(Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

That theory does sound like a reach. I'm sure the organization would just use 2 people instead of making them travel back and forth from the Free Cities to the Citadel.
I agree. I did find it interesting though they ditched his crazy appearance. A popular theory is that Daario is Euron Greyjoy but I don't buy that B.S. either.

I'm now more interested in how they handle coldhands. The I always thought he was Benjen until ADWD and now I think he might be someone from the age of hero's or maybe he's actually the Bloodraven just Warging around into that body.
i still think/hope it's benjen
About to start book 4!

Didn't expect Littlefinger to be behind poisoning Jon Arryn and placing the blame on Cersei. He pretty much single handedly started the whole Stark and Lannister fued.
It is a lot of stuff to cover in just two episodes left.


They've been building to this Royal Wedding all season.  it's literally the only thing that's been mentioned in EVERY episode besides the fact that winter is coming.

So for the sake of good writing, show running, and pay off (which the GoT writers have been on top of so far) you HAVE to show the Royal Wedding.  Otherwise it was foolish to make such a huge deal of it this year then let it sit in silence for a year just to be like "oh yeah that thing from last season" next year.  the PW will lose a lot of momentum if the RW goes down and we don't get to see that in the finale.  Particularly because everyone will see Joffrey's death coming and there won't be the big payoff of "holy **** everyone is dying" whenever they try to do these piddly little upper-class weddings.

Remember 10 weeks ago when everyone in here argued that there was NO WAY they'd show the Red Wedding this season?

I agree with this here.

They've been building up the Royal Wedding all season. I think that'll be the ep 10 and a great way to end the season. Especially with Stannis throwing the leeches into the fire this past episode (I missed that on my first read). Red Wedding, casually mention Balon Greyjoy dying between ep 9 and 10 (this doesn't need much screen time), and then Joffrey's wedding. That would be an epic ending for this season.

Next season can introduce the Martell's because they're not really important until Tyrion's trial. There is still a lot that happens. Arya heading over the Narrow Seas, Euron coming back, Jon on the Wall, Bran and the Reeds, Dany and Mereen, Arianne's plot with Myrcella, etc.

You guys convinced me :lol:
just saw this gif online.

pretty much sums up my feelings after finishing ASOS :lol:


no episode tonight hurts :frown:
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we just need a book all about roberts rebellion. will have the story of
ned sister or brother
would be awesome
It seems like animal cruelty is a taboo for HBO. They can have Joffrey kill Ros with his beloved cross bow but he cannot kill rabbits. The unsullied can kill a baby but not a puppy.

I still hope they show the wolf's head on robb's body, that was the most memorable image from ASOS for me and for many readers.
Weird that it's an issue for hbo. They show a bunch of weird stuff on their shows.
Someone with a fairly consistent track record on IMDB posted the ending of episode 9

I'm going to spoiler it up in case you don't want the TV show spoiled but this is VERY close to what we've read.

Rob Stark has just been shot with arrows (and his pregnant wife has been stabed multiple times in the stomach - DEAD). As Rob lays dying, Cat pleads for mercy from the King (the dude whose daughter Rob was supposed to marry)that he let Rob walk away. Cat holds the King's wife hostage with a knife to her throat, promising to kill her. The King says he'll get another wife, and Rob is stabbed and gutted. Cat is in grief stricken shock. The final shot starts wide as we see a frozen and greiving Cat cut the throat of the king's wife, and then slowly zoom into her face...just as someone comes behind her and cuts her throat. Cut to black.

To be clear...

Rob is shot with arrows during the ambush. After Cat's pleading, and the King's refusal... (I'm brutal with names) The guy who helped Jamie Lanister a few episodes back walks up to Rob and says "The Lanisters send their regards", and stabs him in the stomach with a downward motion. Rob falls to the floor dead.

After Rob is killed, it cuts to a shot of Cat screaming in grief. It cuts to a wider shot of Cat holding the knife to Frey’s wife’s throat. Cat’s face is a frozen emotionless mask of pain. As we slowly zoom in tighter, she casually cuts her throat and drops the knife. Cat is emotionless as the camera closes tighter. One of the guards come behind her, and without any edits, cuts Cat’s throat. She falls out of frame as we hold on the flickering candle in the background for a few seconds. Cut to black, with dead silence over the end credits.

If this is how it goes down I'm very happy with it. Many people are/will be pissed Cat doesn't claw her face to shreds but there's no need to have that as part of her Lady Stoneheart character on TV. This also puts to bed that Talisa was a spy and kills everything that has to do with the Westerlings. I'm fine with that as well.
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So I'm guessing that means Jeyne's storyline in the book might not be going anywhere either? Seeing as they killed off the wife :smh:
I'm assuming they will just drop that whole plotline since Jeyne Poole doesn't even exist in the show
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Someone with a fairly consistent track record on IMDB posted the ending of episode 9

I'm going to spoiler it up in case you don't want the TV show spoiled but this is VERY close to what we've read.

If this is how it goes down I'm very happy with it. Many people are/will be pissed Cat doesn't claw her face to shreds but there's no need to have that as part of her Lady Stoneheart character on TV. This also puts to bed that Talisa was a spy and kills everything that has to do with the Westerlings. I'm fine with that as well.
There's a chance that the guy from IMDB hasn't read the book and is only making this up because in the book, the wife is still alive. 
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