(Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

2nd time watching last weeks ep. I feel like they may keep ygritte alive longer

do u think the show is setting it up so Shae has been the snitch on sansa the whole time
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I hate that most of this will appear on the last comment thing on the main page (that's why I wrote this little sentence)

Is Pod still alive?
No one really knows except GRRM. it was sort of left on a cliffhanger.
I think he was cut down before he choked to death. I'm more interested to find out what Brienne said to LS to stop the execution.
I think he was cut down before he choked to death. I'm more interested to find out what Brienne said to LS to stop the execution.

filling space ..

I thought Brienne was dead. and basically walking corpse. thats the impression i got from all of this.
Well, if the three hookers on the show are to be believed, Pod is most definitely hung. Pod the Bod, bringing the Payne.
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looking at this recent episode..........how melisandre is so impressed with lord berics resurrection

that might be an indicator that's what she's going to attempt on jon snow
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I don't understand how I can finish all the books within the last year and don't remember a damn thing you guys are talking about. :smh:
^I'm in a similar boat. I was so eager to get to the next BIG development/death/betrayal, that I speed read many parts and thus didn't fully absorb it. On the ASOIAF subreddit, I constantly have the Weebey Gif face.
^I'm in a similar boat. I was so eager to get to the next BIG development/death/betrayal, that I speed read many parts and thus didn't fully absorb it. On the ASOIAF subreddit, I constantly have the Weebey Gif face.

:lol: i was pretty much like this. there are days at work where i just go through the wiki and find something new i missed
We simply cannot speculate about Pod or Gendry or Brienne or The Hound. The East Riverlands are like the West Baltimore of Westeros. It's a jungle out there, anything can happen. We just have to wait until TWOW to learn what happened with all them.
am I the only one hoping...

Bran does what he does and just reincarnates into Ned stark. who shouldve always been the true king.

brans story has sucked since 1 imo.
no good tie ins....no good action
I literally stomached through it to see if summer would do some wild stuff like find people to eat up.. like when it was insuiated. he found aryas dog
Ned would've been a bad king. A boring one as well.

Bran's future seems like it will suck. He can view stuff that happened in the past but can't change it. Plus it'll look like he'll turn into a tree or something.
Not like he was a bad king's hand and basically was doing the king's job since Robert rather drink a bang all day.

Bad in comparison to who? lol
Mad King?
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Ned and politics don't mesh well. He hated doing all of that stuff. Things in the North are simpler, way too much bs going on at King's Landing. Renley offered him the best solution and he chose the crappy option like a doof. Starks are dummies when it comes to making important decisions. Ned, Catelyn, Robb, Jon, Lyanna.

Tommen is that dude.
never said he'd be an entertainig king just the true King. there would literally be no difference between him and stannis to be absolutley honest
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