i would imagaine things would blow up. just like in baseball, before it was just mcgwire, sosa and bonds,and now it's everyone.....
I have a feeling this isn't going to drag out like the Bonds/Vick/Clemens situations that y'all were comparing this to.

After the Superbowl, it'll probably be investigated thoroughly and the NFL and Goodell wouldn't want this crap hanging over possibly the wholeoffseason so I'm sure whatever the truth'll come out. Then I'll bring this thread back and see who has to eat crow or not (hey, could evenbe me).

Basically, it bothers me that it seems every great professional sports accomplishment has to be brought down by the media and government Its sad when you cant excell without people calling you a cheater.

although you are right and the salty fans of the teams who don't even sniff the playoffs (some of you 49'er fans yapping in here are making me
...even if the Pats do get implicated, what does that have to do with YOUR first round pick that WE mad?
) always will hate on the eliteand who win championships...i can't apply that to this situation

it's not as if its an allegation that came out of nowhere and could be written off as bogus right the saying goes, where there's smokethere's fire...the Pats got caught cheating and while you'd be an IDIOT (and this thread is full of them) to think they're the only NFL team doingit...they got caught, they had to pay the consequences and if evidence were to come out they cheated in past SB's, I wouldn't be able to root for thisparticular squad at all. I'm glad for the championships, the historic accomplishments they've done but this'll wipe everything out and I'mconfident it won't turn into a Clemens/Bonds situation, although I'm sure a lot of you are ready to convict these dudes. Let it play out...there'scertainly more to come out of this from BOTH sides.

BTW to the Pats fans on this board...if you still defend these guys if the allegations are correct than shame on y'all
smh.gif could you feel proud of ateam that achieved its glory through that? I'm a loyal fan and I'll always have love for the Pats but that'll disgust me beyond words...

With the amount of attention this has now been getting, this is only going to fuel this team even more. But even if they do blow out the Giants tomorrow,we'd still have people saying they cheated in this game gotta love sports fan(atic)s.
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Originally Posted by VARISOXFAN

UGA did the same thing before they played VT last year in the Orange Bowl.

Tape all you want, it doesnt mean you can outplay the other team, the players still have to execute.

Bro don't act like KNOWING what plays the other team is gunna run doesn't help you at all.
so now they KNOW what play is being called before its even called? Really? fact is, you still have to have the players execute to be able to get to 4super bowls in 7 years.
This is from that Hawaii golf pro who was the former Patriots video assistant. He signed a contract with a confidentiality agreement in it, so if he talks anyfurther the Pats will sue his @+$. And plus, no hard evidence of this even exists anymore. So nothing will come of this.
Originally Posted by Skew it on the Bar B

This is from that Hawaii golf pro who was the former Patriots video assistant. He signed a contract with a confidentiality agreement in it, so if he talks any further the Pats will sue his @+$. And plus, no hard evidence of this even exists anymore. So nothing will come of this.

yup. unless he can prove that he was told to tape the rams, he has nothing. now if other accusations surface inv0lving other teams, and this becomes aleague wide issue, then somehting like the steroid crackdown with MLB will happen and then more investigation will happen.
and regards to that congressmanfrom PA that brought all this up again right before the Superbowl, as it turns out, he's an Eagles fan..... here we have a disgruntled former employee that was fired by the Pats and a salty Eagles fan bringing all this spygate up again. obviously there'san agenda. you wonder, why bring this up now. why not bring it up earlier or later? they're after attention and money....
I find it hilarious that Pats fans (for the most part) here on NT are so "whatever" about this... everyone else is just a hater right? Except if theshoe was on the other foot and they were watching somebody elses team have all this stuff happen, they'd be right in line with the rest of us... Yet...we're just "hating"? Sure.. everyone else is wrong, you guys are all right
Originally Posted by VARISOXFAN

Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Originally Posted by VARISOXFAN

UGA did the same thing before they played VT last year in the Orange Bowl.

