(Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

NgntntntntnttnrntnNtnntntntntntntntntnn tbt

I think this season will end with the PW and Cersei accusing Tyrion of the murder then Sansa escaping to find out shes meeting Littlefinger. They can easily push back the intro of the Martells to next season. They haven't done anything significant up till that point.
I was hoping they'd give Selmy the chance to kill the Titan's Bastard but I guess not :smh:

I knew that was not going to happen as soon as Selmy was revealed so soon. Icing on the cake was when the Titan's Bastard's head was rollin' on the ground.

You guys think they're going to keep Strong Belwas off the show? Would suck if they did. He's that dude.
I was hoping they'd give Selmy the chance to kill the Titan's Bastard but I guess not :smh:

I knew that was not going to happen as soon as Selmy was revealed so soon. Icing on the cake was when the Titan's Bastard's head was rollin' on the ground.

You guys think they're going to keep Strong Belwas off the show? Would suck if they did. He's that dude.

I figure they would when I didn't see him with Selmy
NgntntntntnttnrntnNtnntntntntntntntntnn tbt

I think this season will end with the PW and Cersei accusing Tyrion of the murder then Sansa escaping to find out shes meeting Littlefinger. They can easily push back the intro of the Martells to next season. They haven't done anything significant up till that point.


I don't think they'll do Joff's wedding this season. I think that may be where they open next season. Same with Cat's scene. For everyone, I'd guess it ends with:

Jon showing up at the Wall
Dany dismissing Jorah
Stannis getting ready to execute Davos but Davos reading the letter from the Wall
Joffrey declaring the war over and Tywin hating him because he didn't do a damn thing
Jaime finally getting back to KL

I can't think of anyone else :lol:

IMO, Joff's wedding and death is way too much to cram into the 10th ep plus closing out the story for everyone else. I'm hoping they don't do it backwards and have the Martells show up after Joff dies.
^ Yeah that's way too much shenanigans to cram into the final two episodes.

I'm looking forward to the season finale just to see what they use as the cliffhanger for season 4.

All the most likely ones like Joffrey's death and the Lady Stoneheart intro seem too soon for this season.

But Jamie is already on his way back to King's Landing and by the time he gets there Joffrey's already dead. The royal wedding is something they've talked about this entire season. I personally think there's a high chance that's how it ends. But we're DEFINITELY not seeing LS this season.

Only few things that I can remember that happens between RW and PW is Bran meets Sam and Ygritte dies and Dany defeats Mereen (sp?). I need to go back and see.
yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda

Well... one thing to consider about Storm of Swords:

All the thing that happen in the book arent necessarily happening in chronological order.  some times things happened concurrently and sometimes they happened before.  it's not like because one chapter comes after the other they have to show it in that order on the show.
don't know where to stop :lol:

i hope the RW is like in the books
a GREAT hall... that pic with the 3... that room looks small as hell |I
i hope they show the 3 tents, arya walking around there seeing all of it with -holy crap forgot his name :smh: the dog....
I broke down and rebought the paperbacks. even though I have the ebooks and the audio book (who had a great narrator if uve never listened to it)

Good job show.
NgntntntntnttnrntnNtnntntntntntntntntnn tbt

I think this season will end with the PW and Cersei accusing Tyrion of the murder then Sansa escaping to find out shes meeting Littlefinger. They can easily push back the intro of the Martells to next season. They haven't done anything significant up till that point.

I think I've said this in here multiple times

-Pw for sure next year. Gotta milk the joff hate as long as possible
- bran & jojen meet Sam & gillie and the intro to cold hands ends the season
- other possibility is stone heart getting raised
- ygritte death next year, Jon will prob kill Orel soon

My only question... I coulda swore I saw theons sister in previews before the season. If she doesn't show up I guess balon gj death will be next year
She was definitely in the original trailer for season 3, I completely forgot about that.

Legendairy Stinson - You may be right. There are a couple characters where I have no clue where they'll end this season on.
Heres the thing though........what are they going to possibly do for Theons sister now>???

i feel like she wasnt that importatnt til after the whole stannis marching thing anyway...

I say we end with LS that would be a good place.. doesnt have to show her at all for like the first 3 eps next season
and Joff death probably wont be til like ep 9 next season also.. like someone said gotta milk the hate.



The fact that they're showing live what is seen of Theon's torture in flashbacks, makes me think that they may throw his sister's storyline in early as well.  Since they made it the Ironborn turning him over to Ramsay, maybe have her arrive and see what's being done to him pre-Reek transformation as opposed to her getting there after.

Theon's story needs some sort of humanization this season other wise it's just weird and disconnected to the non-book readers.

