(Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

v akdf;alskmv;lams'lbma'lmv

Just wondering, did the idea of Iron Bank of Braavos come into play before Stannis got to the wall? As far as I can remember, I started reading about it when Stannis was already marching to Winterfell. :rolleyes

Yea, they got mentioned a few times. Ned talks about Littlefinger borrowing a ton from them because of Robert. I think when Tyrion first gets to KL, the representative arrives and he has Littlefinger deal with him. I think when Cersei is having people bring her the heads of any dwarf they see, Tycho shows up and she tells him they're not paying.

Oh I'm sorry, I meant to say that in relation to Stannis, the Iron Bank of Braavos thing came into play when he was already in the North right?

Oh yea, my bad :lol: they go to the Wall first IIRC and Stannis was already on the way to Winterfell. I think he pays to free Asha in his search for Stannis.
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Book Jaime is not a rapist. It was really sad to see it presented this way on TV. Alex Graves the director of the said it may have started as rape but eventually became consensual. However, that's not how it came across in the show.

Yeah it really came of like the entire thing was a rape, I was just expecting it to transition to consensual normal sex but they just went on to next scene before it ever came off that way.
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I think you guys are jumping the gun about that scene ruining Jaime's storyline

I'm sure next week they'll have some type of conversation about how she wanted it or Tyrion will drop the bomb that she didn't want to because she had been sleeping with other dudes. I mean they already pretty much spelled out that she had an abortion

Chill out guys :lol: trust the producers
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Anyone else just kind of snooze off when there's a scene that's not in the books? Only memorable scenes that weren't in the books was when Tywin was in Harrenhall as opposed to Roose Bolton. The "rape" scene this past week was a perfect example of why they shouldn't stray too far off the source material.

Anyone else just kind of snooze off when there's a scene that's not in the books? Only memorable scenes that weren't in the books was when Tywin was in Harrenhall as opposed to Roose Bolton. The "rape" scene this past week was a perfect example of why they shouldn't stray too far off the source material.

Same with me, if I recognize a scene from the book, I try to pay full attention to all the details but if it's not, I kinda drift throught it. :lol: Those Sam/Gilly scenes :smh:
I was disappointed to see how crappy Mole Town looked. The choice in women there looked really bad too. I guess something is better than nothing for the lonely night's watch guys.
Lady Olena and Tywin scenes have been A+ in other scenes though nothing excites me. not even the jamie and broonn.
i think they could make that relationship a lot better or expand it.
There's some interesting discussion in the TV show thread that makes me :rolleyes and :lol: since people have wither just skimmed over the story notes or haven't read the books.

You got dudes damning Jaime and being totally cool with Tywinn? Ok. :lol:

The reason why ASOIAF is compelling from a character perspective is Georges ability to make your root for people you necessarily shouldn't root for because of all of their human complexities. Trying to have a holier than thou attitude about characters in this series is a complete joke.

Let's break it down. I could list everyone but I'm going to try to stick to the main people.

Ned- Habitual liar or adulterer (take your pick)
Cat/Lady StoneHeart- false accuser of Tyrion, generally ****** parent to Jon, later on becomes a revenge murderer
Robb- Oathbreaker
Jon- Oathbreaker
Bran- Wargs into summer killing people in an attempt to protect Jon, Wargs into Hodor even though it's "unnatural"
Rickon- Clean (For now...)
Arya- Revenge murderer, murderer for her own reasons (Dareon), sociopathic tendencies
Sansa- Liar, Told Cersei about Ned's plan and got him killed, possible future murderer
Edmure- ******* idiot, general screw-up
Blackfish- Clean but could be seen as an oathbreaker (refusal of marriage when he was younger)
The Hound- Muderer, thief, drunkard
The Mountain- Murderer, child murderer, thief, rapist
Viserys- Overall a-hole, possible sexual abuser of Dany, Physical abuser of Dany, thief, liar
Daenerys- Murderer, later her political ineptness leads to the deaths of others
Cersei- Murderer, incestuous, adulterer, liar, thief, generally ****** human being
Jaime- Murderer, attempted child murderer, incestuous, liar, oathbreaker
Tyrion- Drunkard, *****-monger, kinslayer (Tywin), liar
Tywin- Oathbreaker, mass murderer, generally dastardly schemer
Joffery- Murderer, general A-hole
Tommen- Clean
Stannis- Murderer, kinslayer, adulterer
Davos- Smuggler, aids in the murder of Ser Cortnay, attempts murder on Melisandre
Melisandre- Murderer, user of black magic, deceiver, harlot
Littlefinger- The most dangerous man in Westeros, Liar, deceiver, murderer, schemer
Varys- Liar, deceiver, murderer, schemer
Ygritte- Murderer
Tormund- Murderer, professed to have had sex with a bear :lol:
Samwell- Liar (lies to the men in the nights watch to get Jon elected), Oathbreaker (when he bangs Gilly)
Barristan- Deceiver, murderer
Jorah- Deceiver, thief, slaver, liar, kidnapper
Jaquen- Murderer, liar, deceiver
Bronn- Murderer, *****-monger, liar
Shae- Liar, *****
Podrick- Clean???
Theon- Murderer, Oathbreaker, *****-mongerer, liar
Margaery- Liar, adulterer, schemer, deceiver
Brienne- Murderer on the show - Clean for now in the books
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There's some interesting discussion in the TV show thread that makes me :rolleyes and :lol: since people have wither just skimmed over the story notes or haven't read the books.

