(Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

I feel like in the show. they may hang on to the jon snow and ygrette thing for awhile.

Sort of felt they were foreshadowing it with the whole "don't ever betray me" bit.
Same way when they had that pointless scene with Shae and Tyrion, and she gets randomly upset that Tyrion mentioned Sansa as pretty.

On another note, I'm wondering if they orginal intended the Tyrion telling Sansa/Shae about the marriage to end like that. Or if a certain actress couldn't do the scene right. lol I know it won't be til next season, but I can't wait for her death, she is so annoying.
The Mad King lusted after Tywin's wife for a long time. Before Tyrion too.

Curious to where this Gendry storyline is going.
Curious to where this Gendry storyline is going.
Gendry absorbing the role of Edric Storm it seems. No clue what route they will go with him, if Davos will end up saving him, or if he somehow ends up back with Brotherhood(doubtful now I think).

I'm also curious to how/if they are gonna do this scene with arya since they already had her have Jaqen kill the tickler

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Seeing as he's the one who ends up saving Brienne later on, I hope they do bring him back to the Brotherhood. Doesn't Beric knight him?

That's a good catch, maybe they'll just have her kill Polliver.
Seeing as he's the one who ends up saving Brienne later on, I hope they do bring him back to the Brotherhood. Doesn't Beric knight him?

That's a good catch, maybe they'll just have her kill Polliver.
Yeah Beric Knighted him, but in books Beric never sold him out like that.

I was thinking Polliver, I guess they can probably just place him there in place and she does the stabbing without all the quoting. Ilyn Payne is another option if they aren't gonna have her screaming quotes, since along with cercei and Joffrey, thats the other name we hear her say most often.
I feel like in the show. they may hang on to the jon snow and ygrette thing for awhile.

Sort of felt they were foreshadowing it with the whole "don't ever betray me" bit.
Same way when they had that pointless scene with Shae and Tyrion, and she gets randomly upset that Tyrion mentioned Sansa as pretty.

On another note, I'm wondering if they orginal intended the Tyrion telling Sansa/Shae about the marriage to end like that. Or if a certain actress couldn't do the scene right. lol I know it won't be til next season, but I can't wait for her death, she is so annoying.
Damn, a bunch of you hate Shae :lol:. I don't think about her that much to hate how she acts, I don't really notice how bad she is anyway. It would be a lot better if she was naked every episode but there's lots of other nice things to see in the show.
I don't think shae is bad at all. I just feel like the book had her out to be prettier then the charachter acting her. it was always said she had an accent and that doesn't bother me at all
I don't think they want the TV audience to think Arya is a psychopath. I'm assuming she will just murk Polliver after killing the kid who's with them. The Hound will fight some random scrub soldiers and get screwed up based off of sheer numbers.

I'm pretty sure it will be a smoother kill then her stabbing the tickler in the back 20 times. I always appreciated that she was a sloppy diamond in the rough when she got to Braavos and is slowing training herself to become a legitimate assassin but I don't know how much of that we're going to get on TV :frown:

It's a damn shame because while Jaime is my favorite character, Arya's storyline is my favorite.
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My guess is that Cold Hands was a Stark from the past which could mean that he was an ancient King in The North; a Stark Bastard, who became a ranger or Lord Commander or perhaps it is Brandon the Builder himself.

The fact that Bran meets an Other that is helpful to him and a band of humans north of the Wall, looks like a prelude to us, the readers, being shown a degree of nuance and complexity among the Wights and that they are not just a horde of malevolent zombies.

BTW, the writers of the show are disrespecting Lord Bolton, they have stolen two of his lines and given them to other characters. Tywin said the line about "m'lord" to Arya when it was Roose in book 5 saying that to Reek. Lady Olenna mentioned how figures help her to avoid constipation and that seems like it was taken from Roose in ASoS when he said that prunes are good for digestion.

Also, seeing as how the TV show version of Lady Olenna is very much like Eleanor of Aquitane from "A Lion in Winter," I hope that when in Brienne and Jaime meet Lord Bolton for dinner at Harrenhall, he will give us elements of the classic Bela Lagusi version of Dracula. I know that the beauty of the ASoIaF is that we do not have caricatures but TV and movies almost demand that characters at least partially look the part.