Just listen to/read any of the episode by episode recaps from people that havent read the books.  They're all like "I don't know what's going on in the Theon story, I'm confused, they didn't explain the end of the Sack of Winterfell, his capture, or who this dude is.  Anddddd, I don't care.  I have no interest in watching this story."  That is literally every recappers reaction. 

They have to give some sort of explanation or attempt at connecting it to everything else.  Otherwise it was just gratuitous pointless torture porn.
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Well she does have the Kingsmoot, that was a pretty big deal declaring the new King.

Like I argued before, if you show LS now, you don't give RW and her death enough time to sink in. I feel like you're robbing something on the show. You need to show the grief of the remaining Stark kids and how the RW affects the realm first IMO. IDK if you get all of that in 45 mins. I feel like you let that moment sink in for the whole year and introduce her next season. I'd personally save it for the season 4 finale. Joff's death will probably happen early, no? Or at least in the middle. Tyrion's trial and then his escape are all after. Plus, Sansa leaving with Littlefinger and going to the Vale. Then Littlefinger killing Lysa. That's a lot to cover and that's only two characters.
It is a lot of stuff to cover in just two episodes left.


They've been building to this Royal Wedding all season.  it's literally the only thing that's been mentioned in EVERY episode besides the fact that winter is coming.

So for the sake of good writing, show running, and pay off (which the GoT writers have been on top of so far) you HAVE to show the Royal Wedding.  Otherwise it was foolish to make such a huge deal of it this year then let it sit in silence for a year just to be like "oh yeah that thing from last season" next year.  the PW will lose a lot of momentum if the RW goes down and we don't get to see that in the finale.  Particularly because everyone will see Joffrey's death coming and there won't be the big payoff of "holy **** everyone is dying" whenever they try to do these piddly little upper-class weddings.

Remember 10 weeks ago when everyone in here argued that there was NO WAY they'd show the Red Wedding this season?

season 4s ep 9 will probably be twins death and end with tywins funeral
saw this and figured I would bring it into this thread...

Not a widely accepted theory by any means, but one I’ve seen multiple times, is the idea that Daario is a Faceless Man, and possibly Jaqen. In the books he has a hooked nose, curly hair, and a gold tooth — same as Jaqen’s second face and the Alchemist who arrives in Oldtown (when Daario is away from Dany on a diplomatic mission).

Now, in the show, Jaqen’s second face looked completely different, and so does Daario. Not the same, obviously, but they both have reddish hair and broad faces.

But what stood out to me was Daario’s use of the phrase Valar Morghulis while holding a Braavosi coin (same thing we last saw Jaqen doing in S2), and then later referring to Missandei as “lovely girl,” which is the same thing Jaqen always called Arya.
That theory does sound like a reach. I'm sure the organization would just use 2 people instead of making them travel back and forth from the Free Cities to the Citadel.
That theory does sound like a reach. I'm sure the organization would just use 2 people instead of making them travel back and forth from the Free Cities to the Citadel.

I agree. I did find it interesting though they ditched his crazy appearance. A popular theory is that Daario is Euron Greyjoy but I don't buy that B.S. either.

I'm now more interested in how they handle coldhands. The I always thought he was Benjen until ADWD and now I think he might be someone from the age of hero's or maybe he's actually the Bloodraven just Warging around into that body.
Messageboards are just throwing out names Jaqen could be and hoping it's right. It could be like the Skrull invasion in Marvel and a number of important characters have been replaced by Faceless Men.
It is a lot of stuff to cover in just two episodes left.


They've been building to this Royal Wedding all season.  it's literally the only thing that's been mentioned in EVERY episode besides the fact that winter is coming.

So for the sake of good writing, show running, and pay off (which the GoT writers have been on top of so far) you HAVE to show the Royal Wedding.  Otherwise it was foolish to make such a huge deal of it this year then let it sit in silence for a year just to be like "oh yeah that thing from last season" next year.  the PW will lose a lot of momentum if the RW goes down and we don't get to see that in the finale.  Particularly because everyone will see Joffrey's death coming and there won't be the big payoff of "holy **** everyone is dying" whenever they try to do these piddly little upper-class weddings.

Remember 10 weeks ago when everyone in here argued that there was NO WAY they'd show the Red Wedding this season?

I agree with this here.

They've been building up the Royal Wedding all season. I think that'll be the ep 10 and a great way to end the season. Especially with Stannis throwing the leeches into the fire this past episode (I missed that on my first read). Red Wedding, casually mention Balon Greyjoy dying between ep 9 and 10 (this doesn't need much screen time), and then Joffrey's wedding. That would be an epic ending for this season.

Next season can introduce the Martell's because they're not really important until Tyrion's trial. There is still a lot that happens. Arya heading over the Narrow Seas, Euron coming back, Jon on the Wall, Bran and the Reeds, Dany and Mereen, Arianne's plot with Myrcella, etc.
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