You got dudes damning Jaime and being totally cool with Tywinn? Ok. :lol:

The reason why ASOIAF is compelling from a character perspective is Georges ability to make your root for people you necessarily shouldn't root for because of all of their human complexities. Trying to have a holier than thou attitude about characters in this series is a complete joke.

Let's break it down. I could list everyone but I'm going to try to stick to the main people.


People in TV thread just HATE Jaime so much for pushing Bran out the window, yet every character has some bad crap they have done. Rickon literally was only one I could think of as innocent, then again he is 3 in the books.
The Sam and Gilly scenes were ******* stupid.

"Oh you might get raped here on the Wall, so I'm gonna take you to live in a brothel" :lol:
There's some interesting discussion in the TV show thread that makes me :rolleyes and :lol: since people have wither just skimmed over the story notes or haven't read the books.

You got d and being totally cool with Tywinn? Ok. :lol:

The reason why ASOIAF is compelling from a character perspective is Georges ability to make your root for people you necessarily shouldn't root for because of all of their human complexities. Trying to have a holier than thou attitude about characters in this series is a complete joke.

Let's break it down. I could list everyone but I'm going to try to stick to the main people.

good list, (although We can argue why a lot of them did what they did and it be somewhat justified and the fact they're in war.)

Brienne has killed in the book. but remember her first kill wasn't until those 3 dudes when she was with Pod (iirc)
I don't think anyone can be considered "clean" or "innocent" in the world that has been shown. Everyone has dirt and a few skeletons in their closet. I think it's another tool that Martin has used to separate his work from the LOTRs and other high fantasy guff
Some of the tv viewers going harder at jaime than how hard he went at cersei.

Who would you guys want in your Kingsguard / council / crew? I'd surround myself with Davos, Podrick, and Brienne. Tyrion i'd definitely want on my council. It'd be good to have Bronn watching your back if you have the money.
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Some of the tv viewers going harder at jaime than how hard he went at cersei.

Who would you guys want in your Kingsguard / council / crew? I'd surround myself with Davos, Podrick, and Brienne. Tyrion i'd definitely want on my council. It'd be good to have Bronn watching your back if you have the money.

How many people are we talking?
Are we talking all time or current (book 5)? Aerys pretty much had the GOAT Kingsguard so I would keep that relatively the same and maybe throw Duncan the Tall in there too. For my hand, I would probably grab Aemon Targaeryan over from Castle Black.
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Has anyone read Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Frantz? I wanna buy it but the book is expensive. I see the 4th edition for $14 but I want to know if there's a big difference from that and the original/2nd edition which is $89+ 

From the official HBO synopsis: “Dany balances justice and mercy. Jaime tasks Brienne with his honor. Jon secures volunteers while Bran, Jojen, Meera, and Hodor stumble on shelter.”

Judging from the :30 mark, could Bran's shelter be Coldhands?
that dude they just showed is the same other that was leading the white walkers against the nightswatch at the end of season 2
Nah he doesn't have a beard.

I think that is definitely Coldhands! No idea why they're bringing him in so early, probably because Bran's storyline would be boring as hell if they didn't
Nah he doesn't have a beard.

I think that is definitely Coldhands! No idea why they're bringing him in so early, probably because Bran's storyline would be boring as hell if they didn't

In the books don't they meet cold hands when Sam opens the black gate for them.

Sam comes up and tells Bran and friends that he said Sam wasn't the one but the one would be up there. I was expecting to see him last season.
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