In AsoS, when Jaime and Brienne walk up to him at the Great Hall of Harrenhall, it is in a haunted and dimly lit castle, Roose is extra pale from being leeched and he is enjoying a blood roast. I hope he says something like Dracula like "I do not drink... wine" (proceeds to sip some hypocris).

You're going a little too deep fam... Lol

But I do expect to see Roose getting leached on the show very soon... Just to set up the leech scene for melisandre which should come before episode 9.

I also think that cold hands is an old stark, but not benjen. That just seems too convenient and predictable. Never thought about bran the builder... That would make sense

On another note... I didn't expect the unsullied to be brolic because no balls= no testosterone. That's always been lurking in my mind though.

Wasn't Roose Bolton fat in the book?

BTW, I expected the Unsullied to be bigger too. Slightly smaller than Strong Belwas, who I'm mad they will leave off the show...:smh:
I don't think they ever mentioned him being fat or even overweight at all.

Yeah Bolton was never described as being overweight. Maybe you're thinking about Thoros?

Will be interesting to see if they do the leeching with Roose. I don't think they've made him as evil on TV as he's portrayed to be in the books.
I don't think they've made him as evil on TV as he's portrayed to be in the books.

Generally speaking, I think the show has done a bad job with Roose so far. While Arya's interaction with Tywin was cool, the TV viewer doesn't get the sense that Roose is a ****. They're going to have to expedite that.
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with the way they're portraying roose, i think the show is really setting up one of the biggest WTF moments with the red wedding.

there are context clues and a little foreshadowing, but i don't think anyone will really see it coming come episode 9
The unsullied were supposed to be bigger. Iirc it said the unsullied get their units chopped off so one of the only things they can enjoy is food. So that is the only thing they indulge in
quote name="Pdino" url="/t/333173/spoilers-asoiaf-books-discussion-all-books-read-edition-spoilers/150#post_17846562"]The unsullied were supposed to be bigger. Iirc it said the unsullied get their units chopped off so one of the only things they can enjoy is food. So that is the only thing they indulge in

but as someone said how muscley can u get with no testosterone production. it will only do them but so good to eat and train if they don't have that building up in then
which one was a lannister wife that ran her husband. I got my story lones confused. I guess that's ehen Jaime went to go take over river run?
I don't think they ever mentioned him being fat or even overweight at all.

Yeah Bolton was never described as being overweight. Maybe you're thinking about Thoros?

Will be interesting to see if they do the leeching with Roose. I don't think they've made him as evil on TV as he's portrayed to be in the books.

Yea I was definitely mistaken. Had to look up his appearance and this is what I found...

Roose is patient with a cold cunning, possessing a skill for strategy and a calculating nature. His body is "soft hairless".[3] He is of average size and is "not handsome but not quite plain", with his only noticeable feature being his eerie eyes, which are as pale and strange as two white moons, to Jaime they are paler than stone, darker than milk. [4][5] His skin is pasty white, most likely due to the leechings.[2] See also this collection of images. His voice is spider soft.

A collared and chained Theon Greyjoy in his persona of Reek contemplated Roose Bolton:

"His face was clean shaved, smooth skinned, ordinary, not handsome but not quite plain . Though Roose had been in battles, he bore no scars. Though well past forty, he was as yet unwrinkled, with scarce a line to tell of the passage of time. His lips were so thin that when he pressed them together they seem to vanish altogether.

There was an agelessness to about him, a stillness; on Roose Bolton’s face, rage and joy looked much the same. All he and Ramsay had in common were their eyes. His eyes are ice. Reek wondered if he ever cried. If so, do the tears feel cold upon his cheeks?

Once, a boy called Theon Greyjoy had enjoyed tweaking Bolton as they sat at council with Robb Stark, mocking his soft voice and making japes about leeches. He must have been mad. This is no man to jape with. You had only to look at Bolton to know that he had more cruelty in his pinky toe than all the Freys combined
I was reading about House Frey.... SO MANY OF THEM.

Anyone else notice that House Frey is ran like the family in that Kirk Douglas/Michael J Fox movie Greedy?
That was a good movie. The ending was the best part. Like... :wow: :lol:
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