Sports vs. Music in School

Mar 29, 2008
If you had to choose between a school district either cutting there sports program or their music program which would you choose and why?


music. I honestly hate band, even though my school has an "amazing music program". My band teacher treats band like freaking military and has us go through entire pieces when the dismissal bell for the day has already rung.

People kept asking me to do football, but I'll probably try out rugby next year.
i'll always support music programs....but sports helps motivate more of the underachieving students to do well in school. At my old hs, it was a 2.0 gpa to play sports, i really hope they could bring that up to maybe a 2.5 or 3.0. A lot of the players on these sports teams wouldn't even care for school if it weren't for sports
i played music all through high school and loved being in the band...but with that said cut it.

Sports can give a school its identity and the students a reason to get together.
Music probably. I love the arts, I love music, (it's like 75% of my free time). But sports does a lot health wise. Studies how that students by engaging in physical activity regularly have higher focus when doing assignments right after exercise. Not to mention the obvious physical health effects.
Sports. I can't get drafted to Def Jam or get a scholarship to Shady/Aftermath
This is hard cuz Ive always been in band but the majority of people do sports.. idk
Sports, and I was never in anything related to music at school. Played basketball, but I think music is far more important than sports.
I'd go crazy if music suddenly stopped but I'll be fine without watching sports. Might cancel cable since there would be nothing to watch though
I never really appreciated the arts in school. Music class did nothing for me, and art class damn near prevented me from graduating. As a football player for my 4 years of high school, music can get the cut
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