sprint is getting the iphone 5

NT'ers on here who rave and love Sprint because of their data plans.
Can't wait to see how you guys react and post on here when Sprint gets the Iphone which will lead to them being eventually being forced to dropping the unlimited data plans and going to tier based data plans like all of the rest of the other cell phone providers.

If you don't believe this will happen you guys are fools and haven't done the research on this happening.
Originally Posted by BossPlaya0625

^^^ not mad at all. Ill be copping first day
Same here.

Only one Sprint in town and it's a college town. Though.
Originally Posted by MR J 858

NT'ers on here who rave and love Sprint because of their data plans.
Can't wait to see how you guys react and post on here when Sprint gets the Iphone which will lead to them being eventually being forced to dropping the unlimited data plans and going to tier based data plans like all of the rest of the other cell phone providers.

If you don't believe this will happen you guys are fools and haven't done the research on this happening.


Originally Posted by MR J 858

NT'ers on here who rave and love Sprint because of their data plans.
Can't wait to see how you guys react and post on here when Sprint gets the Iphone which will lead to them being eventually being forced to dropping the unlimited data plans and going to tier based data plans like all of the rest of the other cell phone providers.

If you don't believe this will happen you guys are fools and haven't done the research on this happening.
Bruh, a lot of us is gonna be grandfathered in with our current plans. Probably have to pay a 4G $10 a month add-on but, meh.
^That. I'm on verizon and have a grandfathered unlimited plan on my iphone right now. But trust, new customers post-iphone won't have that unlimited data option. I'll give it until march before sprint cracks down.
Originally Posted by MR J 858

NT'ers on here who rave and love Sprint because of their data plans.
Can't wait to see how you guys react and post on here when Sprint gets the Iphone which will lead to them being eventually being forced to dropping the unlimited data plans and going to tier based data plans like all of the rest of the other cell phone providers.

If you don't believe this will happen you guys are fools and haven't done the research on this happening.
Thank god I was able to grandfather in my unlimited plan with AT&T.
LOL @ VZW users hating on Sprint. How are those tiered plans and trash lineup of phones?
I Know people who know people at Sprint. The unlimited data plan is going NOWHERE!!! It's the only card they have, they're gonna ride it till the wheels fall off, or they go out of business, whatever one comes first. It's their only chance of gaining market share.
Sprint sucks

This may be true, but I have used sprint for the longest and I couldnt be happier. I have tether my phone for as long as I can remember and I have never had a problem. Now with 4g, I drop my ISP and I have been playing xbox tether from my phone without a problem and it has been free all this time.
well, looks like I wont be getting the iphone5 then. sucks, cause I've had every iphone since the 3g. even though that's only 3 of em.
everyone and their brother will have it.
Originally Posted by AnotherBoringUsername

well, looks like I wont be getting the iphone5 then. sucks, cause I've had every iphone since the 3g. even though that's only 3 of em.
everyone and their brother will have it.
Take that nonsense to the JB forum.
Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Originally Posted by AnotherBoringUsername

well, looks like I wont be getting the iphone5 then. sucks, cause I've had every iphone since the 3g. even though that's only 3 of em.
everyone and their brother will have it.
Take that nonsense to the JB forum.
You must be with sprint.
Originally Posted by AnotherBoringUsername

Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Originally Posted by AnotherBoringUsername

well, looks like I wont be getting the iphone5 then. sucks, cause I've had every iphone since the 3g. even though that's only 3 of em.
everyone and their brother will have it.
Take that nonsense to the JB forum.
You must be with sprint.
That wasn't the point.

Everyone and they mama been had the iPhone. Now that their grandmas and great grandmas getting the 5, you jumping ship?

JB Forum is that-a way.
Originally Posted by AnotherBoringUsername

well, looks like I wont be getting the iphone5 then. sucks, cause I've had every iphone since the 3g. even though that's only 3 of em.
everyone and their brother will have it.

So you like the phone but won't get it cause of it's popularity?
Originally Posted by 504 D1 Prospect

Originally Posted by AnotherBoringUsername

well, looks like I wont be getting the iphone5 then. sucks, cause I've had every iphone since the 3g. even though that's only 3 of em.
everyone and their brother will have it.

So you like the phone but won't get it cause of it's popularity?

Not to hate on people but how many of you actually use that much data in a month? Everytime I find myself using wifi 95% of the time and using 3G for maps, mail, safari and maybe Netflix/Hulu if I'm waiting for someone. I also have unlimited data but I can see myself going for a cheaper data package since I don't even use 1 GB a month. I feel having unlimited data is more for bragging rights imo.
Originally Posted by BOSS TYCOON 408

Not to hate on people but how many of you actually use that much data in a month? Everytime I find myself using wifi 95% of the time and using 3G for maps, mail, safari and maybe Netflix/Hulu if I'm waiting for someone. I also have unlimited data but I can see myself going for a cheaper data package since I don't even use 1 GB a month. I feel having unlimited data is more for bragging rights imo.

I do ..
I travel often and I always take my laptop (always tether).

I also take my laptop to work to surf the web. Pages that I can't access at work because of their firewalls.

The speed is always good and never slows down and it's free.

Lastly, I have been playing online via (xboxlive) using my 4g - it works great and its free.
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