(Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

I think the best opinion Ned had was being Joffery's hand. I would have taken that seat for a hot second until I could find a better path
We simply cannot speculate about Pod or Gendry or Brienne or The Hound. The East Riverlands are like the West Baltimore of Westeros. It's a jungle out there, anything can happen. We just have to wait until TWOW to learn what happened with all them.

Well at least we know for sure that Gendry is alive and well :lol:

Uhhhh what about the official religion change to follow R'hllor. That's a big difference.

I have a feeling that the only way that would happen is if Stannis wins the throne. I personally don't think he ever will.

anyway after he finished reading the chapters, he opened the floor to some discussion about the plot of asoiaf, and some amazing genius girl said: you know my friends and i were debating this pretty heavily in the lobby just today, brienne screams “one word” as she is being hung by lady stoneheart’s men in a feast for crows - what was the word?
george turned the question on the audience and asked if anyone had figured it out - we shouted all kinds of dumb stuff, “jaime”, “sapphires”, etc. but some other genius in the second row said “sword”!
george confirmed that the word brienne screamed was “sword”; lady stoneheart gave brienne the choice of either swearing her sword to her or being hung, saying “sword or noose”, and as brienne was being hung she screamed “sword”
the questions moved on for some time, but then a girl asked “well what about podrick payne? he was getting hung with brienne!” and george confirmed that brienne had made the decision to swear her sword to stoneheart in order to save the innocent podrick payne from the noose
never said he'd be an entertainig king just the true King. there would literally be no difference between him and stannis to be absolutley honest
How is Ned the true King? You mean when he walked into the throne room after Jaime slayed Aerys or when Renley tried to make a deal with him? Someone being true king or ruler refers to lineage most of the time.
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The only other option for Ned would be for him to rule as regent, he would have never become a king. He wouldn't have been king during the rebellion either because everyone was fighting in the name of Robert, who actually had some kind of claim to the throne because he has a some targ blood in him.

As for Brans story, I'm really hoping something cool happens like him warging into a ******g dragon during the final battle :lol:
I think the decision for Robert to become king happened after the war ended.

None of the three wanted it, but it was decided that Robert was best fit since his grandmother was Targaryean, and he killed Rheagar.

Stannis will always be the bad luck loser.
War of Five Kings: Only one of those 5 "Kings" still alive.
Boss mode even with all the bad luck.
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Stannis never gets any love. I wouldn't care if I was him, I got Melisandre :smokin.
I think the decision for Robert to become king happened after the war ended.

None of the three wanted it, but it was decided that Robert was best fit since his grandmother was Targaryean, and he killed Rheagar.

Stannis will always be the bad luck loser.
War of Five Kings: Only one of those 5 "Kings" still alive.
Boss mode even with all the bad luck.

Nah they rallied behind him as the leader (king to be) when the rebellion started. Why it's called Robert's Rebellion :lol:

When Jaime killed Aerys, there was a Lord there who asked him if the two of them should proclaim a new king. Assuming he was askin gJaime to either name Tywin, Robert or someone else.
Good stuff on that Brienne info Pro.

Going through this thread makes me want to read all the books again, because some of things discussed in here are a blur to me.

Cool article. Also awesome snippet from the language creators's blog.

That said, it was very important to me that q be different. In fact, when I talked about creating Valyrian with Dan and Dave, I asked them two—and only two—questions: (1) Just how different did they want Kraznys’s dialogue to be from High Valyrian, and (2) how did they pronounce valonqar: valon-K-ar or valon-KW-ar? The answer was vitally important and would have far-reaching consequences for the phonology of High Valyrian and its descendants. Frankly, I was delighted to hear they were going with valon-K-ar.

That means Cersi's prophecies will be in the show :pimp:
i'm hoping that Grey Wind has his shine in ep 9
i want beast to have piles of bodies around him when they finally take him down
Yeah, the winter will need to be bad for them to travel further south. In the War for the Dawn, the Others were able to travel south into Westeros and were trying to destroy everything. If the Wall comes down, they'll ravage the North and make their way down.

Thanks for that explanation.
I saw this on another forum. I think it actually would be a GREAT TV twist.

I think the characters of Jeyne and Jeyne’s mom have been combined. Talisa is feeding information to Tywin. She will be the one to slit Cat’s throat. And then she will be hanged by Lady Stoneheart. Calling it now
I think they are removing that part of Jeyne's arc. And probably why they made her a different character from Essos, it makes no sense for her character to be helping anyone else in Westeros(unless her backstory is a lie).

Wasn't her mother or another relative giving her anti-pregnancy herbs or something in books? It seems like she actually might be pregnant here. I think they are gonna have her escape and have a baby, leaving the option for a TV original side-plot in later years.

Then again, it may be more likely she ends up dying in up coming episodes as well, and the baby is just to make it more traumatic.
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How would the books be just reading a single characters chapters?

I'm thinking about doing, I'm thinking you could do Bran, Jon Snow, or Daenerys stories simply reading their chapters from all books, without reading anything else, as their stories overall are pretty independent.

idk, anyone know anyone who has ever tried it?
why would u want to?

I mean I can understand skipping a few.

u can try though. just with jon melisandre has some parts that include jon.

same with barristan and danny
I guess your right. Forgot those two become PoV in later books.

I haven't read any of the books, but already know pretty much everything that happens.
I've just been too lazy to pick em up and start reading them, and thought maybe I could do it that way as a possible way to do it.
taking space so it doesn't show up on the preview.

but damn, 3 weeks until the RW. i already know what goes down but actually seeing it is gonna bring back them feels :frown:

i too hope grey wind gets his shine on and drops mad freys and boltons before he meets his demise :frown:

i wonder what they're going to do with the blackfish, though. in the books he doesn't go to the RW. do you think he will take the place of the greatjon and just be held captive?
taking space so it doesn't show up on the preview.

but damn, 3 weeks until the RW. i already know what goes down but actually seeing it is gonna bring back them feels :frown:

i too hope grey wind gets his shine on and drops mad freys and boltons before he meets his demise :frown:

i wonder what they're going to do with the blackfish, though. in the books he doesn't go to the RW. do you think he will take the place of the greatjon and just be held captive?

From what I've heard, that will all go down in episode 9. I'm assuming episode 10 will have all the aftermath of that, and probably the Wall will be main focus in finale.

I'm guessing Rob will have Blackfish stay back with Talisa away from the wedding. Then again they made her pregnant, they may have done that just so they could kill her and make RW more traumatic(if that's possible).
taking space so it doesn't show up on the preview.

but damn, 3 weeks until the RW. i already know what goes down but actually seeing it is gonna bring back them feels :frown:

i too hope grey wind gets his shine on and drops mad freys and boltons before he meets his demise :frown:

i wonder what they're going to do with the blackfish, though. in the books he doesn't go to the RW. do you think he will take the place of the greatjon and just be held captive?

From what I've heard, that will all go down in episode 9. I'm assuming episode 10 will have all the aftermath of that, and probably the Wall will be main focus in finale.

I'm guessing Rob will have Blackfish stay back with Talisa away from the wedding. Then again they made her pregnant, they may have done that just so they could kill her and make RW more traumatic(if that's possible).

I'd buy that but we have this screenshot:


filler for the NT preview....

She's there at the RW
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Oh, never noticed that scene, guess its the latter than. RIP to that sweet ***.
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