Tape all you want, it doesnt mean you can outplay the other team, the players still have to execute.

Bro don't act like KNOWING what plays the other team is gunna run doesn't help you at all.
so now they KNOW what play is being called before its even called? Really? fact is, you still have to have the players execute to be able to get to 4 super bowls in 7 years.
Have you ever played organized football? Ever?
You're a damn fool if you think this didn't effect the game at all
Originally Posted by Slow Motion G35

The big question I got is, anybody got tapes of this bombshell?

Roger Goodell kept...ahem....destroyed them.....
Originally Posted by PAsSback

The One Clothing,

so basically your just as ignorant as Gordon

Who are you calling ignorant when you're telling everyone who has valid points about the Patriots organization pushing the boundaries of acceptableethical behavior to shut up? Who are you calling ignorant when you can't even differentiate between something as simple as your and you're? Sayingsomething to the effect of "let's ignore this just because" doesn't work at all, so at least provide a counter argument to some of the pointsraised before sounding like an even bigger tool.

Everybody should read that.

Some of you need to give it a rest. Throwing around "salty" and "hater" in every sentence whenever this gets brought up makes you look likea child. I'm sorry, but if the Patriots taped the Rams walkthrough, they deserve a very harsh penalty. The game taping was already the harshest penaltyever handed out; and that wasn't that big of a deal. If they were taping back in 2002, I'm sure theydidn't stop and then in 2006 say, "hey, let's start taping again." They may have built their entire dynasty by major cheating.

If it comes out that more teams have done similar things, the NFL is in major trouble. Goodell is an %%@#+#%.

Goodell went on to say several times that attempting to steal sideline signals during games is common in football and, although not encouraged, is viewed as an occupational hazard in the sport. Goodell also asserted the Patriots' questionable activities did not alter the outcome of any game.

Goodell's remarks were puzzling in several respects. First, if the Patriots were guilty only of occasional sideline taping, this would seem to merit a letter of reprimand. So why were the Patriots hit with the harshest fine in NFL history? When the scandal first broke, Goodell used extremely strong language about New England's sins. Now, he was implying the whole thing was no big deal.
I think we will see a far more adverse reaction to this (if true) than steroids in baseball.
Good read Joka....

Think Congress has no business investigating sports? Most NFL teams play in publicly subsidized stadiums, and NFL games are aired over public airwaves controlled by federal licenses. The licenses, among other things, prohibit any pre-arrangement or artifice in what is presented as live competition. If a Super Bowl were affected by cheating, that would be a legitimate matter of concern to Congress. Plus, the recent lesson learned via baseball and steroids was that Major League Baseball did not clean up its own house until Congress put some pressure on.


Also Saturday, Mike Fish reported on ESPN that St. Louis' walk-through was devoted to red zone plays -- all new plays and new formations the Rams had not shown during the season. Going into that Super Bowl, the Rams' "Greatest Show on Turf" was the league's highest-scoring team. In that game, St. Louis was held to a field goal in the first half. The Rams kept getting bogged down, as if New England knew what plays were coming. If the Patriots secretly taped the Rams' walk-through, then stopped the red zone plays the Rams showed in that walk-through, then won that Super Bowl by three points, then logic says New England materially benefited from cheating in the Super Bowl. If true, this would be the worst sports scandal since the Black Sox.

Here's another unanswered question. If the materials the Patriots turned over and the league destroyed really were just six sideline videos and some notes, that's pretty innocuous. So why didn't the NFL reveal what was destroyed? If the materials really were minor stuff, why the months of "No comment"?
Patriots released a statement saying any suggestion of this "spygate 2" stuff is "absolutely false". I know thats not good enough forpeople to believe....but unlike spygate 1, they're openly denying these allegations. As far as a source, I say it on a sports ticker while watching theBruins game last night at a bar. So I am waiting for ESPN or the Globe or something to come out with it.
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